Ep 4: Rage

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"Come on, Maggie. Pick up" Lena was pacing back and forth feeling nervous that her friend wasn't picking up her calls.

She said she would just go to a bar and meet some old friends and Lena knew who she was talking about. Maggie knew Lena would be safe in her own office hideout so she bid her farewell and went to the alien bar.

Lena was furious, she's in pain, in a rage with Supergirl and her very best friend, Kara Danvers.

"I gotta track her down"

It was 5 missed calls and being the genius that she is, she found a way to track Maggie's phone.

"DEO? Why is she at the DEO?"

She was looking at the location when suddenly her phone rang. It was from Maggie. No, it was a trap. She didn't answer it. She was getting geared up to go to the DEO herself when her phone rings again.

She answered the call but she's not talking.

Lena, it's me, Kara.

Lena was getting ready to turn it off but a part of her wanted to listen to her friend's voice. She was biting her lip, looking up, trying to fight the tears that are welling up in her eyes.

I know you don't want to hear me or anything about me but Maggie is here and she's hurt. It was an alien attack at the bar, so if you wanna see her, you know where to find her.

Lena abruptly ended the call and called for her people.


"Hey, hey what are you doing here? Who are these people?"Winn asked confusion written on his face as 5 men in black armor were headed to the medical bay where Maggie is resting.

"Miss Luthor's orders," said the first guy, "Bring Maggie Sawyer to her now"

"No. You are not doing that"Alex protested out of nowhere, ready to pounce any of the men. Kara, Alex, and Winn were blocking the door through Maggie's.

"And why not?" a furious Lena came out with full gear on, ready to fight a battle to get her friend," She's my friend, she is not your property"a looked at Alex who suddenly felt a stab in her heart.

"Lena, she's hurt and she needs medical attention. Let her stay here" Kara answered while walking towards Lena, as hurt as she was, Lena walked backward that made Kara stopped in her tracks, "Please, she's our friend, too. And we care about her"

"Like you care about me and you kept a secret from me"Lena spat, fighting back tears but she's determined to get her only friend at the moment. The one who saw her through hurt and pain.

"It was different. It was complicated, Lena. Just please, listen to me" Kara pleaded but Lena's mind was racing and she couldn't take it anymore she ordered her team to get Maggie Sawyer.

Everyone was fighting for Maggie and Winn just kicked 2 men out of the way.


"Alex!" Alex was sucker-punched by the other guy and she fell to the floor. Kara couldn't take it anymore so she used her strength and shout.

"STOP!! STOP IT!!" she said not wanting to hurt Lena or anyone of them. She went to Alex and told her that they need to turn over Maggie.

"No, Kara. Maggie stays here" Alex protested and looked at Winn who was holding something like a chip and Lena was nowhere to be found.

"Alex, listen to me. Lena needs her. She'll be fine"

"But, I need her, too. I mean we, we need her"the sisters stood up and walked towards Maggie.

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