A Fatal Party

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5 months later:

WhatsApp group chat

Wonderland groupies:

S- so who came up with the shit name then?




Jj-oi fam spar me

V-we need to sort out rooms as we only have so many rooms so some are gonna have to share!

Freya- ill go with talia

T-sounds good 🙌

Gee- I'm with chip

S- ill go with josh

Jj- I guess you and me vik

V-i god no, please don't spontaneously make racist jokes about me jj again

Jj- uhh suuree I won't...

V-fuck sake jj

Jj - lol

Behz- I'm with Emily.


S- tbf I'm gassed for this trip its only in two days


Simon POV

It's my birthday today and and the party is gonna be gassss! Everyones coming and we've baught a bit too much alcohol but overall I'm gonna love it and talia said she wouldn't drink because she was quitting alcohol for a month whast she goes on a quick month diet. "just so you know if I get shit faced I'm sorry" as I laugh and hug talia from behind before she gives me a bad look and laughs before saying "Simon minter you better not get too drunk or I won't be able to kiss you without you passing out." and I laugh histerically and kiss her cheek and help her out with her editing.

5 hours later...

Talia pov

All off a sudden people just start to pour in, ethan and Emily arrive along with tobi and manny gee arrives with chip Freya and josh and we have a little girl hug and catch up a bit and I start to get a nervous feeling in my stomach. Like a churn that makes me want to vomit and I keep it on the lowdown for now but I just get the feeling that somethings gonna go Down and I don't like it.

After a few hours it was midnight and I hadn't touched any alcohol at All and I was hanging around with gee and Freya before in the corner of my eye I see Simon wasted jumping around along with chip and jj.
I instantly feel anger but it'd overwhelmed with sadness and distraughtness. I rush over too him and start tugging his hand vigorously "tdhlis wat ra you doinv" my eyes start to tear up immensely until I could almost not see and drops of mascara started to drift down my cheek and I shout "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO YOURSELF SIMON!" which mostly didn't alert people as the music was almost too loud to hear me but Freya and gee spotted me and started to worry extremely as I stormed out the house crying and wiping my eyes with my hand before looking over to a shit faced Simon looking at talia puzzled and dazzled as the alcohol took over his bodily functions and thought. I slammed the door behind me which gave Freya and gee second thoughts of coming over to comfort me as ide always said I'd rather be left alone than comforted by others for at least an hour. I sat out round the side of the house on a little rock bench with my hands on my face creating pools of mascara in my hands that resembled my new shorter black hair I had got which Simon loved.

I sat out there cold and bewildered shivering of the thoughts of the embarrasment and sorrow I felt for a couple minutes before I heard loud screams coming from in the house and suddenly the music stopped and I heard the front door swing open and Freya and gee ran over to me tearing up in fright. "Talia come quick simon fell and hit his head on the counter and he's knocked out!" they said grabbing hold of my hand and tugging me too the door "WAIT WHAT" and I arrived in the kitchen with Freya and gee to see a crowd of people gathering round an almost lifeless body... My hands went num and I zoned out from reality, as I saw Simon laying on the cold marble floor with a massive gash in his for head that was ushering blood. And I fall to my knees next to him and grab his hand before laying on his chest sobbing as hard as I ever had before and wrapping my hands round him. And I looked up to see josh frantically on the phone to an ambulance crew and all the other party members standing in shock with jj looking completely shaken like he had just seen a ghost and was now holding a kitchen rag to simons gash in his head. Freya and gee started to stroke my hair as I balled my eyes out in distraught. I hear the loud ambulance sirens and see the red and blue flashes in the reflections of the windows. Freya and gee gently pulled me away from Simon as the nurses tendered to simon and I walk over to the living room slowly knees weak and my shoulders heavy and grab a bottle of wine and start dri king it from the bottle and repeatedly wiping my eyes. After half the bottle had been chugged down my throat my hand was quickly grabbed by Freya and led to the ambulance as I dropped the one bottle and it went all over the carpet. I was led into simons ambulance as I sat there still heavily weeping and holding his hand as tightly as I could with the ambulance lady with her hand on my shoulder trying to comfort me. We then got to the hospital and I stumbled out the ambulance into freyas arms, and I had stopped crying but only because I was gasping for breath from all the sorrow. And he was rushed into a hospital bed and I sat on the small metal stool beside him and rested my head on his chest and I held on firmly to his hand.

