Ep 19: The Reality Of It All

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Lena woke up feeling so lightheaded. She must've drunk too much last night. She stood still and found herself in a familiar place, not her room or any other rooms she owned. She stood up and saw two people on the floor snuggled up to each other.

She smelled coffee and followed the scent to the kitchen.

"Lena, you're awake. Hi"Kara greeted her friend while pouring coffee and offering it to her.

"Yeah, so what happened last night? My head's pounding I can't process anything"Lena's both hands were holding down her head at the table, "This is your place, right?"

"Yeah. Glad you remembered it. Are Alex and Maggie awake?"

Kara sat opposite Lena, studying her while sipping coffee. They were both in silence and was just staring at each other.

"Take the aspirin. I'll cook breakfast"


Alex woke up happy, in a headache but happy. She stared at the woman sleeping beside her and started tracing her face. Alex knew what happened last night was not part of making it up to Maggie and being back together again.

She can't stop herself from kissing Maggie's forehead. Maggie started to stir and Alex was just staring at her.

"Morning, Danvers"

"Hey" was all Alex could say and without another word, she kissed Maggie. It felt like home, a sweet coming home.

They were both just holding each other's faces and smiled after what just happened.

"Coffee?"Maggie asked and stood up, offering her hands to Alex who happily took it.

"Yes. Let's go before Kara drinks all the coffee"


"So, where were you four last night, huh?"Winn was pacing around Alex, Maggie, Kara, and Lena. He was mildly interrogating them. Asking questions about their event last night.

"You do realize that I've been calling you and no one even answered their phones. I was worried about all of you"

"We were----"Alex tried to say but he was cut off by Winn.

"Sshhh. I'm talking. Did you even think about me not having enough sleep because I was trying to find you?"

"Winn, We----"

"No. You don't understand. I was worried about you all" Winn hugged every single one of them and Lena was the first to laugh.

"Thank you, Winn. We just had a good night last night. Drinking, talking, healing wounds, getting back together?"

Everyone even the agents looked at Alex and Maggie who were holding hands like it was their thing now.

"Oh, I...I..."Alex couldn't form her words that earned a chuckle from Kara and the 'I can't believe it' look from Alex.

"Okay, Agents"J'onn arrived and Winn suddenly succumbed to being the good boy again, not the interrogative one, "Agent Schott, any updates?"

"Oh, yes. Mrs. Luthor is in prison, courtesy of our Detective Maggie Sawyer," he said pointing at her, "No offense, Lena. And L corps lab exploded just like what I've said what would happen and now the remains of Lena's work was *woosh* gone"

"Okay, we have Lena. She knows how to deactivate the game which Lilian improved to cause harm here in National City"

"And you have me too. Winn Schott always on the go. So what's the plan?"

Lena talked to Winn and asked J'onn for some of the equipment and technology they need to deactivate the chip. Lena must have been too forward on telling everyone of healing wounds because she has not healed any wound Kara has done to her.

"Alex, I need to go. I'm needed at NCPD. Help me move my things tonight?"

"Yeah. Sure. I'll see you"Alex gave a quick peck on Maggie's cheeks which the latter one showed dimples for and waved goodbye to Alex.

"So" Kara was starting to tease Alex but Alex held up her hand to stop her but they just both laughed at the gesture, "Okay. I'll keep it to myself for now. But you have to tell me. Deal?"

"Deal" they looked at Winn and Lena so busy with their own thing, "Have you talk to Lena?"

"Nope. Not yet, maybe after all these. We'll see what happens because the reality of it all is that she made the game and I don't even know why"

"I guess you two should talk. I mean, really talk"

"Yes, I'll do that. So, about Maggie"

"Stop it, Kara. Not now" was all Alex said and laughs softly at her actions. She was feeling so elated, surprised that words can not explain what she feels.


"We did it!"Winn and Lena high fived and fist-bumped, "Wow, it's so amazing. I'll show this to Kara"Lena was excited about the device they made. Remembering the time she and Winn made the device to turn all the Daxamite away.

"Kara!" she called and Winn was on his way to Alex as well, "See this. You looked weary"

"So, about last night"Kara started off, and the smile on Lena's face fades. She knows it's going to be like this soon enough but she didn't expect it to be here.

"What about it?"

"You said it was for healing wounds. So, I was thinking. Have you forgiven me for hiding who I really am?"

"Let's not talk about this right now" Lena turned her back but Kara was quick to catch up, "You see, Kara. We have important things to do right now. I don't have time for this"

Kara being the stubborn that she is, took the device and gave it to Alex who was talking to Winn and J'onn.

"Do it, Alex"

"Kara, what are you doing?"

"Tell me. Have you forgiven me?"

Lena shrugged off her shoulders and sat on the floor, hiding behind the table. Kara followed through.

"Yes. I have but I can't seem to contain the anger, the frustration, betrayal? Humiliation? I can't control myself sometimes that I made this virtual reality where I can...."Lena trailed off, looking at her fingers, playing with her knuckles, "I can hurt you. I can punch you but that physical pain is not enough for you to suffer the same way I did"


"I know, I know it was wrong"

"No, it's not. You can punch me right here and then and I----ouch" because Lena punched her in the face.

"Wow, that felt good but my hand's in pain"

Alex was quick to give them both ice packs as Winn suggested.

"You could've warned me" Kara complained but Lena just laughed. They were both quiet now. Enjoying the ice packs.

"You're my best friend and you were just the first one who saw me as Kara Danvers and not Supergirl. I figured I could be Kara Danvers, with you and I just want to thank you for that. For seeing the real me and now, now I need to know if you still see me as the same Kara that you knew"

Kara was quiet, waiting for Lena's reply but she was just playing with the ice pack.

"I forgive you and I want you to know that I still see you the same way I did before. Hey, you wanna come tomorrow at the awards night? I was invited. Heard you're one of the awardees"

"Will you be there?"Kara asked her friend, they both got up to see what's happening to the game Lena made.

"I wouldn't ask if I won't be there, right?"


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