Ep 9: Danvers Sisters

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Kara was sleeping peacefully when her alarm rings. It was 7:00 in the morning and she doesn't have the energy to wake up and go to work.

With her super-strength, she knocked off her alarm clock and the alarm went off.

"Okay, Kara Danvers, that was the 10th alarm clock that I gave you," her sister picked up the broken pieces of it, shaking her head, "Seriously?"

She was awakened with the sound of her sister scolding her for breaking, yet again the alarm clock her sister gave her.

"Good morning to you, too, Alex" Kara yawned at her sister, "I don't want to go to work today. Tell them, I'm sick"

"Na-uh. You don't tell your sister that. Come on, get up. We have somewhere else to go. And if you are not up after 5 minutes, I'll leave you here alone and I'll have a good time with myself"

"What? Where are we going?"

"You'll see. Now up"


"Wow, this is ice cream! And it's vegan. Alex, how do you eat this one?"

"You just eat it like the normal ice cream. Come on, Kara it's the only place I know that sells this early"Alex said looking at her sister, urging her to eat the one she's holding, "Plus, it's near the gallery so"

"We're going to the gallery?" the younger Danvers asked, "what are we doing there?"Kara continued, finally eating her vegan ice cream.

"Let's just sit for a while, okay? The show will be at 10:00. It's just quarter to nine" Alex gestured to the bench near the ice cream store whilst Kara followed still confused about what this day could bring her and her sister.

"Alex, I can't read your mind. Will you please tell me what's going on?"Kara urged her sister.

"I...I have a friend," Alex started, Kara nods her head and motioned for Alex to continue, "No. I don't know. I can't...I can't do this"

"Alex, relax. It's me. You can tell me everything. What is it?"

Alex pulled out a piece of paper from her pocket and gave it to Kara. It was an address to the gallery and the number of artwork that's supposed to be a clue on what they're about to see.

"Where did this come from?"

"I just found it in one of my things. I was getting my clothes from the DEO locker and that paper fell so I took it and it said that"

"Who could it be? What if it was a trap?"Kara was trying to know who could the letter be from and what does he or she needs from it."Have you called back up?"

Knowing Kara, she will protect her sister at all cost and vice versa.

"No need. I'm with you and if something happens, we can call the police"

Kara opened her mouth to say something but just popped the 'oh' looking at Alex.

"Plus, I'm the badass Director Danvers. I'll punch them in the face right there and then"Alex playfully flexed her muscles earning a laugh and a hug from her sister.

"That's my sister. It's nearly 10, let's go?"

They stood up from the bench and few steps away, a guy was running towards them and calling their attention.

"Alex Danvers?" the guy knew her name, the two was getting ready if something happens but the guy just pulled a take out box in front of them, "A gift, from buying buy 1 take 1 vegan ice cream. Enjoy the tiramisu"

"Thanks," Alex said and took the small box, "Thank you for this"

"Yeah, and oh, you're tall just like what Maggie said. See you again" the guy bowed his head and ran towards his store.

The two was left not knowing what to say.

"Wow," Kara said and took the box, with her x-ray vision, she saw that the tiramisu was quite like in a heart shape with Alex written on top of it, "I guess it was just for you. Did he say, Maggie?"

"No. I didn't hear that. Come on, we're gonna be late"


"Welcome to this once in a lifetime gallery meeting here in National City. Artists are not just about the drawings and the paintings, they represent life and life is art itself"

"These artists have taken their time into showing what's really important to them it also showcases what they truly desire in their lives. May it be someone, something, a place or just the happiness of sharing their works to you, people of National City"

"Without further ado, I welcome you all to the eyes of National City's artists. Enjoy the show"

The Danvers Sisters was so overwhelmed at the crowd and Kara's jaw was literally hanging, amazed by her surroundings.

"Kara, I think you should close your mouth"Alex nudged her sister and smiled by people she sees walking around them. It's like they were staring at her and was very amazed at the sight of her.

"Alex, why didn't you tell me we were going here. Look at their dresses, I should have worn mine. We looked like we just woke up in our pajamas" Kara pout at her sister who just shrugged her shoulders and followed her sister.

They were roaming around the gallery waiting for something to happen. Being alert if some alien tries to show up.

"Alex, come on. That piece of art must be something. Look at them go"Kara excitedly pulled her sister towards the crowd gathering around a piece of art.

As they walk towards them, the crowd seemed to have given space to both of them. They looked at each other asking what was going on but neither had an answer.

They heard the crowd murmur and smiling widely at her.

"Nice to see the woman in that extraordinary piece of art. Hi, Alex" a guy said and everyone seemed to follow the motion. She just smiled at them and was offered handshakes that she took and Kara became her bouncer.

"Kara, I don't even know what they're talking about" she whispered to her sister and Kara seems to find a way to look for an answer.

Kara sneak out of the crowd without anyone notice and changed into her Supergirl suit.

"Look, it's Supergirl!" and everyone changed their perspective towards Supergirl. She winked at Alex and entertained the people around her, asking about their works of art.

Alex was nervous, she doesn't know what to say and what to feel. There's something about that piece that makes her stomach churn. Slowly, she followed the way leading to two paintings.

"It's me, Kara it's me. I am in two paintings. The first was a silhouette of two people and a child between walking towards the sunshine. Oh, I'm sorry I think it's sunrise or sunset. I don't know, it's....it's so beautiful" she whispered through the comms but she knew her sister had allowed her super hearing.

"It's really beautiful" Kara was swiftly on her side admiring the paintings," and the other one really looks like you. Look at that"

It was a painting of Alex happy, smiling looking at someone whoever took a photo of her of someone who has memorized her face bit by bit.

"Alex, someone's coming our way. I hear it. No, it's two. One from the right and one from the left. Be alert"

Kara scanned the gallery and she saw a girl turned her back and walked away. She was about to run when she hit someone.

"Oh my god, are you okay?"

"Kelly?"Alex looked surprised and smiled at Kelly.

"What are you doing here? It's nice to see you" Alex asked and hugged Kelly. Kara fixed her glasses and walked away silently. Sad about her half-day spent with her sister.

"A friend invited me. I didn't know you're here"

"Yeah, yeah. Kara and I---where's Kara?"

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