Simon POV

T-T-Talia? I say holding my head in pain as I had a ferocious headache that felt like I was being hit in the head with a bat repeatedly. It was slightly light outside but was still dark outside so I reach out into my pocket to check the time and see that it's 5 in the morning before a loud "SIMON!" is shouted into my ear and a strong grip of arms wrapped tightly round me and my hospital bed. And I start to cry softly before gently resting my head into talias shoulder and hugging her back. "I'm so happy your ok minty!" and she looks down to see me silently weeping in her shoulder and she pulls up my head from my chin with her hand and and she strokes my newly died blond highlited hair and softly asking "what's wrong" with tears welting in her eyes but she keeps them in. I softly say "I'm SO sorry for yesterday and I didn't mean to upset you and I'm such a dickhead but please forgive me I promise I won't do it again" and she smiles with a tear dripping down her face and plants a soft kiss on my lips as we tightly cling on each other and Freya and josh walk past us looking at us and smiling at each other and walk down the corridor over to the vending machine and me and talia keep kissing for 10 seconds before talia jumps on top of me and lays down on me with her chest on mine and gives me a hug and resting her head just below my neck and sofly says "I love you minty with all my heart" and I blush and look down at her and whisper in her ear love you too babes and I wrap my arms round her chest and she intertwined her fingers with my hands and we lay there smiling.

We slept for a couple hours before I wake up again with a booming headache and feel my cut and realises I had stitches across my for head and face-palm very loudly sich wakes talia up and she curiosly asks "what's up babes" and I look at her and laugh "I probably look like an absoloute fucking dimwit" and she laughs and we holds hands and we cuddle before I hear two steps of footsteps approaching our bed and we both look up to see Freya and josh. "now that you two have finished snogging each other immensity, good morning" josh says and me and talia look at each other smiling and hiding hands before talia jumps up to give Freya a hug and too thank her and josh fistbumps me and we talk for a bit until I see jj pop up from behind the curtain looking tired and dazzled with his car keys just entering his pocket. "OH SHIT SIMON YOUR AWAKE!" jj shouts and runs over and gives me a shuttle hug before josh looks over a little weird and he stops "jj shut the fuck up this Is a bloody hospital" and we all burst out laughing as jj realises he was a bit fucking stupid and fistbumps josh and greets talia. "hey si are you and talia going out yet?" and I look over to her and smile and smile and say "nah jj not yet" and josh and Freya leave the little room with jj as he said "sure you don't guys" as he laughs and makes his way with Freya and josh to the waiting room. A nurse then enters the room whast me and talia were holding hands and kissing and she announces "so we've looked at you ct scans and we've stiched up you wound and we have concluded you can be discharged from the hospital now and a smile on talias face shoots up and she hugs me and I get up from the hospital bed and put on my jumper and grab my bag before we leave to the waiting room we're all the guys we're and they all hugged me as we had a "bro moment" and we all left the hospital and it was freezing and talia started to shiver immensily and I felt really bad and I take off my jumper to reveal my short sleeves top and I put it on talia. "no no no Simon minter you have just exited hospital and you've given me your jumper are you nuts!?" and she goes to take it off herself when I hold it on and say "just cause I got a cut in my head doesn't mean I'm extremely vulnerable to the cold" and I laugh as she rolls her eyes and hugs me tightly. And we hop into Freya and joshes car and they say"so when are you gonna tell the others about salia?" and we both giggle and I say when we're ready sich will hopefully be soon" and Freya screams quietly screams and bites her knuckles and excitedly says "well I totally ship you guys and also we've got winter Wonderland tommorow" and I go "oh shit I havnt packed" and the whole car burst into laughter and we make our way home.

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