chapter 4

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Andy's POV
It's lunch time and today I actually sit in the cafeteria and I'm eating. I'm thinking about tonight and if I should go to the party or not. Suddenly Brooklyn and Jack sits down at my table.

"Heyy Andy" Brook says with a smile on his face.

"Hello...." I say back, unsure of why they're even here.

"We've seen you and Rye and we think he has a crush on you" Jack then says and I don't know what to say.

"He is straight, you do know that right?" I finally ask and they chuckle.

"Well we don't really know that" Brook says before continuing "Jack was straight too, before he met me"

I can't help but laugh and then I realise how much I've missed them

"He invited me to a party" I say, looking down on my food.

"No way?!" Jack shouts and I shake my head, not understanding why they are so hyped.

"But I don't know if I want to go. I don't know anyone and it's Harvey's party. Harvey kind of hates me. And I hate him as well" I explain.

"We'll come with you" Brook exclaims.

"If you want to of course" Jack adds.

"Yeah, beacuse Harvey just loves you two" I say and we laugh.
We decide that we're going to meet at my house to get ready together. I smile to myself, happy about talking to them again.
When school is over I drive home and decide to text Rye.

me: I'm coming tonight
rye🐝: and sonny? (whoever the hell he is)
me: I'm coming with Jack and Brook
rye🐝: didn't know you guys were friends
me: well you don't know everything
rye🐝: guess I'll see you tonight then

At 6 pm Brook and Jack knocks at my door. My mother opens the door and she becomes very happy when she sees Jack and Brook. She gives both of them a big hug.
"Why are you guys here tonight? she asks. "

"We're going to a party" Brook answers. "Well that's great. Just remberer to use protection and don't drink too much" she says, chuckling to herself.

"omg mum stop it" I say while we start to walk upstairs. She just sticks her tounge out and I roll my eyes.
I kind of have a hard time choosing clothes. I don't have any party clothes if I put it that way. I've been to like one or two parties. At the first one I got really drunk and at the other one I made out with the guy who came with pizza. Didn't end great.
"You should wear your black ripped jeans" Jack says and point to the jeans laying on my bed.

"And then this sweater" Brook say an holds up a pink sweater that I don't wear that often.

"Yeah that's an option. Thanks guys for beeing here" I say, smiling at them. They both walk up to me and engulfes me in a hug. I just laugh at them and hug back. It feels like no time has passed since we used to be best friends. And I really hope we'll be able to find our way back to each other again.

Rye's POV
It's 9.30 pm and Andy isn't here yet. What if he has changed his mind? On the other hand, the party pretty much just started.

"Are you having a good time bro?" Harvey asks me.

"Yeah sure, but the party hasn't really started yet" I say, even though I only wait for Andy.

"That's true, just wait until everyone is here and drunk" he says while laughing. He walks into the kitchen to get himself a drink. Mikey comes up to me and he hands me a coke mixed with vodka and I drink up everything.

"Wow mate" Mikey chuckles when I've emptied my cup. We contiune talking until I hear Harvey scream at someone. I look up and I see Jack and Brooklyn standing in the doorway.

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