chapter 19

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about one year later
Rye's POV
"Wow it's nice here" Andy says and I smile. I look around in our dorm room and Andy is right, it's really nice. Not big, but we don't need a bigger place. Suddenly another blonde boy burst into the door.

"It's unfair you two get to live togheter when I have to live alone" Brook exclaims and lays down on our couch. We just arrivied at our college. I don't know how it happened, but somehow all of us ended up at the same college after all. Except Mikey and that feels kinda bad. He'll still be my best friend and we'll stay in touch though. Anyways, Andy and I will attend music courses. Speaking of music, a couple of months ago, Andy and I started to post covers on youtube. We don't have so many views, but it's fun.

"Rye? Where did you go?" Andy suddenly asks and waves his hand in front of my face to interrupt my thoughts.

"I'm still here" I answer and walk up to him. I put my hands on his waist. We've been togheter for more than a year now, and I still get surprised sometimes of how beautiful Andy is. I lean in for a kiss and my lips meet his. I can kiss him all day long, without even noticing the time passes.

"I'm still here guys" I hear Brook say and I pull away from Andy.

"Maybe you should find someone new then" I joke smirking. Before I realize what I just said. "I didn't mean it like that" I say and expect Brook to storm out of our room. But he doesn't. He just looks sad. I just reminded him of Jack. They haven't talked to each other since he moved. I don't think Brook can do it.

"It's fine Rye" Brook says and sighs. "But it's not that easy" he adds quiet.

"We understand Brooky. Now help us unpack" Andy says and I send him a thankful look. We just got here, so we do need some help. Andy's mum just left, very reluctantly. She's going to miss her angle now and I understand her. But I promised her I'll take care of Andy. And I will, believe me.

The dorm isn't anything special. A livingroom when you enter and then a bedroom to left, with two beds (which we intend to make a double one). There is a small bathroom with just a toilet. It's common showers in the hallways and that's quite annoying. Brook has his dorm room all to himself and I don't know how that will work out. I mean, Brook alone with a kitchen.
While I unpack my things and start to put my clothes in the closet and drawers, Brook heads out to buy some food. I'm lost in my thoughts when I suddenly hear a voice. It's Andy and he's singing. I'll never get tired of that voice. I just keep unpacking while Andy sings.

Later that night, Andy's phone goes off. We're laying on our sofa and are cuddling while watching a movie. Andy reach out for his phone. He glances  down at the screen and suddenly he only looks confused. He wrinkles his eyebrows before looking up at me again.
"It's Jack" is the only thing he says.

Andy's POV
"Hello?" I say when I answer the phone.

"Hello Andy" I hear a very familiar voice say. A voice I've been missing. I've talked to Jack a couple of times during this year but not very often.

"How is life?" he asks and I get a feeling he's not calling to just ask how my life is.

"It's good Jack, but get to the point" I say while looking at Rye who watches me with a wondering look.

"Umm I kinda have a surprise" Jack giggles "Open your door" he adds and then he hangs up.

"What the actual f-" I stop myself when I hear a knock on our door. Did Jack hire a clown to scare us or something?

"What's going on?" Rye questions and I answer by taking his hand and drag him with me. With the clown still in my thoughts, I slowly open the door. I almost swallow my own tounge when I see who is standing there. My favorite irish boy.

"JACK" I scream and jump on him. Rye has his mouth open and then he joins the hug as well. It's first when we breake apart I notice Jack's suitcase.

"Wait..does this mean..."Rye starts but I don't think the knows how to finish.

"I can't live without him" Jack says quiet. "This year have been shit" he adds and I jump up and down.

"He's going to be so happy" I exclaim and Rye wrap his arm around me to calm me down.

"You should come in" Rye says and step aside to let Jack in. We all walk into our small 'apartment' and Jack looks around.

"Welcome to the Randy house" Rye says and I smile. His arm is still wrapped around me.

"Are you hungry?" I ask, already taking my role as the 'dad'.

"Yeah I actually am" Jack admits and I realise we have some food left from earlier this day.
Some minutes later, I've heated up his food and I sit down at the couch again. Jack and Rye are cathing up and I decide I can't wait anymore.

"Shut up both of you. Now tell me how this happened, Jack" I say and they do as I told them.

"Ehm, well I had to chose a college. I thought about it and realised I can't be without him for 3 more years" he starts and we all know who he means when he says 'him'. "I talked to my parents and they understood. They even wanted me to go. So I thought I would just show up when the school was about to start and yeah, I did" he continues and both me and Rye look at him with shocked expression.

"How did you manage to keep this a secret?" I ask him and he shrughs.

"Wanted to make it a surprise" Jack answers. "Do you think he will be happy when he sees me?" Jack then asks and looks a bit scared. I lean forward and give him a small hug.

"Of course he will be. Brook will be SO happy. And so are we" I say and Rye agrees.

"One last question" Rye suddenly speaks up and Jack turns his attention towards him.

"Who will you be sharing room with?" Rye says and I laugh at him. Typical of him to think about that in this moment.

"Why do you think Brook lives alone right now?" Jack asks and smiles. "But I didn't want to come knock on his door this late" he adds and I nod.

"You can stay here" me and Rye say at the same time. We look at each other and laughs before he pulls me in for a kiss. I place my hands on his cheeks. It's easy to get lost when I kiss Rye.

"Still here" Jack shouts and we all laugh togheter again. God, I've missed that boy a lot.


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