chapter 21

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Andy's POV
"Omg Rye we just hitted 100k views on the cover" I scream and run over to Rye in the kitchen.

"What?" he turns around and asks.

"We have 100k views on our cover of 'someone you loved'" I exclaim and jump up and down.

"WHAT??" Rye screams and jumps up and down as well. We both probably looked like Brook when he's overhyped.
After a while we calm down and sit down to eat what Rye cooked. I still can't get over it. 100k. That's a lot of people. Me and Rye talk about other stuff until my phone buzzes. It's a DM. I ignore it at first but then it buzzes again. I open it and see that some guy has written something to me on instagram.

"Some Blair just dm;ed me" I say and Rye turn his gaze towards me. I open the DM and my mouth drop open while I read it. I stand up so fast that my chair almost falls back.

"OMG" I scream and Rye looks scared. I nearly throw my phone away but luckily I don't.

"What?" Rye asks. I decide to read what Blair just wrote.

"Hey Andy. I've just watched your and Ryan's youtube channel and I'm amazed by your talent. I would love to help you get bigger. I've always wanted to create a boyband and I hope you're intrested. - Blair Dreelan, founder of Alphadog Managment" I say and I see how Rye gets more and more shocked when I read.

"I can't believe it. He wants us to be the first members in a boyband?" He asks and smiles like crazy. I smile just as much.

"I have to answer right away. What should I write?" I ask and unlock my phone again. I can't think. What should I answer? 'Hey we would love to be in a boyband' or what? "Write.." Rye starts but stops. He bites his lips and it looks like he's thinking really hard. "We would love to talk more with you about this. Both of us are really intrested and it would be very nice if you want to help us grow. Should we meet up? - Andy & Rye" he says and I copie what he says.

"It's sent" I say and put my phone down. "Now, we wait"

2 days later
Blair's POV
I order a coffe before sitting down at a table where I'm visible. I'm actually excited for this. I think Ryan and Andy has potential and I think they are perfect boyband material. After like 10 minutes the doors open and I lift my head to look at the ones who just entered, like I've done everytime the door has opened since I got here.

This time it's a blonde, short boy and a taller brown haired boy and I recognize them as Andy and Ryan. They look around for a while before their gazes moves my way and they both smile. I stand up to say a proper hello when they're almost at my table.

"Blair Dreelan" I say when I first shake Ryan's hand and then Andy's. They seem like very polite boys.

"Take a seat" I say and smile.

"Just going to order something first" Rye says before looking at Andy. Andy seems to understand immediately.

"You can choose for me" Andy says and smiles. I guess they know each other well.

It doesn't take a long time before Rye is back. Meanwhile Andy and I spoke about what courses they're taking at college. And he recognized me as the lead singer in East 17. It made me almost proud to hear that he saw it was me. Maybe I don't look that? About college, I'd hate to destroy their futureplans, but it seems like it's something like this they actually wants to do after college.

Rye's voice brings me back to reality

"So we would like to get this straight" Rye clears his throat and I nod to make him go on. "Me and Andy are a couple and I hope that's not a problem for you" he says and both of them looks nervous. I smile at them. This explains a lot.

"No need to worry. As long as it doesn't affect your work it's not a problem. It's 2019, it shouldn't even matter. I've always thought it's weird that no boyband members are gay" I speak and I see how the boys breath out.

"It's no nice to hear that. I fully agree with you and I promise our relationship won't be in the way" Andy says and look at Rye who nods.

Rye's POV
When we get home Andy immediately jumps into my arms. I embrace him and as usual, he fits perfectly in my arms. I bury my nose in his hair and breath in his scent. I've never met someone who smell as good as Andy. He smells like flowers, summer and warm nights. Sounds cliché but he does. I lean back to look down at him. I love that he's smaller than me.

"Andy" I say. He looks up and his blue eyes are sparkling. I lose my words and get amazed by his face instead. I sigh beacuse he's so beautiful.

"What?" he asks and gives me a small smile, showing his dimples. I can't seem to get the right words out. I want to tell him just how I feel about him but I can't explain it. His arms are still around me and mine are on his shoulders. I move my hand up to his cheek. His smile gets bigger.

"I love you Andy. You changed my life and you changed me. I know we'll get through everything and I look forward to all the wonderful things we'll do in the future. I love you so much that it hurts and I wouldn't trade our love for anything. You're the one I want to spend my whole life with. You're the best change in my whole life"

There it is. The last chapter. It didn't turn out the way I wanted it to but I tried. This is my first book I've ever written so it's not very good, but I enjoyed writing it. I hope some of you liked it at least.

I'm working on another book, which will be something different than this. I don't think I'll do a sequel to this, at least not right now. Maybe in the future.

Thank you so much for reading my book and I hope we'll se each other in future books 💞


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