Baby Shopping Disaster!

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Talia POV

I was on my own at the apartment whast simon was out filming with the boys, and i got bored of scrolling thorough social media and lazily begsn to stroll around the house. i soon realised that now after being pregnant for 4 months ish my belly had gotten pretty big and my breasts had too, and i was beginning to struggle to get up a bit more than usual due to the heaviness of being pregnant. i walk into lexi's future room she'll have after being born and i look around and it looks pretty empty, i suddenly realise me and simon had done little baby shopping and the only things baby related apart from the cradle in her room was a few toys we got at the gender reveal party at the sidemen house. i stroll back into the lounge and grab my phone before texting freya:

t- hey biiiichhhh, wanna go baby shopping??


t- can you pick me up pls?

f-yup see you in 20 mins xxxxx

t-thaannnnkkkss xxxxx

i got changed and put on some makeup and grabbed my handbag before i hear a knock on the door and open it too see freya standing there with a gleaming smile on her face. "ready girllll" she sais as we both giggle and hug before we walk out the apartment and i lock the door and we go down the elevator to the car park and drive off and i text simon:

t-heyyyy, going baby shopping with freya for a couple hours so might not be home when you are xxxx

s-ok bby sounds great! see you soon xxx

t-luv youuuu xxx

s-luv you too xxxx

and i put my phone back into my handbag and have an excited gleaming smile glued on my face,"what you so happy about?" freya sais giggling to herself whast her eyes are glued to the road "oh, just super excited" i say covering my mouth and start laughing. we eventually arrive at a massive shopping centre and park up the car before entering in, we go through the massive glass doors to be met with a massive building packed with shops and people buzzing around the place zipping from shop to shop with multiple full bags in their hands. me and freya look to each other in excitement and we walk down to a map board of the whole centre and toys are us is on the complete other side of it so what do we do?... go shop at every shop before it! we walk into nike and i get myself a new pair of nike trainers and i spot a pair of football boots simon allways see's and wants bt backs out in buying them. i take them off the shelf and find simon's size and buy them, we walk out the shop and freya looks at my reciept "those boots wre 160 quid?!" she sais dramatically and i laugh and say "gotta pay ma man back for the stuff he does for me" and freya smiles and sais "i aint moaning bout that babes its just, i could buy a pretty ring for that and not a shoe" and we both giggle as we walk into the next shops "ted baker?" i say and we both nod to each other and walk in and i end up not buying anything but freya goes and buys a cute ted baker bag and we get out the shop an she strutts it over her shoulder whast wearing her pink coat sjosh got her for a video. "babes you look gooooorge" i say as she posed outside the shop and she gave me her phone "insta pic?" i say and we both laughed before she nodded and put on a serious face whast posing and i took the photo. "thanks babes" she sais to me and we stroll on looking in a few more shops and buying a small thing here and there before we finally made it to toys are us. "watcha looking for then?" freya asks me curiously and my brain floods with ideas as we walk into the shop. "probably some little wanzie things babies wear and some nappy's along with a few baby toys" and we both smile and excitedly walk from aile to aile looking at many clothes and picked out many little wanzies for lexi and we baught a couple pink ones and a bunch of baby sized socks and a big pack of nappy's. after finishing getting clothes for lexi we walked into the toy aile and me and freya were buzzing "oh my gosh look how cute this is!" i say picking up a set of dummies and putting them in the basket before freya picked up a baby maraca and it continued as we baught many toys and the workers looked oddly at us as we said that everything looked cute...

once we had finished shopping we paid for everything and walk out the store to be back in the shopping centre, i got out my phone and i realised we had been shopping for 4 and a half hours and i had 4 missed calls from simon "shit!" i say frantically calling him and putting the phone up to my ear...

Simon POV

"hello talia you need to get home ASAP!" i say frantically as two big muscley police guys stare intimidatingly at me as talia finally picks up her phone "why?! simon what's going on??" she sais worryingly and i look over to the two policeman who still havnt taken an eye off my and i say shooken "there are 10 policeman and 4 sniffer dogs in our apartment because for some fucking reason they think ive kidnapped someone, just because you look like some missing person!" and i hear her go speechless before trning to freya and i hear her say in the background "we need to go to my apartment now, simons in trouble with the police" and i hear her engine start as they began to pull away from wherever they were. one off the police men nudge me and nodd to my phone before i say to talia "they're telling me to get off the phone so ill see you in a bit babe love you" before i end the call as instructed before she could reply and the policeman snatch my phone off me an chuck it on my wooden table though i didnt respond to it as if i did they look like they would rip my head off my body with just their bare hands. i was sat i the corner of the lounge on a chair guarded by two policeman whast the sniffer dogs covered every inch of my house. 20 minutes later talia still hasnt arrived and i hear quiet chatter from the other room before the whole squad of 10 policeman with everydog staring at me before one of them say "so your supposed girlfreind talia mar hasnt shown up in this time period so were going to have to take you into custody for the time being until there is enough evidence to clear you of these charges but for now simon minter you are being charged with suspected kidnapping and you will be held in a custody cell for the next few days unless there is hard evidence to prove you have no invlolvement in the crime, anything you say may be used against you in court if charges apply" and two of the policemen grab me and aggresivly pin me against the wall and cuff my wrists together "hey, hey can you tell my girlfreind then please, she lives here. and one of the policeman sigh nd grab my phone "whats your password?" he sais and i repeat "102101" and he types it in and unlocks my phone before scrolling through my contacts and finding talia. he rings her and she quickly picks up before the mans sais "your supposed boyfreind is now being taken into custody due to you not arriving in our selected time period, you can visit him tommorw at 3:15 at the london police centre, sorry for the inconvience" and i hear talia burst into tears just before he outs down the phone and he puts it down on the table and they take me down the lift to the car park and they forcefully shove me in the back of their police car and drive off...

hiiiii still a bit ill, so the chapter is a bit shorter than usual but sorry for the cliffhanger! thanks to HollyMccallum5 for the idea for the first half of this chapter :) new chapter out, same time tommorow!! <3

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