chapter 14

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Rye's POV
I've never felt worse in my entire life. Mikey believes the rumors. Both Jack and Brook hates me. That means I don't have any friends anymore. But that's not the worst thing. Andy thinks I don't like him for real. He believes I cheated on him. I'd never do that. I would never throw away our love for some girl. I don't even like Loren. How could everything turn out so bad?

I walk downstairs. I cried all night long so I really look like shit. I have to go to school beacuse I'll keep fighting for Randy. I won't let go of Andy just like that. I'll prove that I didn't cheat on him. And I will find out who started this damn rumor. When I walk into the kitchen mum is making breakfast. When she turns around I can see on her face that she has already notice it.

"What has happen?" she asks in a worried tone. I decide to tell her everything.

"You know Andy, he and me.." I start and then I tell her everything. When I'm done I have tears in my eyes. Mum hugs me and then I start to cry out loud.

"I love him mum" I cry but I'm not sure if she hears it because I can't really talk. I'm crying way to much.

"It's okay Ryan" she reassures me. "And I believe you" she adds and then she pulls away to look me in the eyes. She puts her hand on my cheek. "I love you no matter what, remeber that" she says.

two weeks later
Brook's POV
Me and Jack are sitting in the cafeteria. Andy isn't here today, he didn't feel well. Or at least that's his excuse. It's probably beacuse Rye won't leave him alone. I can't believe Rye doesn't stop, he can't take back what he did.

"What are you thinking about babe?" Jack asks and looks curious.

"Andy" I answer truthfully. Both of us have been feeling pretty down lately.

"Did you see when Loren and Rye fought in the hallway the other day?" Jack asks. Why hasn't he told me this before? When I don't answer he continues "Rye shouted that she is a fucking liar and that she has ruined his life"

I hope Andy didn't hear the fight. He would breake, even more than he already has. I can't believe why anyone would ever do that to him, he is the nicest person on this planet.

"That's weird. He is the one who cheated" I say and Jack looks at me.

"We should go now, I want to go to the bathroom before class" Jack says and stands up. He takes my hand and we start walking. I'm used to all the people who are watching. In the beginning I felt bad about what people said about us but now it doesn't bother me. I love Jack so much and if people wants to say something about it, go ahead. I don't care. We walk into the toilets and I feel that I need to pee as well. Jack walks into one stall and I walk into another. After about 30 seconds I hear the door open and some girls laugh.

"I can't believe it worked so well" someone says and I recognize the voice, but I can't remember who it is.

"It's been weeks and no one believes Rye" another girl says. I'm totally quiet now and I can hear Jack is too.

"It's your best plan yet" the same girl adds.

"But you never told us how you convinced Loren" a third girl says. What is going on right now?

"It was easy. She didn't like Andy and Rye togheter either. And she wanted to make Harvey jealous" the first girl says and that's when I realise who it is. It's Sara. That bitch. Then they start to talk about something else and I feel like they're talking shit for an eternity. At last the girls walks out again and Jack and I walk out immediately.

"He didn't cheat on him" is the first thing I say.

"We have to tell Andy. But first we should talk to Rye" Jack says. We run out of the bathrooms and we find Rye in the hallway. He's alone. He's alone all the time nowadays.

"Rye stop!" I shout and Rye turns around. He looks surprised.

"We know you didn't cheat on Andy" Jack says and Rye looks more than surprised now. He looks relieved.

"What?" is all he gets out.

"We heard Sara and her friends talk, she came up with a plan to make you and Andy breake up" I say. Now he looks mad instead.

"That fucking bitch, I'll kill her. I should have understood it was her" he says and tries to walk away.

"No Rye wait, you can't do anything now" Jack says. How is Jack gonna stop him? "We should make plan instead"

"We'll talk to Andy and you should stay here" I say but Rye shakes his head.

"I'll come with you" he says.

"No, it's better if he hear it from us first" Jack says. Rye sighs but he gives up. He knows we're right. He can't just run into Andy's home. Andy has to process everything.

Andy's POV
I'm laying in my bed and I'm watching a movie. It's a comedy beacuse I need to laugh. But I don't laugh. It's been two weeks without Rye and he won't leave me alone. He had a fight with Loren a couple of days ago and he sounded like a douche. It's not her fault he cheated on me. Sure, she's an idiot too but he's the bigger idiot in this case. Today I'm home from school. I need a pause from that shit. It sucks to see all the judging faces. Everyone knows I fell in Ryan Beaumont's trap. Suddenly I hear a knock on the door. Now I have to stand up and go all the way downstairs. I sigh and then I stand up and walk downstairs. The knocks continues and I hurry as much as I can. When I open the door I see Jack and Brook stand there.

"You're not going to believe what happened" Jack says.

"Wewereinthebathroomandthensomeonewlakedinandthenweheardgirlstalkabo" Brook says but Jack stops him.

"Let's walk inside" he says and I step aside to let them in. I hope they have good news. I look and feel like shit. And I've felt that way for weeks now. We sit down in the kitchen. "We were in the school's toilets and then Sara and two of her friends walked in. They didn't notice we were there, so they started to talk. And then they said Sara planned all of it" Jack says and I don't understand anything.

"Planned what?" I ask.

"She told Loren to tell everyone she had sex with Rye. She didn't want you guys to be togheter" Brook says. I feel how my mouth opens. Is this true?

"How.. how could everyone believe her?" Is all I say an then I realise I believed her too. Poor Rye. I start to cry.

"Aren't you happy?" Jack asks and sounds confused.

"How could I believe them?" I say while crying.

"Everyone said it and Loren did as well" Brook says and tries to comfort me.

"I should have believed Rye" I say. I pick up my phone to text him.

me: please come to my house
Rye🐝: I'll come as fast as I can

Literally 5 minutes later I hear my door open and believe me, it takes more than 5 minutes to drive from the school to my house. Rye walks into my kitchen and my feelings goes wild. I run up to him and throw myself in his arms.

"Sorry" I whisper. He holds me in his arms but when he hears that word he pulls away to look at me.

"Why do you say sorry?" he asks.

"I shouldn't have believed them, I should have trusted you" I say and look into his eyes.

"Never say you're sorry about that" he says and hugs me again. "I understand why you thought that" he whispers. "And I understand if you don't want to be with me anymore" he continues. What is he talking about?

"I want to be with you more than anything in the whole world" I whisper back. He leans back and when he looks into my eyes I can't resist anymore. I kiss him and the hapiness filling my body makes me want to cry again. His hands are on my waist and my hands are resting around his neck.

"Andy Fowler" he says once we break apart. "Will you be my boyfriend?" he continues. He looks a bit worried, like I'd say no.

"Yes I'd love to" I say and smile my brighest smile.


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