Popping The Question

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Simon POV

I entered the bathroom and picked up my brittle toothbruth and proceeded to scrub my teeth and the white toothpaste slowly making its way to the front of my mouth. i spat in the sink and turned on the tap and washed down the toothpaste and i quickly got some wax and styled my hair before reaching into the pocket of my sidemen tracksuit. i picked out the golden ring with a blue crystal shimmering in the bathroom light and i let out a nervous smile before getting buterflies in my stomach. today i wanted to propose to the love of my life but i didnt know how to do it, she said she didnt want anything special in public as she was allways emmbarassed about crying over being so overwhelmed over things. my head poured with idea's trying to think of how to pop the question to talia when suddenly in the corner of my eye the door slowly opens and i frantically shove it back in my pocket and paint my face with normalness. talia walked in and smiled before hugging me and i wrapped her arms round her waist and kissed her head. "can i have a shower now simon?" she said looking up to me as i was roughly a foot taller thsn her and i giggled before nodding and i walked out the bathroom so she could have a shower. i was so tired and i kept rubbing my eyes from lexi balling her eyes out in the night wanting food, drinks, toys, love etc... i walked over to the cradle stationed by our bed and i looked down to see her fast asleep, she looked so cute and looking at her i almost didnt mind the tiredness she was causing me and talia to have. i walked into the lounge and i sighed in fustration as my mind was still running with ideas of how to propose to her, and i leaped onto the couched and took out my phone from my other pocket and scrolled through my contacts boredly. "jide...jack...vik...ethan...josh, huh maybe hell have ideas" i say mumbling to myself as i go to type in a message:

s- hey josh, dont tell anyone but im thinking about popping the question to talia, she doesnt want anything in public or too fancy, any help as im stuck for shit mate.

j-uuhhhh, you could set out some flowers on the bed in the shape of a love heart and right a little speech before getting down on one knee and popping the question?

s-josh your a fucking genious, defo getting a speech along side jj

j-lol cheers mate, hope it goes well

s- hope so to, see you next saturday for filming

j-allright see ya si.

and a gleaming smile grew on my face as i fist pumped the air before hearing the shower water stop trickling from the showerhead, and i returned to acting at a normal state and made sure i had the ring still in my pocket reasuring myself she wasnt going to find it. suddenly i heard the shower door open and i lay myself accross the couch and scroll through my social media. i hear her cooing to the baby and she slowly strolls into the room, "hey si want anything from the central shops?" she sais and i lift my head up from my phone quickly not hearing what she said replying "huh" and she giggles before repeating a tiny bit louder "do you want anything from the shops?" and i smile before shaking my head and say "nah im good babe, out of curiosity how long will you be out for?" i say and she promptly responds "bout 2 hours ish?" and i nodd my head and she goes over to the door and grabs a pair of shoes before putting them on and i stand up and go over to her "love you babe, see you soon" and i kiss her on the lips and we both smile at each other before she sais "love you too si" and she grabs her keys and exits the house before i hear her lock it and the sound of her steps fade away. i wait about 15 minutes making sure she had left and i put on my yeezy's before rushing in the lift down to the car park and getting in my tesla before driving to tesco's.

i arrived and i quickly jogged to the flower section and looked over all the flowers and picked out a bunch of red flowers and a bunch of orange ones and i quickly paid for them at the till and and hopped back in my car and i again started to get butterflies in my stomach as i drove off from tesco's back to the house. once i got there i fed lexi and rocked her to sleep before moving her into her room instead of ours and i put the petals on the bed and started to pick them off one by one. after 2 hours i had picked both bouqets of flowers clean of petals and i started to precisely lay them one by one on the bed and i eventually had shaped a love heat across the bed and i smiled and stood looking at it for 5 minutes making sure from every angle it looked up to standards. i walked to my office and picked up a piece of paper from my desk and a pen before my brain started to scatter with ideas of what talia to read to herself before i got on one knee. i started to write and read it to myself double checking it was perfect and i put it in a red envelope i found in my draw and laid it in the middle of the bed and smiled at my achievement before i dressed up in my suit i wore for josh and freya's wedding and checked myself out in the mirror making sure i looked okay. i tightened my tie before i heard keys enter the doors lock and i quickly rushed into the bedroom. "hi babe im home!" she said as i could hear her lay down some shopping bags on the kitchen, "hey babe can you come to the bedroom real quick!" and i heard her footsteps grow louder and louder before the door opened and she entered before displaying a shocked but confused look on her face. "simon...what is this?" she said smiling and i faced the envelope laying in the middle of the heart and looked back at her "go look for yourself" and i smiled as she picked up the envelop and opened it before she started to read the letter out loud "Talia, we've been together for years now and i loved every moment with you and i think you should know this. you allways look beautiful no matter how you look, from inside to outside you never look shook, we now have a lovely baby girl that we both adore just you and me, and after announcing this speech to you i will now get down on one knee." and i got down on my right knee and held up the ring to talia and she nodded "yes" she said before bursting into tears from happiness and she hugged me tightly as we stood there for 10 minutes just cuddling and not moving. eventually she pulled away and we both kissed meeting lips with each other and we started to kiss more passionately. we then pulled away from each others mouths to gasp for breath before talia went to the bathroom and washed her face of her makeup before coming back out to me now changed back into my casual comfortable clothes and we both hugged again and made our way over to the lounge. we watched tv for a couple hours before we both stripped fully of out clothes and got into bed. talia rolled over and braught me into a hug as her cold chest met with mine making me shiver "night minty" she said before kissing my cheek and i smiled at her before kissing her back "love you too talia" and we both soon fell to sleep.

hi guys first of all thanks to all for the support and get well wishes, my nail has got a bit better and im definately slower to type than usual but its making a rapid recovery <3 the other thing i wanted to talk about was this story, ive been writing it for almost a month straight almost everyday and you guys have supported me through out it which is why you all are the best xx ive been thinking about ending it soon and starting a new miniminter fanfic story and have a few ideas for it but i dont know whether to iclude talia as her gf or have it as a random girl. please tell me if i should use talia or not and once again i love you all but this story will soon end in the next coming days and i will start a new miniminter story for you all <3

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