Ep 6: A Friend In Need

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"What happened to her?" a worried Kelly asked, running towards Alex., "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just I can't seem to move any muscle. I feel so weak. Thanks for coming"Alex assured her, Kara and Winn were clueless about what happened to Alex. It was a very unusual thing that ever happened their Director.

"Are you sure she had not been touched by the alien's spit? Because maybe that's what happened to her?"Winn inquired, scratching her chin, "Maybe it was the girl from NCPD?"

"No, it can't be. I had encountered her, too but I feel nothing, also, "Kara leaned to Winn to whisper something"I accidentally scanned her"

"Oh, no you don't, Kara. You just didn't. Like, how does it feel?"Kara widened her eyes to Winn and gestured to keep quiet.

It was accidental and Kara saw that she is normal. Sierra is not an alien nor anything.

"Although I would love to hear that. I have to tell you something"

"What is it?"


"We will miss you, Brainy"

"I will miss you too"

Everyone gathered at the DEO to say goodbye to Brainy and Nia. A signal was sent to Brainy by Imra and Mon-El and they need him right where he came from.

It would be a heartbreak for Nia but she chose to go with Brainy.

"I am here to see, Alex. I think I might know what she's experiencing"

Leaving his own party. Brainy was accompanied by Winn, Kara, and Kelly to go to Alex.

Alex was still asleep after vomiting for half an hour. She is getting weak and her skin is getting so pale, no one knows what causes it.

Brainy touched Alex's forehead and concentrated for a while. He holds Nia's hand.

"A touch from someone who had caused it is what makes it go away. Touch Alex's forehead and soon it will be gone"Brainy stated, feeling Imra's call. She looked at Kara and Winn and bade goodbye.

"Goodbye, Earth" and with a flash of light, they disappeared. Everyone confused about what Brainy has told them.

"I think I know what he means"


"Sierra De Vera. Half-Filipino-Half-American. She's been here since she was a kid and been colleague with Maggie for years. Just ranked up" Winn said looking at the screen," the last one who touched Alex. I mean, with a handshake and oh, oh can you see that?"Winn exclaimed pausing and pointing at the screen.

"There was some kind of glint in her eyes. What was that?"Kara looking intently at the screen, "I think we know who to call"

Kara was about to exit but was stopped by Kelly.

"Is there something I can do to help?"Kara adjusts her glasses and looked at her feet, usual Kara not wanting to spill any beans. She bit her lip sideways and put her hands on her hips while swaying and looking at Winn asking for help.

"I think we just need you to check on Alex," Winn said and with that, she was accompanied by Kara and Winn back to Alex where they saw a figure of a woman looking at Alex, that seemed to like talking to her.

"Hey, who are you?"Kelly ran towards Alex and before she arrived, the figure disappeared and a chip bounced on the floor.

"What the hell was that?"Kara asked, looking at Winn for answers but he just shrugged and took the chip from Kelly.

Alex groaned and reached for the basket near her and started vomiting. She mostly vomits water because her body can't take any food that she's taking so it was mostly in her IV.

"Alex, you can do this. Be strong" Kelly said holding Alex's hand and rubbing her back.

"I'm gonna keep this. Kara, you need to talk to someone. Alex is getting worse" Winn said and right before he can walk out, Kelly spoke that made him froze.

"It was Maggie, right? She's gonna get Maggie to help find the officer who did this to Alex. I'm sorry but I have to ask"

"It's okay, I understand. There's nothing to worry about. If she can help Alex then it's fine with me. As long as Alex is fine" Kelly continued and Winn just nods at her. There's no other way but to find Maggie.

"For Alex"


"Wow, this really works"Maggie was amazed at how Lena's invention reached Alex without really reaching her. It was just like watching her and saying things to her that she can hear but the person is not really there. It was like a hologram," but Alex was in bad shape. I wondered what happened to her. I'm worried, Lena"

She put the remote down and sat opposite of her friend. She was holding her head with both her hands unsure of what to say and what to do.

"Calm down, Mags. She's gonna be fine. Alex is strong" Lena assured her, "for now. This works but I think I have to improve this where it can not leave a mark or an evidence"

They were startled with a gush of wind and the person behind it.

"Maggie, I need your help"


"What do you think you're doing here?"Lena spoke with venom, looking at her friend; Supergirl.

"Hey, calm down, Little Ones. Kara, what's the matter? How's Alex?" Maggie asked and saw Kara had a confused look, "Okay. Confession, I was the one you saw. So now tell me what brings you here?"

Kara didn't say a word and left them. She was hurt that Maggie was working with Lena and worse was that the broke into the DEO. Maggie lied to her, there was nothing left to do for a stunned Kara but to fly away and breathe some air.

She scanned the city and saw an empty playground. She walked into the swing and just sat there looking at the sky, thinking about everything.

"Why does it have to feel like this? Nobody told me it was gonna be so hard" she sighed and let herself swing.

"Well, I don't know about that but can I take the other one?"

"Miss Grant?"Kara in her Supergirl outfit hugged Cat Grant. Grateful to see her, "How are you? What are you doing here?"

"I miss the city, Kiera"Kara had no time to argue and just let Cat talk, "And I figured you miss my mentoring, too. So, whatever's bothering you, you should go straightforward and not backward. That's what reporters do"

"But how can I do that if people are being taken away from me? They don't wanna be heard and they don't wanna hear from me. Alex is getting worse, Maggie is with Lena and Lena, Lena is not talking to me"

"Miss Luthor?"

"Yes. She's mad at me about something that I kept from her all this time. And she doesn't wanna talk to me"

"Ah. You know, Kiera. People have different ways of coping and having to understand what they really feel about some things that really have a big impact on their lives"

"I don't know what to do Miss Grant. I have a lot on my plate and I just, I just wanna finish it off and be done with all of this"

"So chop-chop, Supergirl. You can do it. Eat everything on the plate because you're an alien"

She smiled at the suggestion. They phones rang at the same time and said goodbye to each other.

"Thank you, Miss Grant"

/Winn, what's going on?
\It's Alex-----


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