Flight Over To Vegas

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Talia POV

"Hey Babe... time to wake up sleepy head" i say giving him a big kiss on the forehead, and he wakes up with a big smile on his face. "morning talia... what time is it?" I look over and reach over to my phone "it's 5 am si" I say brushing my new short black hair out of my face and stretching my arms and legs all over Simon "babe we gotta get up" Simon sais softly putting his hand on my thigh barely awake. "but si I just wanna stay here with you and cuddle" I say laying on top of him and wrapping my arms round him and laying my head on his shoulder as he's way taller than me. "cmon let's get ready talia" he said and he slides from beneath me and stands up before stretching and he then picks me up by my legs and back and twirls around in circles. "aaahhh" I scream laughing as he slows down and puts me back on my feet and I turn around to meet his face and kiss his soft lips. "I love you simon minter" I say after parting with his lips and he replies "I love you too talia Mar" and he smiles and we kiss again and I jump up into his arms and he catches me and holds me with my legs so I'm sitting down on his arms. "now look whos the tall one" I say and he laughs at me and sais "enjoying it while it lasts?" and we both laugh he then swoops me into the bathroom and he puts me down back on my feet. "you have a shower and do your makeup whast I quickly edit" he sais smiling at me. "yep see you in like 30 mins babe" I say and kiss his cheeck before getting in the shower and I start to sing ariana grande songs and after showering I do my makeup and exit simons bathroom to see him sitting in his chair singing sunflower by post malone and swae Lee and I quietly sneak up behind him and stand there amazed as he continues to hit swae Lees high pitched note flawlessly. I then wrap my arms round his shoulders and hug him and he then quickly takes of his headphones. "Hey si since when were you this good at singing?" I say leaning my head on his shoulder "I'm not" he sais to wich I look doubtfully at him and say "you hit that high pitched note perfectly" to witch he shakes his head and says "cmon t we got to go downstairs and get to the airport" he sais and smiles at me and I follow him down and he grabs both our suitcases and loads them up in the car and we both get in his tesla and drive down to the airport and park our car there and meet up with the guys at the airport. "Hey guys he said to jj vik ethan tobi Harry and josh whast I go over to Freya and Katie," Hey whers emily" I say to them and they both look at each other and frown.

Simon POV

I greet all the guys and I notice ethan looks either very tired or just not in the mood to talk to anyone. "Hey then man you OK?" I say to him and josh grabs me and ushers me away from the group and sais "he and Emily broke up two days ago and he's really not having a good time so the plan is to cheer him up at Vegas at all costs!" he sais and I nod before rejoining the group and we all eventually make it through customs. Talia was still SUPER tired and whast waiting for our flight to board after it has been delayed twice and it was now delayed for 5 hours and she quickly fell asleep with her head on my lap and I was beginning to also feel drowzy and i out my arm round her back and leant back in the seat and drifted off to sleep. I wake up to a loud announcement of our plane boarding and next to me talia yawns and has her eyes half open as we step up and board the plane we have a seat next to each other and we sit down and I lean my head on her shoulder and she grabs my handand I drift off to sleep...
I wake up to my hand being squeezed tightly and I look over to my side to see talia with her head in her head in her hand silently crying. "Hey babe what's wrong" and she turns to me with tears dripping to her cheek "I hate planes and the turbulence" and I turn to her and hug her and she hugs back tightly. "it's just turbulence I hate it" she sais and I comfort her throughout the flight and we arrive at Vegas. "finally" we both say and we join the rest of the group.
Jj shouts excitedly before we all look at him and laugh as we all walk in a group out the airport and toward our hotel about 5 minutes away. "I'm actually gassed for gun shooting tommorow" jj sais before quickly adding "if any of you make a racist joke I will nock you out before everybody looks at Harry." WHY THE FUCK IS EVERYBODY LOOKING AT ME?!" he shouts as everybody laughs as we continue to make out way towards the hotel. We got to the hotel and signed in and finally me and talia could sleep in the same room withoit trying to hide our relationship from freinds." it's so nice being able to share a room together without hiding it" talia sais to me and I nod and smile at her approvingly. "thanks for comforting me on the plane babe" she sais to wich I wrap one arm round her waist and say "Hey no problem I'm always here for you and she smiled sweetly at me and kiss my cheek. We made out way into our room and both got ready for our first night out together in Vegas.

Will be some drama soon! A few more chapters so it is hopefully placed better in the story! I rushed this a bit sorry about that but I hadn't updated salia recently so I though I would but currently as I'm writing this it is 2 in the morning so I need sleep so please leave feedback, helps me a lot.

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