chapter 20

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Andy's POV
"What if he just doesn't want to be with me anymore?" Jack asks for like the fifth time since we woke up.

"Shup up" I say and groan. We're sitting at our small table in the kitchen and we're eating breakfast. Just me and Jack beacuse Rye is out on a run. He likes to run on early mornings. And he wants to look around.

"How will you do it? Are you planning to knock at his door?" I ask Jack and he shakes his head.

"I don't know Andy" he says and takes another bite of his sandwich. Our classes hasn't started yet, we have two days of freedom left.

"Maybe I can text him to come here" I suggest. I stand up to put my glass and bowl in the sink. No dishwasher here.

"Yeah that's an idea. But I have to shower and change clothes and-" Jack rambles.

"Just do what you have to do" I say to make him stop. He walks away after putting his things in the sink as well. Guess that leaves me to do the dishes. I sigh while thinking about the whole Jacklyn situation. It's like in a movie. Things like this doesn't happen in real life. Unless your name is Andy, apparently. Then things like this happen every now and then.

Brook's POV
"Shit" I exclaim when I feel the hot water hit my skin. It's only a few drops of tea water but it doesn't feel nice at all. How will I surive living all by myself? I sigh and put the teabag in the water which I didn't spill out. Suddenly my phone rings and I look at the screen. Andy. How nice.

"Hello buddy" I say as I pick up.

"Hi Brooky" Andy answers and he sounds happy. A bit too happy for Andy on a morning. Or it's more like lunch time but Andy isn't a morning person.

"What are you doing?" he asks.

"Umm nothing just spilling some tea on myself" I say and hear him laugh quiet.

"Why am I not surprised?" he asks, still laughing a bit. "Would you like to come over for a while?" Andy continues.

"Yeah but why does it sound like you have a motive behind this?" I answer beacuse I know Andy very well. "Is Rye out or something?" I add and he sighs.

"No he's not Brook, not right now. Maybe I want to spend some time with my best friend" he says and I nod without realising he can't see me. It's quiet for some seconds before I realize I never answered.

"Okay I'll come around in a couple of minutes. Just gonna take a quick shower" I say and then I hear him hang up. Typical Andy. I put my phone down and go to grab a towel and new clothes. I have to shower. I can admit I don't smell too good.

I knock one time at their door and the door swing open immediately.

"Hi" Andy says quick and it looks like he's trying to hide something.

"Hello. What's going on?" I answer and he shakes his head.

"Ehm nothing special, how about you? I mean hi how are you?" he says and I laugh. Andy is usually the calm and the fairly normal one out of us.

"Can I come in or are you just going to stand there?" I ask and Andy clears his throat and moves aside. I walk into the room and I freeze when I see the boy who is standing beside the couch. My heart stop beating and I'm no longer aware of the surrondings. I just stare at the boy.

"Hi" he suddenly says.

"Jack" is all I say before I run up to him. I literally throw myself in his arms and he responds by wraping them around my body. Tears are leaving my eyes and I bury my head in the crock of his neck. It feels incredible to breath in his smell again. But then it hits me. What is he doing here?

Jack's POV
Suddenly Brook looks up at me.

"What are you doing here?" he asks with a worried face expression. I guess he's fearing my answer to be 'just on a visit' or something like that.

"I thought you needed a roommate" I say and smile when I see his mouth drop open.

"OMG JACKY ARE YOU KIDDING ME" he shouts before locking our lips togheter. Oh god, I've missed those lips. It feels unreal to have him near again. It's my worst decision ever to leave him. I didn't realize my love for him is something more than just a high school romance. I love Brook on a whole other level.

When his lips leaves mine I just look down at him.

"I've missed you" is all I can say.

"Don't you ever leave me again Jack" he says and sounds sad.

"I'm an idiot. You shouldn't even want to be with me anymore. I can't believe I left you" I say and feel a pain in my chest. So many nights I've laid in my bed crying and longing for this boy.

"Yes it's the most stupid choice you've ever made but I can't live without you" Brook answers and kisses me again.

Rye's POV (sorry for all of the changes)
I have my arm around Andy while we're watching Brook and Jack's reunion. I lean down to whisper in Andy's ear.

"They make me want to cry of cuteness and puke at the same time" I whisper and Andy looks up at me.

"Yeah same" he says. He turns around so that he's standing in front of me. I can't look away from his clear blue eyes. They sure are something special.

"I love you so much Ryan" Andy whispers while wrapping his arms around my neck. It sounds so good when he calls me 'Ryan'.

"I love you more. Andrew" I say and wrap my own arms around his waist.

"No you don't. I love you more" he giggles and I shake my head.

"No actually, I love you more than anyone can love anyone" I say and realise that sentence didn't really make sense. Andy wrinkles his eyebrowns and giggles again. I absolutely love his giggle. I love him.

"Okay that's enough" Andy says and I nod. I lean forward and connect our lips. His sweet ones meets mine and I get lost in the kiss, as usual. His hands goes up to my hair and I use my hands to pull him as close as possible.

"Guys" I hear Brook say, but I ignore him. Andy does the same. "Guys?" he repeats but I barely hear him as my toungs swirl around in Andy's mouth. "GUYS" Brook screams and with a sigh we pull apart.

I see Jacklyn stand there with their hands interwined. It feels like no time has passed since they were togheter last time. Brook smiles the smile he only smiles when he's with Jack. The same smile is visible on Jack's face.

"We're going to our room" Jack says and throw Brook a wink.

"God just go" Andy says and I agree.

"And don't let the whole building hear you" I add and shake my head at the two boys, who's already looking at each other with a expression which only means one thing; sex. They both stumble to the door.

"See ya later Randy" Brook laughs before closing the door behind them.


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