chapter 3

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Rye's POV
I walk down the hallways with Harvey and Mikey. Harvey is in a bad mood today, like almost always.

"I'm gonna go to class now" I announce. Mikey says bye but Harvey doesn't even react. It's best to not talk to him on days like this.

I'm heading for history class, which is my third class today. I know Andy is in my history and the thought makes me smile. I walk into the classroom and see a black haired guy sit next to Andy. My smile dissappears. Andy looks at this black haired guy and he almost smiles. I walk to them and I sit down in front of Andy. He doesn't even look at me, I decide to turn around.

"Hey fovvs" I say. He looks annoyed and doesn't answer. As usual. "Nice talk as always" I say and then I turn around again without talking to the black haired guy. He probably knows who I am anyways.

I can't focus at all and when the class is over I walk out and I follow Andy to his locker.

"Who the fuck was that black haired guy?" I ask, sounding more angry than I intended to. "Andy?"

"He's no one special" he mutters, continuing to put his things in his locker.

"Then why were you talking to him?" I ask, not satisfied with the answer,

"I can talk with whoever I want to" he states, clearly annoyed.

"You never talk to anyone" I retreat but then he doesn't answer and walks away. Of course I follow him. What if the black haired guy is his boyfriend? I don't know Andy's sexuality. I grab Andy's wrist and turns him around.

"Are and hhim togheter?" I ask. And I stuttered. I stuttered. I never stutter.

"No we're not and why are you even asking that?" he says with something which looks almost like a smug smile.

"I-I jjust wanted to know" I say still stuttering. Andy looks satisfied. He turns around and begins to walk again and this time I turn around too, to go find Mikey.

Andy's POV
I don't know what Ryes problem is. I just talked to Sonny, beacuse he's my lab partner and he's actully pretty nice. He just wanted to talk to me when we had history and Rye was acting really weird. Then after history he walked up to me and asked if me and Sonny are togheter? Why did he even ask that? Was he jealous or something? Maybe I'm just being stupid and overthinking everything. But he did stutter when he tried to talk to me. It was kinda cute. Almost. Kind of. A little bit.

Now I'm walking out of my last class for today. I start to walk towards my locker when I see Rye stand there. I sigh. He never leaves me alone. Ignoring his presence, I open my locker. Rye just stands there for a while and looks at me.

"What do you want?" I ask, not looking at him.

"Wow, you just started the conversation all by yourself" he says to which I roll my eyes. "I'm just wondering if you want to come to Harvey's party tomorrow" he says, making my snort.

"Are you crazy? Me at a party? At Harveys party?" I answer, beacuse Harvey is someone I rather not spend my weekend with.

"He won't do anything to you" he says.

"How do you know that?" I ask annoyed. "Beacuse I will be there" he says. Yeah, right. He wouldn't protect me. He's a coward, he never stands up against his asshole friends.

"No" is my answer and then I walk away. He walks after me and takes my hand and pulls me after him into an empty classroom. He pushes me against the closed door and I can literally feel his breath on my face. For a moment I think he's going to beat me up. And then I think he's going to kiss me.

"I really want you to come to the party" he whispers which makes me almost dizzy. I think he realizes how close he is standing beacuse he backs a couple of steps.

"I..I'll maybe go" I say after thinking about it. He just nods and tries to stay cool. I lean forward and whisper "See you there RyePie" and then I walk out. I don't understand anything of what's happening with Rye.


It's around 10 pm and I'm watching some movie on Netflix when I hear my phone buzz. It's Rye.

Rye's POV
me: hey fovvs
fovvs🌵: hi
me: I'm not coming to school tomorrow 'cause I have to help Harvey fix everything. I just wanted to know if you want me to pick you up tomorrow
fovvs🌵: maybe
me: what do you mean by maybe?
fovvs🌵: I hate all of your friends and I don't know anyone
me: you know me
fovvs🌵: but I don't like you
me: you do.
fovvs🌵: I have a car you know
me: but you don't know where Harvey lives
fovvs🌵: I'm sure I can find out
me: come on
fovvs🌵: maybe I'll bring Sonny with me
me: who the fuck is Sonny?
fovvs🌵: 😶
me: fovvs??
me: come on
me: answer me
me: ANDY
me: fuck off
me: 🖕🏼

A bit shorter.
thank you for reading ;) hope you liked it and if you did you're free to comment and share

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