Night Club Nigthmares

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Talia POV

I open my eyes and yawn before streching my body along the bed and turn over to my bedside table and look at the time. "3:23 13 missed calls! how the fuck did we sleep fro that long!?" and i turn around to simon sleeping peacefully on the bed next to wear i was sleeping, and i shake his shoulder frantically "simon...SIMON" and he wakes up in shock from me waking him up so abruptly. he rubs his eyes and streches his arms in the air "what time is it t?" he sais tiredly and i say "Simon its 3:23!" and he suddenly turns to me in shock "what the fuck?! how is that even possible that we slept for that long?... SHIT I GOT TO CALL JOSH!" and he jumps up from out of bed and picks up his phone and begins to ring josh.

Josh: Simon finally fuck me you and talia wernt picking up what the fuck have you two been doing?!

Simon: shit sorry josh we have only just woken up...

Josh:fuck me si well were going to a club at around 4:15 so you get some food and well meet you there with the rest of the guys then.

Simon: allright sounds good will meet you there.

Josh: k bye si.

i get changed into some new clothes and so does simon and we rush down into the hotel food bar and quickly get a big meal and eat it before we set off to the club. we arrived there and i paid the uber driver before me and simon both stepped out the car and entered the club to be quickly meeted by josh "SHIT SI WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN MATE!" he shouted loudly to simon to be only just heard over the super loud music coming from the dj at the front. and we go over to josh so we can here him a bit better before we start to party and we get a few drinks in our system but me and simon eventually decide to not drink as much as we were leaving vegas to go back to london tommorow because we both were going to see family, i was going to italy to see my parents and si was going to his parents house just outside of london to see his family.

Simon POV

I decided to hang out with josh jj and ethan whast talia went and hung out with frey and catch up with what she was doing. me and josh and ethan were jumping up and down to the music when we started to notice that jj and nia were starting to flirt with each other a bit and were getting a bit too close to just be 'having a good time partying together' so i tapped josh on the shoulder and said "hey dont you think they SO like each other?" and josh and ethan turned around and ethan said "i aint gonna lie lads shes getting a bit to near to jj's lap bois" and all three of us laughed and began dancing to the music again overlooking jj and nia every once in a while seeing how flirtatious they were with each other. eventually ethan and everybody were getting pretty drunk and me and josh were pretty sober along with freya and talia. me and josh made our way over too the girls and i pointed over to jj and nia and said "hey talia look at jj and nia over there, they've been flirting ALL night" and talia giggled and said "omg they are actually hitting it on with each other thats so jokes" and we both laughed and talia turned around and told freya and she also giggled. "hey guys you know theres a chill room over there with chairs amd shit, do you wanna go there?" josh said to me talia and freya and i nodded and we made our way over there and it was suprisingly quiet considering only a wall and a closed door was muffling the loud sound of edm music booming throughout the club. my nose began to run and i was starting to cough a little bit of flem up and talia looks to me and sais "simon are you allright?" to wich i realise i was probably getting a cold and i said "yh im fine t thanks for asking, i think im starting to get a cold" and she smiles at me and nodds. we waited there for about 10 minutes before josh gets up and sais "im gonna go back in the club and check on the guys, anyone coming?" and freya jumps up out of her seat "ill come" she sais and i turn to josh and say "shit man sorry i aint feeling too good right now, maybe ill catch you in a bit" and he nodds and him and freya leave the room and and talia gets up "hey si i really need the toilet is there any here?" and i point to one just down the hallway connected to this room. she smiles and goes down to the toilet and i wait in the room and suddenly two girls who were COMPLETELY shloshed (drunk) burst into the room exposing the loud music once again to the decently quiet room and started tumbling everywhere and giggling for no reason. "you allright?!" i say fustratedly as thy began to point and giggle at me "heyyyy-yy handsome" she sais once agai giggling to her freind and she began to touch my face with her finger poking me "oi what the fuck are you doing im just trying to sit here!?" i say now beginning to get angry and once again drunkily giggling out of her mined she sais "ooo-oo-ooo y-your a baaaad boi m-mr" and she sits on my lap and i fustratedly get up off the chair "oi fuck off you slag!" and i turn to my right looking down the corridor to see talia running down the other end of it towards the exit sobbing loudly and my heart sinks and my chest churns in anxiousness as i think to myself. "fuck...fucking shit fuck" i say quietly to myself "she probably thinks i was slutting it off with them girls...fuck" and i sprint down the corridor and go out the exit to the cold dark street that was completely empty and desserted. i look down the pathway to my right and i cant see talia nor anyone and my heart begins to pound and i look to my left and it too was completely empty. i began hearing a loud sobbing and i run down the path to my right and follow it and i take a rigth again down a little alleyway to see talia sitting on a bench sobbing with her head in her hands. "talia!" i say and run over to her and sit next to her on the bench and she turns to me and hugs tightly and pushes her head against my side and i put my arm around her and i began to see drips of mascara tumble down my hoodie i was wearing from talias eyes pouring out with tears. "hey talia i wasnt hitting it with those girls i swear they were completely sloshed and drunk out of their minds and she sa-" and i was interupted by talia who managed to say over her sobs "i know simon its just... i dont want to see you with another girl as she was more prettier than me and seeing her with you breaks my heart as i know you were inoccent but you two looked like you suited each other" before she began sobbing again and i pull her into a proper hug, chest to chest with her head on my shoulder and my head on hers and i comfort her and say softly to her "talia i love you more than anything in the world you know that?... and that drunk girl wasnt more prettier than you and i bet my life your more smarter than her, funnier than her, prettier than her, nicer than her and i would never ever leave you like that... talia i love you." and tears began to drip down my face and she pulled away from my hug and wiped the tears falling from my eyes and said "simon minter i love you too" and she pushed her soft lips into mine and we both passionately kissed and after about ten seconds we pulled away and she reached into her bag and cleaned her eyes and face with makeup wipes and we both stood up and hugged before i said "head home then?" and we both smiled and i texted josh saing we were heading home.

s- hey josh and me and talia are heading home now enjoy your night!

j-okay cool get home safely!

s-will do now you go and enjoy your night!

j-will do mate, night

s-night mate

and me and talia strolled off with our hands held tightly togther down the pathwat as we made our way back to the hotel. we arrived at teh hotel after an hour walk but it was not a tireing walk but more of a very peaceful walk that me and talia both enjoyed and we arrived at our hotel room and entered and talia took off her makeup and had a shower whast i was on my phone scrolling through insta looking through all the guys drunk insta stories of the night at the club until talia was done in the bathroom and exited in her bikini and she gave me a peck on the cheek and got into bed and she stripped naked and shut her eyes. i entered the bathroom and thought to myself 'its comfier i guess... well she has never slept naked round me before but i think im gonna stick to wearing my boxers for now' and i smile and have a shower and brush my teeth before stripping down to just my boxers and exited the bathroom only to be confronted by talia allready fast asleep and laugh to myself at the fact she managed to sleep in the space of 20 minutes when she usually is glued to her phone after night out and i get into bed with her and wrap an arm round her cuddling her before i too fall fast asleep.

Hey guys i was requested to do a bit longer of a chapter so i decided to write a 1700 word chapter today so hope you liked it! also many other fanfics contain smut and many people there enjoy it being included in chapters and i might include some soon. please give your thoughts about smut being included occasionally in my story in the comments as i wanna know if some of you wanna see it or not. im allways welcome to feedback! ps. love the support from you guys immensily!!!

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