Ep 12: Voice Records

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"Kara, I know you can see me. I'm coming in. Okay"

Alex opened the door to her sister's apartment and found her as a lump on the couch. Alex smiled and slowly walked towards her sister.

"I'm going to cook, okay?"Alex said as she walked to the kitchen and found someone already there, "Hey" Alex's words were stuck in her throat.

"Hey" a small woman smiling at her showing her dimples and absent-mindedly tilted her head, "I'm sorry I have a business to attend to with Kara but it seems like she's upset and she pretends to be a lump so I cooked"

"What business?"Alex couldn't move to where she was standing but the smell of food keeps her going to the one speaking, "That smells good"

"Yeah? Come on, try it before we serve it to Princess Lumpy out there"

"I heard that, Maggie Sawyer!"Kara shouted and the two just laughed. Alex tasted the soup Maggie made and made a thumbs up.

"Well, it tastes good, too. Where did you learn this?"

Maggie just smiled and motioned Alex to help her prepare the food and proceed to Kara.

"Hey, Princess Lumpy. Get up" Maggie nudged Kara and Alex was amazed at how Maggie could easily order her sister without having to say anything.

"I want potstickers"Kara complained looking at the food she was served, she opened the bowl and found homemade potstickers, "Wow. You're the best!"Kara hugged Maggie, Alex felt invisible so she cleared her throat and ate some of the food Maggie has prepared.

They were eating between laughs and silence not thinking about what Kara made so upset and what Maggie's doing in her apartment and how strange Alex feels knowing that her sister and ex-fiancé get along so well.

"These are the best potstickers I've eaten, Maggie. Can you do more of these?"Kara asked swallowing the last piece of it, "Please?"

"Yes if I have time but for now, let's get back to business," Maggie said, she looked at Alex who was looking intently at her and was waiting for what she's about to say.

"About the paintings at the gallery"Maggie started, biting the inside of her cheek and stealing glances from Alex, "Well, we, I mean the artists decided to show it as a form of Hologram so people could only see but not take or somehow snatch them and sell them somewhere else"

"Well, that's new. I thought they wanted to be seen so why are they hiding?"Alex asked nonchalantly trying to finish her already empty plate, pretending to find something, "I mean that was their work. They should be proud of their works"

"They are," Maggie said, "Because it shows what they truly want in life. The happiness that they find with their work and the subject itself. And they don't want others to steal it from them because their works are as important as their subjects. And they don't want to lose their subjects the same way they lost it so they tried to find a way to keep them....forever" Maggie continued only looking at Alex who was looking at her, too. Pain and longing both written in Maggie's face but Alex's shows regret and hope about something that only she knows.

The room was silent for a moment until Kara burped and excused herself.

"Ooops, so who developed the technology?"Kara asked, breaking the tension between her sister and the detective.

"Lena," the two said in unison. Kara's face became droopy and sad.

"Kara, what happened?"Alex asked her sister and Maggie felt the need to leave the two.

"So, I have to go. You two talk. That's all I know, Kara but one thing the hologram did was helped the artists. I'll see you two around" Maggie stood up and upon reaching the door, Alex opened it and smiled at her.

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