chapter 8

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Rye's POV
Throughout the movie Andy moves closer and closer to me. Finally I just pull him to my chest and to my surprise he doesn't try to get away. I lay back on my bed and take Andy with me. He snuggles up against my chest and I stroke his fluffy hair with my hand. The feeling of having him this close, makes me heart beat faster than normally.

When the movie almost is over, I can feel that Andy's breath is heavy. I look down at him and see that he's sleeping. He's literally too cute for this world. I feel my eyes become heavier as well, but before I fall asleep I realise that I have to text Andy's mum. She'll be worried otherwise. I don't think she's used to Andy sleeping away from home. I text her and then I take my shirt off before getting back to Andy again. I fall asleep with him in my arms, which is the best feeling ever.

I wake up when I hear someone giggle. At first I don't understand. Why am I so warm? Whose waist am I holding? Then I open my eyes to see that Andy is laying in front of me, his back against my chest. I have my arms around his as well. Then I hear the giggle again and look up. The twins are standing in the doorway and they're filming us. I glare at them, I would like to scream at them, but I don't want to wake Andy up. The twins closes the door and dissappears once I've sent them a death glare they can't ignore.

I watch Andy for a while. It's 9.30 am when he opens his eyes. He looks confused at first.

"Morning fovvs" I say and he freezes and tries to get away but I hold him still with my arms.

"My mum.." he starts but I interrupt him

"I texted her yesterday and told her you're sleeping here" He doesn't answer. He moves his hand until he notices I don't have a shirt on. He blushes and removes his hand.

"Don't like what you see?" I say and smirk. He hides under the covers. I'm getting reiterative, but he's so cute I can't even think straight. I think I like him too much. He probably sees me as just a friend though.

Andy's POV
The weekend went by and it was a good weekend. Sunday, I was with Jack and Brook. I told them about my little sleepover with Rye but I left out the part about that I practically slept on Rye and that he didn't even have a shirt on. They would have gone crazy if I would have told them that. Anyways, me and Rye has been texting during the whole weekend too. He has been even more flirty than normal.

I'm currently walking towards my history class. I walk through the door and enter the classrom. I sit down in the back of the classroom when I see Rye come in with a girl. I feel how I get annoyed immediately. They laugh and Rye walks really close to her. He doesn't even look at me. Usually, his eyes always finds mine as soon as he is in the same room as I. They sit down two seats in front of me and I stare at them. Rye leans forward and for a moment I think they're going to kiss but he just whispers something in her ear. What the actual fuck is going on? Or what do I even mean? He can be with whoever he wants. I don't care. He's straight, of course he's flirting with girls. For the rest of the class I just listen to music and write on my essay.

When I walk out of my classroom I see that Rye is standing with that girl and Mikey. I don't even know that girl's name but I don't like her. I can't tell who is who of all the girls in our school beacuse all girls look the same to me. Almost all girls.

Speaking of Mikey, he's actually nice. He's not like Rye's other friends, but I'm not sure Rye even talks to them anymore. I look away from them and walk to my locker and then to Brook and Jack. Next class is chemistry, which we three have togheter. Rye has chemistry too. We walk to our classroom and I see that the seat beside Sonny is free. Jack and Brook always sits next to each other and I don't feel like sitting alone. I'm still pissed at Rye, even if I don't have a reasonable reason, and I know he doesn't like Sonny. Or I know he doesn't like when I'm with Sonny. I sit down next to Sonny and we start to talk. After a while Rye comes in and when he sees me and Sonny he freezes. I look away from him. He doesn't own me. The class goes on and I try to talk as much as I can to Sonny and I sit as close as possible. In your fucking face, Ryan Beaumont.

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