Wedding Day

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Just before this starts i want to tell you all this will be the final chapter of Salia Their Story, and after this chapter has finished i will create the new story about talia and simon. thank you ALL for the support over the whole month of posting these chapters and the appreciation and support you all gave was immence. thank you all for reading this story and i hope you stay with me to check out the new story just after this has been uploaded <3

Simon POV

i was dressed in my all black suit with a red tie swinging side to side from my neck, my heart was beating fast as i wrapped my arm round my mums as we approached the church door. it slowly opened revealing a hole crowd of people and the the aile where at the end talia stood smiling in her beautiful flush white wedding dress that trailed begind her. i slowly walked up as the crowd stared at me not taking their eyes off me, and i eventually got to the front and my mom sat down next to my dad at the front bench and i stood opisite talia and we both were hand in hand staring iinto each others eyes. suddenly the flower girl started skipping down the aile spreading flowers everywhere beside the ring boy who held both mine and talia's ring on a small leather pillow. the priest too kthe rings from the ring boy and she gave talia's ring to me and my ring to talia. "simon minter, do you take talia mar to be your loving wife?" and i smiled and nodded my head "i do" before i put the ring on her finger and the priest turns her head to talia "talia mar, do you take simon minter to be your loving husband?" and she smiled before too noding "i do" and she put the ring on my finger and the priest smiled before announcing to the whole crowd "i now pronounce you husband and wife" and the whole crowd stood up and applaused us as we met lips and kissed for a couple seconds before both pulling away and smiling at each other before we both walked down the aile together holding hands and exited the church and got in a rented rolls royce so we could get to the venue. after we got in the car talia kissed me on the cheek and we both smiled at each other before she said "babe im so excited for the after party!" and i laughed and said "and its a plus for the fact that you get to change into a samller dress so no-one tramples over it" and we both giggle before quickly arriving at the venue and we both headed into the massive tent that we saw at freya and josh's wedding and we walked into it to be greeted by a massive amount of round tables scattered all over the place with a red cloth coveriing them all and ovre in the corner there was a sectioned off bit where a dance floor sat and a dj booth for when after everyone has eaten and had a bit too much too drink we can all smash it out over there and dance the night away. we went over to the toilets and talia quickly changed into a shorter dress and i waited outside for her until she came out in a sparkly silver dress that went down to her knees and was a slim. "jeez talia, that looks sick!" i say shocked at how sparkly it was and she sticks a little pose before taking my hand and we both go back to where the tables where and sat down at ours.

Talia POV

after around 5 minutes everyone started to pour in and started taking seat at the tables that had their name on them, on me and simons table sat me and then simon on the left of me, freya sat next to me and josh sat next to her and jj sat next to simon along with ethan and then gee and chip sat next to josh. we all ate before jj stood up and did his best mans speech and my parents and simon's parents stood up to do theirs until it was si's turn. he was super nervous and he stood up as everyone looked at him. si began to say my speech talking about how we met and why si thaught i was so beautiful and eventually he was done and sat down and everyone applauded loudly and jj tapped him on the shoulder "you did a good job mate" and i was tearing up from simon's speech and he leaned over to me and put an arm round me before kissing my cheek and rubbing my eyes of tears. "love you babe" he said softly and i looked at him and smiled "love you to simon" and we all ordered our meals before they quickly arrived and everybody started to eat and started to talk to each other and after around 2 hours everyone was finished eating and their plates had been taken to a kitchen to be cleaned and me and simon stood at the front next to our wedding cake as everyone looked over and camera's started to flash from our wedding photographers as we stated to slide the massive cake knife down the massive three piece tall cake with our names painted in icing on the top of it. after cutting it we kissed before we both sat down and someone cut an actual slice for me and simon and our parents before we all ate it and everyone was buzzing so far in the night and all of a sudden the music started playing and the free drinks alchohol bar opened and the night was about to get a whole lot better. we all made our way to the dance floor and me and simon dnced in the middle for a bit together before we both split up and he headed over to the boys and i headed over to gee freya and a few of the other girl's. "hey girlsss" i said smiling and we all group hugged before freya said excitedly "omg you two are sooooo cute im dying!" and i giggled and hugged gee before she said "talia im not impressed, you made me emotional and i cried" and we both laughed and satrted to dance to the dj's music for a lot of the night.

Simons POV

it was now 1 in the morning and guest started to leave and me and talia were close to not being able to stand up due to too much alcohol consumption and exhaustion from dancing for hours straight so with the music still booming around the whole building i made my way over to tali "hey babe, should we go im getting exhausted and we need to pick up lexi from the carer and she smiled and nodded and we both linked arms witth each other and went round the room saying goodbye to our freinds and family before grabbing our things and getting an uber to go and get lexi before making our way over back to the house. i stopped the car and turned it off and turned around to see lexi fast asleep and i turned to talia adn we both smiled before we both got out the car and i opened the back door before reaching and getting lexi and cradelling her in my arms as talia shut the car door for me and we made our way into the elevator and up to the apartment. talia got out her keys and unlocked the apartment door and i quickly made my way into lexi's room and kissed her on the forehead goodnight before laying her carefully in the cradle and shutting the door and me and talia hugged before going into the kitchen and we both got a glass of water before drining it and we both made our way to the bed. we both stripped fully of our clothes and got into bed. "night husband" she said to me smiling and i giggled and said back "night wifey" and we both kissed on the lips and we laid into bed and she clung onto me and we both drifted off to sleep.

Again thank you all for sticking with me for the past month and i look forward to writing my next story which will be made straight after this and probably a new chapter out in around 3-4 hours luv u all <3

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