A Jealous Friend

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Simon POV

im really missing talia right now and shes probably having so much fun in italy with family but she hasnt texted me in just over a day, bit weird but shes probably just so busy with meeting with family at the moment. i say goodbye to my mum and dad and my brothers before i head into my car after spending the night at my parents and i drive off. "great, cant wait for a 3 hour drive back to the sidemen house" i say sarcastically to myself. after i arrive at the sidemen house i sigh in boredom and unlock the door before strolling into the empty house and i make my way to the kitchen to get a glass of water. i grab a glass from the cabinet and i pour it with fresh ice cold clear water before i take a long sip from the glass and sit down at the island in the middle of the kitchen before i drowzily sigh in boredom and tiredness... i felt sick. i stumble towards the staircase and made my way up the stairs slowly and carefully not letting go of the banister and i went into my room and ran into my bathroom before ejecting puke out of my mouth into the toilet bowl. i groaned heavily and held my head as i was beginning to feel a bit dizzy so i flushed the toilet and made my way over to the tap and cleaned my mouth of puke before i exited the bathroom and crawled into my bed and before i could even think about turning the light off i drifted off to sleep. *DING* "huh... the fuck was that" i say squinting open my eyes and i trun to my phone to see my notification and realised it was 3 in the morning. i groaned tiredly but before i could shut off the phone the notification name caught my eye as it read, 'from talia' my eyes lit up as i read it and i quickly opened my phone and it read

t- hey si missing you looooots, sorry i couldnt text i was busy with visiting famiy i havnt seen in ages! i love you lots xxxx

s- hey t im missing you too hope your enjoying you time in italy, cant wait to see you in two days xxxx

t- cant wait to see you too xxx

s- xxxx

i put my phone on my bedside table and turned over facing the ceiling and mumbled to myself, "why is she mesaging me at 3 in the morning... oh shit time gap i forgot!" i close my eyes and fall back asleep. i wake up to a noise downstairs that sounded like the door unlocking. i get out of bed and walk out the door feeling quite a bit better than yesterday and i was almost back to my usual self. i walked down stairs to be greeted by all the guys finally back from their flight. "hey gyus!" i shouted and they all looked up and smiled but only mumbled and said nothing. i could tell they were super jet lagged but to my suprise walking in after them was gee chip and will. "oh hey guys i said and they all smiled and greeted me back and we chatted for a bit whast all the others drowzily strolled to their rooms looking like a herd of post-apocaliptic zombies. eventually gee will and chip made their way to the living room and i made my way back up the staircase to see freya walking back down and i look at her and say "not jettlagged?" and she looks up at me and sais "im jettlagged to shit but im craving for a meal right now" and we both laugh and i make my way back up to my room to start some editing.

