chapter 11

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Andy's POV
It's monday and I'm on my way to pick up Brook and Jack. They wanted a ride to school and I don't mind driving them. I'm going to pick up Jack first, beacuse he lives closest to my house.

"Hey mate" Jack says as he jumps into my car.

"Hello Jack" I say and smile at him.

"How is it going with Rye? Let me guess, you've already had sex" Jack says, it's funny how they always want to talk about Rye. You could almost believe they were the ones who were in love with him.

"No we haven't. Yet" I say. "He wants to wait" I add.

"Wait, did you just say that Ryan fucking Beaumont wants to wait?" Jack says. "He must really like you" he continues. We drive in silence for a while before driving up to Brooks apartment.

"Hello Andy and Mr Duff" Brook says. Jack glares at him. They really are cute together. A perfect match.

"Brook, Andy is in love" Jack says and makes a heart with his hands.

"Rye and Andy, Rye and Andy" Brook sings and Jack laughs.

"You're both really annoying" I say and we drive up to our school. We walk over the parking lot and into our school. I can't see Rye anywhere. He's probably late. Brook and Jack waves at me and then they walk towards their lockers. I walk to my own locker and starts to take my things out. Suddenly, I feel someones hand on my arm and I turn around.

"Hey fovvs" Rye says with the biggest smile, showing me his perfect white teeth. Even his damn teeth are perfect. Before I have the time to answer, he leans forward and connects our lips. It's people in the whole hallway and I don't have to look to know that they're all staring at us right now.

"It's people here" I say quiet when we breake the kiss.

"Don't care" he answers and then he kisses me again. His tongue enters my mouth and I completly forget about where I am. My arms are around his neck and he has one of his hands on the locker behind me and the other one on my waist. Then he pulls away and he looks so happy. I smile my biggest smile. He takes my hand in one of his big hands.

"You're the cutest thing I've ever seen" he says quiet and I smile even more.

"That's not true"

"Yes it is" he answers.

"I have to go now, I have other things to do" I say. He lets go of my hand as I walk away. He makes a sad face but I keep on walking. My first class is math. The only thing I think about during the lesson is me and Rye. It feels so good to be his... his what?

Rye's POV
First class is done. People are talking about me, more than usual. Some people believes it's just a rumor that me and Andy are... are what? I don't know what we are. Harvey and Zach haven't said anything to me, so that's good. Not beacuse I care about what they have to say.
I see Mikey stand next to my locker.

"I heard that you and fowler kissed this morning" he says and his eyes are sparkling.

"I guess it's hard to not hear about that" I say and I smile.

"I've heard like 20 girls say that they can't believe you're gay" Mikey says.

"I'm not gay" I answer quickly. I'm straight but with one exception" I say and Mikey laughs.

We have history now so we start to walk in that direction. I walk in and the first thing I see is Andy sitting in the back of the classroom.

"You can sit next to him, I'll sit with someone else" Mikey says quiet and I smile at him and give him a thumb up. Andy has his headphones in his ears and he has his hood up as well. I walk up to him, sit down beside him and pull his hood off. He looks to his right and when he sees me he gives me a smile.

"Hey fovvs" I say but he doesn't answer. He just looks down in his notebook again. I lean forward and look in his notebook.

"What are you drawing?" I ask him but in that moment I see what he's drawing. "Omg fovvs that's beautiful. And adorable" I say. It's a drawing of me and him kissing. It's very detailed already, but I can see that it's not finished. He continues drawing and I stare at his face. I can stare at his face all day long. I've never seen anything that beautiful before.

"Can you maybe stop staring?" he asks without even looking at me.

"I know you love when I stare at you" I say and he shakes his head but I can see that he's hiding a smile.

Our teacher walks into the classroom and starts talking about something but I'm lost in my thoughts. Should I ask Andy to be my boyfriend? I know I want him to be my boyfriend. Should I tell my parents? I love them and they love me. I don't think they would care. Am I gay? I don't think so. I believe that I like girls too.

"You can work in four- four groups" our teacher says and suddenly I'm listening. "You can just turn around so that you're working with the one beside you and the two who is sitting behind you. Well, you understand what I mean" he continues and I look at Andy. He smiles his adorable smile. Then I turn my head to see who is sitting behind us. Fuck. It's Sara and her friend. The good thing is that now she'll understand I'm not into to her. I better show her that. When Andy sees who is sitting behind us he just rolls his eyes and sighs. We turn our chairs around and now we're sitting face to face with the two girls.

"Hello Rye" Sara says and smiles. I don't smile back, I just nod. Andy opens his computer to find the assignment. So does Sara's friend. I move closer to Andy to look at his computer. At the same time I put my hand on his thigh.

"Not now dickhead" Andy whispers and I look into his blue eyes.

"Your eyes" I whisper back.

"What's wrong with my eyes? Do I have something in my eyes?" he asks and looks confused.

"They're so blue" I whisper and I know I sound like an idiot.

"Are you drunk or something?" Andy asks, chuckling and moves his gaze back to his laptop. Sara glare at us and I fake a smile to her. Just to annoy her. For the rest of the lesson we work on the assignment and I really try to concentrate. I found myself staring at Andy a couple of times but I try not to. We're done before the class is over so we just sit there. No one is saying anything. Until Sara's friend opens her mouth.

"Is it true that you two are dating?" I look at Andy and he doesn't look surprised by the question. I don't know what to answer. Are we even dating? Then Andy takes my hand.

"Yeah" he answers and I nod.

"I think you're cute togheter" Sara's friend says but Sara just looks out through the window.

"Thank you" I say and this time my smile is genuine. The bell rings and we walk out of the classroom. It's lunch time and I walk with Andy towards the cafeteria. Jack and Brook are already sitting by a table and they're kissing. Not in a sexual way, only kisses filled with love.

"Hey lovebirds" Andy says and they breake the kiss.

"Hello" Brook says and he looks so happy. So does Jack.

"Heeyy" I hear Mikey say and two seconds later Mikey sits down at our table. While we're eating and talking, I put my hand on Andy's thigh. He pretends that he doesn't notice and keeps on talking to the others. I move my hand a bit closer to the forbidden area. I keep it there for a while and I can feel that Andy gets distrcted from the conversation.

"I have to go to the bathroom" Andy says and looks at me.

"Me too" I say and the others laughs at us.

"Sure, have fun" Jack says and they laugh even more. Andy takes my hand and drags me into a bathroom. He pushes me against a wall but I quickly turn us around.

"I'm in charge" I say and press my body against his.

"Don't be such a tease then" he whispers in my ear.

"But I know you want more" I whisper back and move my hands down to his waist. He starts to kiss my neck and as soon as he finds the most sensitive spot, he starts to suck on my neck.

"Andy" I moan quiet. He pulls away and our lips meet. He lets my tounge my tounge in immediately. I had no idea making out in the school's bathrooms could feel this good.


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