chapter 10

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Rye's POV
I feel someone moving against me. I'm not really awake yet, but I can feel my pants get tighter. It feels really good. But what's going on? Where am I? I open my eyes and look right into someones neck. Not just someones, Andy's. He's moves his ass against my dick. That little tease, I think.

"What do you think you're doing?" I whisper to him, but I don't want him to stop.

"I'm not doing anything" he whispers back. I kiss him on his neck and then I start to bite and suck on his neck. Suddenly he stops moving his ass and moves away from me.

"No, come back" I whisper, trying to not wake up the others. I take his waist and pull him back to me. He turns around and I look into his eyes. God, he's so beautiful. He leans forward to whisper in my ear. I think he's going to say something dirty but no.

"Where the actual fuck is Mikey?" he asks and I notice Mikey isn't here. I stand up and so does Andy. Both Jack and Brook are still asleep. They're on Jack's bed and Jack has his hand literally on Brooks face and Brook is drooling. I smile at them and then we walk out of the room. When we're walking downstairs we hear noises from the kitchen.

"Morning lovebirds" Mikey says as we enter the kitchen.

"I thought you were going to sleep all day, considering how drunk you were yesterday" I say and both Andy and Mikey laughs.

"No I wanted to make some pancakes for you guys" Mikey says and I smile beacuse he's always so kind. Me, Andy and Mikey talks for a while and Mikey keeps making pancakes. After like 30 minutes Jack and Brook walks into the kitchen as well. They look like they just woke up and I guess they just did.

"Hello" Jack says and he looks tired. Brooklyn walks to the fridge to get us something to drink before we all sit down at the table to eat Mikey's pancakes.

"Not to be rude or anything, but Andy, your neck" Brook says and I look at Andy's neck. It's purple marks all over it.

"Don't blame me, blame Rye" Andy says quiet.

"You didn't really stop me" I answer and smirk, sending him a wink.

"Enough of that, I'm trying to eat" Mikey shouts and we all laugh at him. I glance at Andy and he looks at me before going back to eat his pancakes.

After our breakfast, we pack our things and then it's time to leave.

"I can give you a ride if you want to" I say to Andy.

"No, I have my own car" he answers. We walk out to our cars and before we say goodbye I give him a quick kiss.

"I'll see you soon and then you will have more of that" I say and he smiles.

"Goodbye RyePie" he says and I just shake my head, not knowing why he insisted on calling me that.

Andy's POV
It's saturday evening now and I don't have anything to do. I've only thought of one thing the whole day. Or more likeone person. It's like my whole world spins around him. I decide to text Rye beacuse I'm craving his attention right now.

me: hi
Rye🐝: hello fovvs
me: what are you doing?
Rye🐝: I'm thinking about you and how hot you are
Rye🐝: I can ask you what you're doing but I already know that you're thinking about me
me: I'm not thinking about you. I'm thinking about Sonny and how much I like him
Rye🐝: I'm on the verge of leaving you on read
me: do you want to come over?
Rye🐝: Yeah, we can have a threesome with Sonny. I'll be there in 10

I change to a t-shirt and some sweatpants. My ass looks pretty good in these pants. I know I sound desperate and I am. Rye is everything I want. When I walk downstairs, I can hear mum singing in our kitchen.

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