Gun Range

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Simon POV

i called an uber to go to the the italian restaraunt we were meeting the rest of the group at and talia was super excited as she LOVES italian food (shes half italian). "im soooo hungry" talia sais leaning against me on the sofa in our hotel living room, whast we wait for the uber arrived. "im not gonna lie im starving too... i wonder how ethan is right now." i say curiously but feeling bad about it. "yh me too, they seemed so happy together but they broke up." talia sais looking at me. suddenly my phone pings saying that the uber arrived and talia picks up her bag and i pick up my phone and we head out the hotel into the humid sunny vegas heat and towards our uber. we finally arrived and entered the restaurant and sat down at the massive table with everyone just as they were ordering drinks. "can i have a diet coke please?" i say to the lady and she nods and talia orders a fanta and we scour the menus before i finally decide on a vegetarian burger and talia has the vegan pasta. our food finally arrives and everyone gets tucked in and i looked over to ethan and i could see he was having a chat with the waiter and i turned to talia "oi look at ethan pulling" i said and talia looked over and said. "its good for ethan to be enjoying himself with someone" and after me and talia had devoured our meals along with the others as we were all starving from the drama that occured last night and some of us didnt wake up in time for hotel breakfast we made our way out the restaurant and i approached ethan. "hey man you get her number?" i ask him curiously and he turns to me smiling and sais "yeah man i fucking did and it turns out shes super nice and fit but can we keep this between us?" and i quickly add "me you and talia cause i may have told her..." and he laughs and sais "yeah thats fine but just us three please" and i smile back before i tell talia its a secret about ethan and the waiter before we all made our way to the gun range.

Talia POV

"oh my freaking god... look at all those guns" i say staring at the guns hung up on the wall 3 feet above me, before jj sais "this is murica mother fucker" and we both laugh and the group are all standing around waiting for josh and simon to sort out the payments for the gun session and signing contracts for jj to be able to blow up the car with a sniper. finally we were all finished at the waiting area and we headed out to the gun range and i was first up. i gave simon my vlog camera to film me shooting the pistol and i was really nervous i mean... I WAS HOLDING A GUN IN AMERICA! i finally put my finger on the trigger and shot the gun and it hit the target. "ding" and there was a small cheer from the group behind me and simon quietly giggled slightly heard by my cameras microphone. i finished all the rounds in the magazine and gave the gun back to the man and sat down and now it was simons turn to shoot. he was shooting a machine gun (wich looked very intimidating) and shot bursts of rounds at a time wich were so loud. he finished and gave the gun to one of the men and sat down next to me. suddenly a man about my height and very skinny walked past me and simon and looked at me in disgust and said to himself "fucking slag jesus look at her clothes" and a grin formed on his face until simon stood up and pushed the guy causing him to stumble almost falling over and he turned around and simon looked him dead in the eyes "what the fuck did you just say to her?" and he bgan to slowly walk towards the guy not breaking eye contact scowering at him. "er nothing man im so sorry i didnt mean it" and he sprinted off over back to the reception building. "oh shit what happened man?" jj said to me looking confused and he turned around casually and said "he was calling talia a slag and he got what he deserved"and jj nod his head in understandment and grabbed a sniper and began prepping for the the shot that would blow up the car. and there was a tense mood of excitement for jj to blow up the car. whast we were waiting one of the other men came up to me and simon and said "hey man i am so sorry for his actions back there i have no idea why he did that-" before he was cut off by simon "hey man its allright but just tell him to saty away from us." and the guy nodded in agreement and walked off and went to help jj load the sniper. "thanks babe" i say to simon and i give him a kiss on the cheek and lean on him and he wraps his arm round my waist. "LET GO JJ" the man sais as jj begins to line up the shot, he squeezes the trigger... but misses "you missed" tobi sais and everyone laughs as jj lines up the second shot. *boom* the sniper shot but he missed again "you missed" tobi said and there was a quiet giggle of anticipation from the rest of the grouo *BOOM* a direct hit from jj caused the car to abruptly explode and everybody cheered as i recorded their reactions and jj jumped into viddals arm and everybody screamed with cheers. after the night was over we went in cabs back to the hotel and i ended up sleeping leaning on simons shoulder again and we arrived and he woke me up. "hey talia were here cmon" he sais and i tiredly groan and rub my eyes and sarcastically say "can you lift me please minty" not actually expecting him to lift me out but he sighs and smiles before swooping me off my feet and he had one arm under my legs and the other under my back. we entered the hotel and he laid me down on the bed and tucked me under the covers before getting himself under the covers and i hug cling his arms round his chest "i love you si" before he whispers back "i love you too t"

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