The Culprit...

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Simon POV

we pull over at a police station i can just about see through the blacked out window in the back of the police car and my door was swung open before i was grabbed by my shirt and pulled out the car by a very muscley policeman and i was pushed from the back into the police centre. i was quickly rushed into a cell in the police station and the metal barred door was shut closed with a loud clang, and i quickly fall to the floor and crawl to the wall and lean against it, and put my head up against the wall and let out a massive sigh. many thought's rushed through my head about talia and my freinds and the media and i soon began to feel very lonely and miserable, i just wanted to see talia at this point and nothing else...

Talia POV

i bursted into the apartment after freya had dropped me off and went back home, and i looked around to see our apartment trashed by the policeman searching fro this 'missing person'. i walk around the house exploring the house and what had happened to it and i walked into the lounge and i spot simon's phone laying on the table. i slowly walk over to it rubbing my eyes of tears and go to pick it up until suddenly i feel a poke of a sharp object slowly meet my back and a hand wrap around my mouth and i hear a whisper in my ear "make a noise at all and i stab you" and they remove their hand from my mouth and slowly turned me around until i was met with a very fimiliar face, will was holding a steak knife to me with a seriousness painted all over his body and he tightly grabbs me with one hand with the knife in the other and i struggle as he clenches my arm tight enough for me to be in pain and he holds the knife to my back and the more i struggled the more it was dug into my "ahhhhh-" i say as the knife got pushed harder against my skin until it entered into my skin slightly making me bleed and scream out in pain before he wrapped his hand round my mouth and whispered fustratedly in my ear "dont struggle then" and he led me forcefully to the bedroom and shoved me in there before locking the door from the outside with my keys and i sat in there crying and i ran my hand up my back before looking at it for it to be covered in blood as it continued to run down my back.

after about 2 hours had passed i was increasingly anxious with what was going to happen to and simonk kept running through my mind... what if the last convosation i had with him was him getting arrested before i died from a sycotic old freind i was close to but we never even went out. suddenly i hear the door getting gently unlocked and the door was slowly opened to reveal will suprisingly without a kitchen knife standing in the door with a smile on his face that shook my soul and i was still shocked at what happened and i didnt know what to do. he approached my and sat next to me before wrapping an arm around me still not wiping that souless smile from his face and he turned to me and sais "i get to raise your kid now, not simon but me" he said creepily in my ear whast putting his hand on my chest and rubbing it softly. he started to rub my arm up and down slowly and run his fingers round my waistband before i couldnt cope and i shuffled away from him beginning to alarmingly anger him "talia what do you think your doing?" he sais creepily with an evil smug on his face as he approached me. suddenly there was a loud knock on the door and we both looked to the open bedroom door to the front door and will quickly ran into the kitchen and grabbed a kitchen knife before holding it to my kneck and putting his finger to his lips telling me to be silent, and at that moment the door was knocked down to reveal a team of swat members bursting in the building and find will red handed with a knife in his hand "DROP THE WEAPON" they shout and he immediately complies and drops to the floor with his hands behind his back like instructed. after he was handcuffed and detained i was escorted carefully out the apartment by a female police officer and she sat me down outside of the apartment and calmed me down before i identified myself "im natalia mar" i say and the women asks me a few more questions and realises im the women simon was talking about before he was arrested and she quickly escorts me down to the police car before she notices me holding my back in pain. "whats up?" she sais curiously and i point to my back and she lifts the back of my shirt up to reveal a nasty cut on my back from will "the man cut into my back before you guys came" i said scrunching up my face in pain as she began to clean it and she noted it down and after cleaning my wound she took me to the police station to report my facts. we arrived and we both enetered and the lady took the information gathered from the encounter at the apartment and they both walked away from me for a few minutes and they talked in private to each other until the police officer came back out to talk to me. "so after the evidence from today we are going to release your boyfreind simon minter from this facility free of all charges." and i smile and hug the police officer and she awkwardly giggles before she leads me down a corridor.

Simon POV 

I hear fast paced step approach my sell from down the corridor and i look up in curiosity as my cell door is unlocked to be tightly hugged by talia as she begins to sob in happiness as we finally meet again and i kiss her head as she digs it into my shoulder. whast cuddling the female officer speaks up "so simon minter a person that your girlfreind named as will was in your apartment and attempted to hold her hostage and gave light injuries to talia during th eprocess and we feel like that is more than enough evidence to clear you free of charges and talia lets go of my grasp as i stand up from the floor and shake the ladies handbefore exiting he cell with talia and holding her hand and we both kiss on the lips and i wrap my hand round her waist and we stroll back down the corridor to the lockers where i get my stuff and i sign some papers to agree to go to a court case against will to get him jailed and me and talia both leave the police station with gleaming smiles on our faces as we call an uber back to our apartment. once we got in the place was trashed and we immediately started picking random things up and cleaning the place up and after about an hour and a half in talia drops everythings she's carrying and leans against the wall with one hand before holding her stomach and groaning in pain. i quickly rush over to her worriedly and say to her "hey talia im here baby whats wrong" i say and she holds on to my hand, squeezing it to relief some of the pain from herself and she starts to breath heavily and she looks up to me and sais "i think i just had... my first contraction of our little girl" and she hugs me and i kiss her before we go an sit on the couch together and watch some tv together and relax. if theres one thing i know is that our baby is coming very soon...

hey guys tried to make it as long as possible but im going to be busy tommorow and theres a slight chance there wont be a chapter out tommorow but trust me i will try my best! feeling a bit better which is good:) thanks for the support and leave some suggestions in the comments for the birth episode, i love to see them all and appreciate every single one no matter how small the idea! <3 <3

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