Josh asks the big question...

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Talia POV

i wake up and yawn before streching myself across the bed and i turned over to simon to see him smiling at me "morning" he sais and kisses me on the cheek and i smile and snuggle up to him and he put an arm round me. "netflix?" i say to him whast picking up his tv romote for the massive screen at the end of the bed (he got sent for a brand deal) and he nodds and sais curiously "what you wanna watch" and i shrug at him and we scroll though the pages of films and both decide to watch freinds. an hour had passed and the episode had finished and simon was sleeping in my arms, he looked so peaceful and cute asleep. suddenly we heard a commotion from downstairs mixed with cheers and cries wich was easily heard from simons room causing him to wake up still in my arms. "hu...what was that t?" simon said drowzily as he said still snuggling with me. "i dont know... should we check it out?" i said curiously with my head filled with ideas as what it could be... was it good or bad? "yh lets go check it out cause im hungry so we can get some food in the progress" simon said and he hopped out of bed and put on a pair of new black boxers and put on some red basketball shorts and put a sidemen shirt. i put on a bra set and a crop top from my suitcase and put it on and i get out a pair of short shorts and i get one of simon's orange sidemen hoodies that go down to my knees and put on some makeup whast simon scrolls through twiter waiting for me to finish. once i'de finished my makeup i grabbed simons hand and  pulled him up from the bed and he gave me a kiss and me both made our way towards the door. as soon as simon opened the door the commotion outside the room was super loud, i looked at simon curiously and he shrugged his shoulders before we rush down the stairs and standing there was a crowd of almost the whole house surrounding freya and josh and standing there josh was putting an engagement ring on freya. i ran over there crying in overwhelmedness  and ran over to freya fanning my eyes "OMG ARE YOU TWO ENGAGED!?" i said balling my eyes out in happiness and she nodded smiling still wiping tears from when josh first pulled out the ring. i hugged her tightly and i started to imagine the day simon would get down on one knee and put a ring on my finger and ask the question. i pull away from the hug and congratulate freya and josh once again before i feel a grasp of two arms hug me from behind and i look up to see simons head above mine smiling and hugging me and i grin back at him and bite my lip, and he winks at me.

Simon POV

"This will be us in the future" i say to her and she turns around at me smiling, almost excitedly at me. it was almost a hint and to be honest the best day of my life will be marrying her and i couldnt wait as we had knew each other for just over 2 years now and definately in the next year or two ill be seriously considering it. i kiss her kneck and we hang around with josh and freya along with most the household that came down also because of the loud commotion for a bit, before we made our way back into my room. talia walks in and i close the door after her, "omg i cant believe they're engaged!?" talia said to me excitedly still wiping tears of mascara from her eyes from being too overwhelmed. "they definately suit each other as mr and mrs zerkaa" i said and we both laughed. "im such a mess right now its unreal" she says walking off to the bathroom and i look up "do you need any help?" i ask and she replies with a yes so i stroll into the bathroom. "what do you need me to do?" i said confidently and she said "can you dampen these wipes into water please whast i take off my fake lashes" and i smile and nod before continueing to do so. eventually she had taken off her makeup and we both sat on the bed browsing tv on what to watch. "simon i think we should tell the fans that were dating i mean... weve been dating for over two years now and the public should probably know as were allways seen together in public and everyone is speculating" and i look at her and say "okay sure babe but... you might get a lot of hate because my fanbase isnt super nice to new people sometimes" and she looked at me and smiled sweetly before saying "simon its fine well tell them, dont worry" and she gives me a kiss on the lips and we both wrap our arms round each other. at that moment jj walks in and we both stop and turn to jide slowly walking in. "oh my fucking god get a room" he sais sarcastically and i look at him wierdly and said " we have one and your in it" and all three of us laugh before jj sais "i just came in here to say that freya and josh are moving out the sidemen house soon, anyway i'll leave you lovebirds to it" and he walks out the room and shuts the door and me and tallia look back at eachother and giggle before she kisses me on the lips again and we both lay back and chill on the bed again and browse through chanells looking for an interesting show to watch.

sorry for the quick one guys! there wasnt much i could wright about the engagment tbh. please leave feedback/ideas in the comments as allways as its much appreciated :) new chapter coming mid day uk time tommorow! (unless its comes a bit before then!)

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