Gender Reveal Party!

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Talia POV

"hey, how should we tell everyone one that she's a girl?" i say to simon, both of us sitting on the couch watching tv "what do you mean?" he sais curiously at me. "you know... a sort of gender reveal party kinda thing maybe?" i say as my head is thinking away at all the ideas we could do. "hey what about we shoot out those party cannons that i have, i probably have a pink one somewhere." and my eyes lit up with ideas "yes simon thats a great idea! we could have it at the sidemen house too!" and he nodds and we both start to plan and invite freinds and family over too it and we planned it for 3 days time. i kiss him on the cheeck "babe im actually buzzing for this!" i say to him loudly and he holds my hands and he leans down towards my stomaach and holds it "cant wait to see our little lexi" he sais kissing my stomach and i giggle before lifting his head up with two fingers and i kiss him on the lips softly "love you" i say softly in his ear to wich he responds "love you too" we hold hands and we leave the lounge and go towards the second guest bedroom which was now lexi's room, it had yellow walls and a toddler bed (for when she grew too old for the cradle) and a pink cradle in the corner of the room. "i can imagine her in the cradle allready" i said running my hands across my stomach feeling the the bulge and how it was getting bigger day by day. "Si, you know im not wearing a bra under this t-shirt right?" i say curiously until he responds "wait why? i mean... i aint complaining though" and we both laugh and i playfully hit his arm. "they dont fit anymore, like the lady said would happen" and he nodds and sais "you wanna get some now i mean... it six o'clock in the afternoon so we still have time." and i smile and nod to him and he grabs his keys and takes my hand and we set out the door.

3 days later

i woke up and it was 6 in the morning and i woke up simon "hey simon, we gotta get up to go to the sidemen house... sleeeepy heeeaaadd" i say shaking him and he wakes up drowzily and confused "wa-what?" he sais squinting his eyes as the bright sunlight seeps through the bedroom windows. "we gotta get up to help set up the gender reveal party" i say dragging him out of bed. "oh yh okay i cant be bothered to have a shower a so lets get changed and go" he sais whast putting on a clean pair of boxers and starts browsing the chester draws for clothes to wear. i put on just a baggy shirt and some jeans and he puts on a pair of sidemen tracksuit bottoms and sidemen shirt before putting on a tgf childish hoodie, he washes his face in cold water from the tap and wipes his face with a towel and sais "you ready to go?" and i smile and nod at him and say "ready as i'll ever be... i guess" and he turns to me and sais curiously "what, nervs getting to you?" and i nodd my head blankly and he holds my hand as we exit the apartment and sais in a softly toned voice "hey sweetie, it will be fine and all our family and freinds will have a good time and ill make sure your happy okay?" and i smile at him as he locks the door and i give him a kiss on the cheeck and say "thanks babe and we walk towards the lift and get to the garage level and we gte in his car and get ready to start the one ish hour drive to the sidemen house. "by the way talia, jj hired some profesionals to decorate the place and set up everything and jj baught the food so i think all we have to do is bring the party cannon and fire it" and we both laugh and i start to wonder to myself and i began to slightly panick as i look around to the backseat and i dont see a party cannon "hey babe, you did bring the party cannon right?" and he turns and smiles and sais "yeah its in the boot, i put it in there yesterday" and i lower my shoulders and de-stress myself and breathe a sigh of relief and he turns to me and giggles and sais "you were shooken holy shit" and i hit him playfully and settle back down for the rest of the drive.

Simon POV

We finally pull up to the house and we get a glimps of the garden and me and talia are jaw dropped into a quick silence "oh my god thats so sick!, oi im actually sooooo gassed!" i say buzzing in excitement and talia has her hand over her mouth in shock an turns to me and sais "oh my gosh simon look!" she sais waving her finger and pointing at the long table that streched far, being able to fit over 50 guest's with plates cuttlery and food allready on the table. we pull up to the front of the house where jj was standing in the door with a grin on his face, i park the car and get out before saying "oi jide im not gonna lie but you fucking smashed it mate!" i say fist bumping him and talia gave him a quick hug. "im glad you guys liked it, hired 7 staff to come and do this and judjing by your reactions i think they did a good job... oh and by the way ive paid them allready so were all gucci there" "thanks jide, how much i owe you?" and he looks at me and sais "nah fam its aight got you, you dont owe me anything" and i look at him curiously and say "nah jj this must have cost bare, take the money" and he shakes his head and laughs "nah man, its what good freinds do so you dont need to pay me" and i look at him wondering i hes just waflling and i say just to make sure "you 100% sure jide?" and he nodds his head and checks his watch "people gonna start arriving in 10 mins, so you better go and see what the planners have done" and talia takes my hand and we stroll over to see a long table streching from one end of the garden to the other lavered in a white cloth and many foods for people and multi coulered balloons were scattered everywhere, not to give away the gender of the baby and there were tons of luxourious chairs with cushioned bottoms that were SUPER comfy. Soon people started flooding in, with various family and freinds taking a seat as we all said high and talia and i met some of eachothers family members we hadnt seen before and we made sure to greet them welcomelly. suddenly there was a tap on my shoulder and it turned round to see a worried will and before i could say anything he said "hey, you can kick me out if you want but i just want to apoligize for what happened at the house and i just wanted to gift you this champagne as a kind of gender reveal/sorry present..." me and talia looked at each other and smiled and i said "hey man its cool just, please dont act like that again yeah?" and he nodds approvingly and walks off and takes a seat at the table. after everyone had arrived me and talia both did a quick speech and we got ready to pop the confetee cannon to reveal the gender, we both hold it together and we say in sink "is everybody ready!" and there was a load cheer of response and we counted down "3...2...1...BOOM" and pink confetee launched everywhere and the whole long table of people cheered in delight as we kissed and hugged before sitting back down and everybody started to eat and chatter away...

Talia POV

After about 4 hours everybody had left and everything had been cleared up by the planners jj hired and we were putting all the presents in the boot of the car and jj came out to us "hey man just wanted to say congrats on you new baby girl" he said and i responed smiling "thanks jj, and i appreciate you seting and paying for all of this" and he smiles and sais "no worries, now you too get home safe now" and i simon gives jj a fist bump and i give him a quick hug before we set off in the car back to home. we arrive home and it was about 5 in the afternoon and we park the car and go up the elavator to our room. once we got home we set all the presents down in the lounge and we sat snuggling on the couch infront of the beautiful view of central london. simon then gets up and goes over to the presents and picks out some champagne from will and he gets two glasses out the cuboard before i quickly say "si remember i cant have alchohol" and he quickly puts the glass back and sais "shit sorry" and he poars himself a glass o the champagne and sits donw next to me before taking a short sip."quite nice" he sais swirling it around in the wine glass and i say "trying to rub in the fact that i cant drink alchohol?" and we both laugh and i start to get hungry. "hey im gonna head to the shops to get dinner, want anything?" "nah im good, do you want me to come with you?" "nah its fine" i say grabbing my handbag and giving him a big kiss on the cheek "see you later!" he sais and i smile before closing the door.

Simon POV

I finish the glass of champagne and go to pour myself another glass before my surroundings started to go blurry and fuzzy, my head began to spin and my head felt like it was getting punched every second. my eyes begin to slowly close and i fall to the floor dropping the champagne all over the wooden floorand the glass shatters in my hand and i clench my fists in pain as my surroundings begin to get darker and darker...

Shout out to minitalia123 and kcnzies for the chapter idea✨🙌🏼dry for ideas right now so I would appreciate for ideas in the comments for the next chapter!✨✨✨✨

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