chapter 18

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Rye's POV
When Andy and I get out of the car we see Brook come running towards us. He's crying. Andy looks confused but he walks up to Brook and embraces him in a hug. I just stand there like an idiot, not knowing what to do. I decide to walk up to them as well, but Brook doesn't seem to notice. He's sobbing with his head on Andy's shoulder.

"What happened Brooky?" Andy asks in a caring voice. Brook tries to stop crying but he can't.

"He's.. miriov b.. Ireland" is all I can hear.

"Ireland what?" Andy asks and release himself from Brook to look at him.

"He's moving Andy" Brook says and then he burst out crying even more. I look at Andy who looks worried. 'Jack' he mouths to me.

"Come on Brook, let's go somewhere quiet" Andy says and pats Brook's back.

"I'll go" I say quiet to Andy and he nods. I think it's best for them to get some time alone. When I walk away from them I see Jack running against the parking lot and I shout at him.

"Jack" I shout but he keeps running. "Heyy Jack stop" I say and begin to walk after him when he jumps into his car and starts the engine. I think it's trouble in paradise. Poor Jacklyn.


I'm with Mikey all day and I barely see Andy or Brook. But I know they're still in school, beacuse I saw them before math.

When the day is over I decide to call Andy. I want to help them. It takes a while before he picks up.

"Hello" I hear Andy say.

"Where are you?" I ask while I walk past a group of girls. Of course they're staring and I can hear mine and Andy's name come up.

"We're in the library" Andy answers. In the library? "You can come" he adds and then he hangs up.

Weird phone call but whatever. I keep walking and turn right around a corner. When I walk into the library I can't see them. I walk around and I get a confused look from the librarian. My reputation is well known. Rye and library isn't a match.

"Rye" I hear someone call and I look around. Then I see them. They're sitting in a corner on one of the couches. Brook looks sad. So does Andy. I walk over to them and sit down beside Andy. Andy pecks my lips and tries to smile.

"Hey baby" he says. I'm still not used to hear that name come from his mouth when he's talking to me.

"Can you tell me what's going on?" I ask them when I wake up from my thoughts. Brook looks down and it feels weird to see him like this. The boy who is always happy and who always have a smile on his lips. I don't like sad and quiet Brook. Sure, he can be annoying but he has a big heart. And I haven't even known him for a long time.

"Jack is moving" Andy says and glance at Brook for his reaction. Brook just stares down and doesn't say or do anything.

"Yeah I got that but- " I start but Andy interrupts me

"His dad got a new job and the whole family wants to move". Brook still doesn't react. He looks completely numb. "I think Jack misses Ireland but he doesn't want to move away from Brook" Andy continues.

"Why can't he stay here then?" I ask but I suspect it isn't that easy.

"He can't live on his own, he can't afford that. And he doesn't want to live so far away from his family" Andy says and now Brooklyn can't hold back the tears.

"I..-if he loved me" he cries but we don't understand what he's trying to say.

"It's going to be okay Brooky" Andy says quiet to him and hug him. I lean forward to stroke Brook's back.

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