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Talia POV

"Hey guys it's talia welcome back to another vlog, wait lemme wait till it gets a little bit lighter... Today we are going to a festival!" I frantically recorded describing my outfit to my lovely viewers who had been waiting months since I announced I was going to wireless which would be one of my first big festivals I was going to so I could rush in my uber to go to the train station to arrive at the town near where wireless was taking place.

*skip journey*

Gee Nelly! I shouted excitedly as I ran toward them and hugged them tightly jumping up and down. We were in town and we're eating in a restaurant with all the girls and I accidentally had a shot of tequila whoops😅 (I'm allergic) and after we all got in taxis and headed to wireless me gee and Nelly in one cab the rest in the big van.

Simon POV

I woke up and rubbed my eyes and looked at my phone realising that I had slept for 12 hours which was super long for me and then realised it was 9 and we were leaving in half an hour! I had allready packed yesterday so I sprinted downstairs as fast as I could and ran into the kitchen when I saw vik and jj eating so jam toast casually. I picked out a cereal from the cupboard and got out the milk and made cereal and started shovelling it in my mouth (mad sentance) vik and jj started to look at me very confusedly "what's the rush Simon" jj said and I abruptly said
We leave in 30 minutes!
No we don't it's 8:30 right now vik casually said until I took out my phone in a flash and shoved the lock screen in his face
That's a cool lock screen Simon jj surprisingly said before I face palmed and said
No you fucking idiot the time
Vik and jjs laughing smile turned into panic. Vik started to eat his toast really fast along side me and jj shouted fuck I havnt even packed yet and me and vik bursted out laughing as he legged it up the spiral steps looki g panicked and distressed. I finished my cereal and had braught my suitcase down the stairs and put it next to viks black and shite sidemen case "cool case vik I said surprisingly"
And vik was about to respond until a car horn burst from out outside gravel driveway. It was josh and Freya coming to pick us up as all the others got an uber and I shouted upstairs "jj hurry up bro or were leaving you behind. He chucked his case down over the banister and it violently hit the wooden floor followed by jj sprinting down the stairs and picking it up" ready guys" he said and vik fustratedly sighed "about bloody time" we all ran out the door and I quickly locked the front door and we all chucked out suitcases in the boot and jumped in the car I sat on the left in the back and vik was in the right until jj shoved him into the middle seat and jumped in the right seat and strapped in.
Why the FUCK am I in the middle vik shouted with me and jj josh and Freya dying with laughter. Because your the smallest! jj barely said almost crying with laughter and vik frustratedly sighed after not being able to respond to the truthful answer and just quietly mumbled "fair" before the whole car erupted into laughter.
Shortly after we arrived and got our passes after an hour long wait and an hour of listening to jj moaning about how long the line is and that he said if he saw the organiser her would deck them and we met up with tobi who was with a bunch of girls I knew most of them like gee and nia but a new girl caught my eye and she came over to our group and hugged Freya and josh and the rest of us and Freya braught the girl over to me
"talia this is Simon, Simon meet talia I ammediately got butterflies in my stomach before introducing my self
Hi I'm Simon Nice to meet you I said before she responded in her beautifully toned voice nice to meet you Simon minter Toby has told me a lot about you and tobi in the background slowly slipped away from our conversation as we all laughed
I'm gonna leave you two on your own for a bit and she winked at us and proceeded to stroll over to josh
This girl talia was beautiful and my stomach was churning with delight...

797 words jeeeeeeez😂

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