chapter 7

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Andy's POV
Yesterday was a good day. I do enjoy to have some friends. Now I realise how lonely I was before Jacklyn. Before Rye as well (even if I hate to admit it). I lay in my bed and think about how I was in Rye's arms yesterday. It wasn't only beacuse I don't like horror movies. It's nice to cuddle. And I liked to feel his strong arms around me.

When I walk out to my car and try to start it nothing happens.

"Fuck" I exclaim. I try for a while but I don't have much time left before school. I can ask Brook or Jack. Or Rye...

me: can you drive me to school?
Rye🐝: hmm I don't know if I want to
me: please Rye
Rye🐝: only if you agree to come with me to my place after school
Rye🐝: and you have to ask nice
me: okay I'll come with you, please RyePie pick me up ❤️
Rye🐝: I'll be there in 5

I wait for 5 minutes and as promised, he drives up to my house and I jump into his car. "Morning fovvs" he says.

"Goodmorning" I answer, deciding to be polite since he actually came to pick me up.

"Did you just answer me?" he asks and I roll my eyes at him.

"Why didn't you ask Jacklyn for a ride?" he asks me. Should I tell him the truth or should I lie? How about neither of the options?

"You can think about that for a while" I answer him and he looks at me, trying to figure out what I meant.

We drive up to our school and gets out of the car. We even walk next to each other and I can see several people who are staring at us. Rye doesn't seem to care about that. When we reach the entrance of our school we walk in different directions to find our own friends. I see Jack and Brooklyn stand next to my locker.

"Goodmorning Andy" Brook says and smiles.

"Morning" I answer and give them a small smile back. We start to walk to our class while talking.

"How is it going with Rye?" Jack asks with a grin.

"Shut up, I don't like him in any way" I answer and sit down in the middle of the classrom, next to the window. Jacklyn sits down in front of me. They both turn around and Brook starts talking

"It didn't look like you hated each other yesterday"

"Fuck off" I say, giving them the finger. Then the teacher walks in and the class starts. After like 10 minutes one of the popular girls walks in and the tecaher complains about how she's always late. But she complains even more when she sees that the only free seat is the one beside me. I don't want to sit next to her either if she thinks that.

"Just don't talk to me weirdo" she says and sits down as far away from me as possible. I don't answer her. My phone is on the table between us and suddenly it buzzes. The girl sees my phone and she looks shocked.

"Why the hell is Rye texting you?" she asks quiet. I don't answer. "Wait you're the guy Rye made out with on Harvey's party" she exclaims a little too loud. I can see some people turn around to look at me and the girl.

"Can't you talk a little louder?" I sass before going back to concentrate on the lesson. She looks insulted and I honestly don't know where my courage came from. I glance at my phone to see what Rye sent me.

Rye🐝: when do you end today?
me: 3pm
Rye🐝: I'll wait for you then
me: no, you don't have to
Rye🐝: I'll wait
me: *sigh*

Me and Jacklyn are sitting in the cafeteria and we're eating our lunch. I think about that we have only been at school for less than 2 weeks and this year is already so different compared to our last. I don't understand how I even survived without anyone to talk to.

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