Talia POV

i exit the airport and call an uber to my location very excitedly as i couldnt wait to suprise simon by returning home a day early to see him. i got in the uber and put in my airpods and listened to some ariana grande for an hour until i pulled up at the sidemen house. i paid the driver and exited the vehicle with my luggage and my made my way to the door before knocking on it. i hear faint footsteps until im met with gee and freya. "omg hey bisschhh!!" they both say and we group hug and chat for a minute before i make my way past the living room waving to will and chip suprised that they were here and went up the stairs towards his door. i could hear his keys clicking away and his mouse dragging across his mouse mat so i figured he was entering and i slowly opened the door and he had his headphones on so he couldnt hear the door so i walk in and close it pretty loudly and he turns around and his face lightens up with deligth "TALIA!" he shouts and quickly stands up from his chair and i jump up into his arms wrapping my legs round his waist and my arms round the back of his neck as he start to spin us around. he stops and kisses me on the cheeck and we both smile at each other. "ive missed you sooo much!" i say before kissing him softly on the lips and he looks at me quriously and sais "hey, arent you meant to be in italy with family rigth now?" he sais and i quickly reply "i met with all my family but it just didnt feel right as i felt lonely without you" and he smiled at me and kissed me on the lips, mine interlocking perfectly with his and the kiss became a more passionate one and i started to run my hands under his shirt feeling his soft skin and he began to put one hand under my crop top we both grinned but all of a sudden before things could progress even further there was a knock on our door and he quickly put me down in his chair and we both turned around to see freya standing in the doorway and she said "hey were gonna watch a film downstairs along with gee, will, chip and josh, are you guys coming?" "yh well be down in 2 mins frey" and she nodded her head and smiled before once again making her way downstairs towards the living room. i turned to simon and we both laughed and smirked at each other before we made our way downstairs into the living room. simon sat down on the only empty sofa and i sat next to him and leaned on simon and i could feel a set of eyes glaring me down and i look to my right towards the other sofas to see will looking at me... it was a bit creepy but he quickly stopped and i brushed it off as nothing and half way through the movie will gets up and leaves for no reason. i look over to simon who shruggs and smiles at me and we continue to watch the film. its been about an hour and im bursting for the toilet and i get up from the sofa and quietly say "just going to the loo, be back in five" and simon nodds and i make my way up to his room and go to the toilet. i exit his room and i feel a hand grasp over my mouth stopping me from making any noise and another hand pull me visciously into the spare room next to simons. i kick my legs frantically and trying to scream but to no availe as my mouth was being covered. the person closes the door and turns on the light to reveal that they're will. "will what the fu-" and before i could speak his hand goes over my mouth again. "ssshh talia please your gonna... your gonna get me in trouble" he sais whispering in my ear as i frantically try and struggle out of his grasp but to no availle. his grip on my face and my waist to stop me from struggling begins to grow tigther and tighter and his fingers begin to sharply jab my skin. i begin to wheep in pain and tears pour from my eyes. "hey talia i... i really like you but i cant let you be with simon if i want you" and suddenly i hear a faint voice coming from downstairs... it was simons. "talia? taliaaaa?" he said and i managed to free my face from wills grasp and scream "SIMON!" before will grabs my face again but covering my mouth and nose ensuring i couldnt speak but i now couldnt breath and tears began to pour even faster out my eyes as i began to be short of breath "why the fuck did you have to do that!?" will fustratedly whispered in my ear.

Simon POV

i heard a faint scream from talia coming from the spare room next to my bedroom and i began to panick, my heart pounded faster and faster as i sprinted up the staircase. thoughts began to race through my mind of what it could be until i was met with the door. i swung it open to see will tightly restraining talia with his hands looking fustratedely at talia. he then looks over to the open door and immediately lets go of talia resulting in her falling to the flaw gasping for breath and coughing. freya and gee and chip then ran up behind me and looked in the spare room seeing what will had done and looked in disgust. talia got up from the floor still gasping for breath and sprinted towards me weeping heavily and grabbed onto me in fright and gave me a hug tightly clinging onto me scared for her life. i looked at her face and she had red bruising from wills grasp and her stomach was slightly cut and bleeding from wills nails piercing into her skin. "s-simon" she said trying to make a sentance but unable to as she was crying uncontrollably from fright and pain. "its okay its okay i got you talia" i said comfortingly and i looked up at will and saw his face painted with rage. i carefully handed over talia over to freya and gee who comforted her in their arms and i walked over to will and unexpectedly he swung a punch at me and it hit me right in the face. i fell in the floor dazzled and confused with my vision slightly blurry and could hear the gasps of the girls and chip but before i let the pain get the better of me the adrenaline still ran through me and as will went to sprint put the room i rugby tackled his waist causing him to topple to the floor and before he could get up i put one knee on his back so he couldnt move. the screams from the girls alerted the rest of the group wich made vik jj and josh come to the room. "OH SHIT SIMON" jj shouted and ran over and pinned down will for me so i could rest and i sat and leaned against the banister as vik and josh looked on in awe. my nose then began to drip with blood onto the marble floor like a leaky tap, as it was pouring from my nose quickly. my adrenaline began to fade off and the pain got stronger and stronger. my vision was so blurry i started seeing two of everything and my face felt like i was repeatedly being hit in the face with a baseball ball every second...

oooooooohhh drama!! new chapter going to be written straight after this so look forward for a new on coming in an hour or two!! ps. this chapter was 2000 words!

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