chapter 2

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Rye's POV
It's Wednesday so I have like two days to convince Andy to come to the party. It's going to be a real challenge, but I like challenges. Mikey is driving me today again but we have to drop the twins off at their school as well.

"SAMMIE!! SHAUN!! Mikey is here!" I scream as loud as I can. They come downstairs and I tell them to put their shoes on. Then I pick Shaun up and tickle him all the way out to the car.

"Stop, stop Rye" Shaun laughs, Sammie laughing as well. I love both of them very much, them being my relief when I want a pause from real life.
They jump into the car and Mikey and I start to talk. I turn up the music in the car, humming along.

Andy's POV
I wake up when I hear my mum screaming that I have to wake up. I open my eyes and decide I have to stand up or I'll fall back asleep. When I'm up, I walk over to my closet. I take out a white t-shirt and a pair of multicolored pants. Even though I know I shouldn't wear any special clothes that stands out. But today I'm feeling crazy. I laugh at myself and how sad my life seems. I walk downstairs and meet my mother in the kitchen.

"You look really handsome today young man" she says, sounding happier than what was normal on mornings. I don't say anything back, I just smile.

"I'm going to work now, I love you"

I love you too mum" I say back and she kisses my forehead before hurrying out of the kitchen.

When I drive to school I listen to music as always. Music is my relief, when I need a pause from real life. When I go out of my car at school I immediately bump into someone. When I look up, I stare right into a pair of beautiful brown eyes. Fuck.

"I'm sorry" I mumble and keep walking. But after a couple of steps, I feel someone walking next to me. I see in the corner of my eye that it's him.

"Hey" Ryan says but I don't answer. "You really don't like to talk" he continues.

Maybe I just don't like to talk to you I think, but I don't say that to him. I don't want to have my head in one of the schools toilets or something. But I don't think Ryan would do that, since he never has done anything to me before.

"Well I have to go now, but I'll se you at english cutie" he whispers in my ear before he walks away, leaving me blushing. Why am I even blushing? I guess it's beacuse I'm not used to being called 'cutie'. Basically, I'm not used to people talking to me at all. I walk to my locker and then I walk to my first class which is math. I really hate math.

Rye's POV
"Well I have to go now, but I'll see you at english cutie" I say in his ear and I can see how Andy blushes. I just smirk and walk into the school. Then Mikey comes up to me again. I don't know how but I lost him on the way from his car to Andy's car.

"Why do you look so happy?" he asks and I shrugh.

"Just a good day" I lie back, knowing he can see right through me.

"Yeah sure" he says rolling his eyes. "Just tell me who the person is"

"Person?" I ask and tries to play innocent.

"You can tell me when you're ready" Mikey says and laughs, knowing I will.

My first class is music which is a class I really like. I like to sing, but no one knows that. What they do know, is that I can play guitar. All the girls go crazy whenever I play, but I don't care about them. I'd rather play for a certain blonde boy.

The day goes on and after lunch it's time for english. I'm really excited when I walk into the classroom. Andy is already there. He looks very handsome today, wearing something less boring than normally. I still don't get why no one likes him. If I were a girl I would have run after him like a dog. But I'm not a girl. I'm a straight guy.

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