Talia-Eating For Two?!

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Simon POV

we all had finished our food and the music started to get really upbeat and freya and josh were going hard on the dancefloor and hard on the drinks. i grabbed talia's hand and i led her to the dancefloor and we danced for a bit and watched freya and josh gliding across the dancefloor having the time fo their lives, and we had the occasional drink but we didnt want to get hammered tonight so we kept a cap on the drinks. a couple hours into the after party and people were allready sloshed and me and talia decided to leave the dance floor and we made our way over to the lounge/chill area where we could just snuggle for a bit and hang out out. we both had a redbull each and suddenly our mood got pumped up and we made our way to the dance floor and ended up dancing for another hour and a bit looking over at freya and josh aswell and me and talia ended up having one or two coke and vodkas and it started to get cold so we once again made our way over to the lounge area. talia started to shiver and it wasnt that cold but she was dressed not for warmth but for looks so i handed her my jumper i braught with me. "hey simon i dont need that, youll f-freeze" and i look at her in disbelief before saying "i dont need it and plus i think you're the one freezing to death not me" and we both giggle and she puts on the sidemen hoodie and puts up the hood and sais "thanks minty" and she smiles sweetly and kisses me on the cheek. i get up from my seat and go an lay on the couch because i was feeling pretty tired and talia walked up to me and held her arms out and i smiled and nodded and she layed on top of me with her head on my upper chest and she clung both her arms round me and i put one arm round her. "i love you si" she said to my brushing my hair upwards and running her hands through my hair. "i love you too talia" i said and we both kissed on the lips passionately and we held hands and snuggled on that sofa for a couple more hours. eventually it started to get late and i began to struggle to hide the fact that i was cold and i started shivering, "hey maybe we should go to the hotel now i mean... its dark and im cold" i said to talia whast brushing her hair out of her face and she replied "yeah its tired and im late" and i look at her confusedly "wait... dont you mean its late and your tired?" and we both laugh and she grabbs her hand bag and gets up from ontop of me and i get up and she huggs me and sais. "at least we didnt drink to much tonight" and i laugh and said "hopefully theres no alcohol at the hotel" and we both giggle and she holds my hand and we exit the venue and walk 30 seconds down the street to the fancy hotel. we get into the reception and i quickly check in and we get our room card and we go up 4 stories before we get to our room "finally" i say as me and talia are gasping for breath after running up 4 flights of stairs. "yeah we really are not fit at all" talia sais and we both laugh and i unlock the room and i close the door and there was two rooms, a massive bedroom/lounge wich had one kingsized bed and a sofa and a tv and the other room was a fancy bathroom bathroom.

Talia POV 

i chuck my bag in the corner of the room along with simons jumper and i look at him and our eyes lock, his beautiful blue eyes were like oceans and looked mezmorizing and he looked back into my hazel eyes. i grin at him and he smiles before i shove my lips into his and they meet up like magnits, i start to run my hands up his shirt and play with his boxers waistband teasingly as he begins to unzip my dress. after the zip has been undone i take his shirt off as we still kiss continuously and he takes off my dress and i kick it away from me with my feet, and i take off his trousers. i pull down his boxers and he continues to put on protection as i strip myself of clothes completely and then i lay down on the bed and pull him closer to me as we begin to moan the night away.

i wake up the next morning in bed next to simon and i look around our room and it looks like a mess, clothes were flung all round the room like a bomb had just gone off so i immediately get up and put on some underwear and clean up someof the clothes until i feel very sick...VERY SICK. i rush over to the bathroom and i throw myself to the floor and hold onto the toilet bowl and i violently puke into the toilet holding my hair out the way so i dont get it thrown up on. i sit there for a couple minutes until i feel a hand touch my shoulder and i turn my head to see simon. "hey t everything allright?" he sais to me softly and i nod my head and wipe my mouth with some paper towel and i hug him tightly. surely i didnt have hungover sickness from last night, and i couldnt have had food poisining cause i was now vegetarian. we packed up our stuff as we had reportedly heard that josh and freya had allready left to go to the airport as they were going on there honeymoon to singapore. eventually we checked out of the hotel and we got into the car and we started the long 5 hour drive back to the house. i was randomly scrolling through twitter when out of no where simon said "hey talia... how do you feel about us moving in together in an apartment in london?" and i turn to him shocked "omg yes! i would love to simon!" and he giggles and sais "okay sounds great, ive been eyeing up a few in london and i put in a bid for one and they accepted it so i was just waiting on your approval." i kissed his cheek with a gleaming smile on my face and we made our way back to the sidemen house and we made our way to simons room and he showed me the apartment. it was a three bedroom, one kitchen, one lounge, 3 bathroom and one office space. "simon this is the perfect house!" i say and i hugged him excitedly "when can we move in" i said eagerly and he laughed and said in about a week if everything goes right and i was lost for words. "A WEEK?!, thats such a short time i thought it would take a month!" and we both laughed and we cuddled on the bed and simon and i watched some movies before filming a couple videos and editing them and finally sleeping...

3 Days Later...

i wake up and instantly rush over to the toilet before puking violently in the toilet bowl again for the third day in a row and i was beginning to get worried about myself and so was simon. "hey talia did you throw up again?" simon said softly next to me as i had my head in the toilet bowl waiting to trow up more. he then escorted me back to the bed and got me some toast and he let me eat it in bed whast cuddling him and watching tv wich is the best thing ever. simon goes out for the day to film with the rest of the sidemen a video for the day wich means im left in the sidemen house all alone. i get curious and go on google and type up 'why am i throwing up every morning?' and the top answer that pops up is 'you might be pregnant' and my heart drops... what if simon doesnt want the baby?! i sit there in bed and start to cry for about 10 minutes and then i decide to go to the shops and buy a pregnancy test. i get back to the house and rush up to simon room and into his bathroom, i take the test ad i go back and sit on the bed and wait for it to give me an answer. all of a sudden two bars pops up 'pregnant' i cover my face with my hands and ball my eyes out worriedly with a million different cinariose racing through my head. suddenly i hear someone unlock and open the house door and i immediately stop crying and try to clear my eyes as best as i could. it couldnt have been simon as he was filming with the boys for the day. i hid the pregnancy test in my hand and sat in bed and suddenly the door opened and it was simon "hey t i came to check and make sure you were okay and... talia your eyes look a bit red have you been crying?" and suddenly i just break down and start crying immensily into simons arms. "hey talia im here dont worry im here you can tell me whats going on" he softly sais trying to calm me down from my extreme distress. i handed him the pregnancy test and looked away and stuffed my head into a pillow, i didnt want to see his reaction because i knew it would be bad. there was a pause in simon and i thought i had broken him until he sat down next to me and held onto my hand, and i looked up from the pillow to his face and he wasnt frowning or looking away but he seemed positive. "talia did you really think i would not want the baby?" he said and i nodded still sobbing and he opened his arms and i jumped into them and he said to me "talia we are gonna raise this baby in this new home okay together and ill have time off youtube to do so" and i look up at him and wipe me eyes "so you do want the baby?" to wich he replies quickly "yes of course, im not gonna let you suffer!" he sais and he smiles at me and he gives me a kiss on the lips and we sit there and snuggle... together.

was a bit dramatic, hope you guys enjoyed it, please leave feedback in the comments as to where i could take this story!

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