chapter 12

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Andy's POV
When I'm sitting in the classroom, in my last class for today I'm thinking about me and Rye in the bathroom. I want more of him. Suddenly everyone in the classroom turn their heads towards me.

"Mr Fowler, are you with us?" my teacher asks and I realise she's been trying to say something to me.

"What?" I ask and some people are laughing at me. If it would have been last year, I would have been so uncomfortable but now I simply don't care.


"Do you want to come with us to Brook's house?" Jack runs up to me and says. I'm on my way to my car, but it's funnier to do something with Jack and Brook than to be home alone.

"Yeah sure" I answer and then I see Brook come walking towards us too. When we go into my car, Brook turns the radio up and we start to sing. We sing very loudly and people can probably hear it even if they're outside the car. We laugh and then we sing even louder. When we arrive at Brook's place and walk into the kitchen. No one else is home.

"How about we make some choclate cake?" Brook asks and both me and Jack nod.

"Only if I can have some batter" I add and they laugh. We bake the cake and we have a good time.

"Why isn't Rye here?" Jack asks.

"Don't know" I answer and that's actually true. "I don't have to be with him all the time" I say and roll my eyes.

"But you're thinking about him all the time" Brook says and Jack agrees.

"Maybe I should text him then" I say and they nod.

me: hey
Rye🐝: hey babe
me: what are you doing?
Rye🐝: I'm with Mikey
me: do you guys want to come to Brook's place?
Rye🐝: or you can come with us to Nandos?
me: sounds good
Rye🐝: see you at Nandos in half an hour

"Do you guys want to eat with Rye and Mikey at Nandos?" I ask Jacklyn. I already know the answer, which was why I said yes to Rye before I asked them.

"You don't have to ask me, I'm always up for food" Brook says and I know that's true.

"Sounds great" Jack says and he smiles at me.
On our way to Nandos we listen to music again. Jack turns up the volume and then he opens the car windows. He and Brook sings along and people either laugh or look angry when we drive past them. We drive up on Nandos parking lot, still with the loud music. I can see Rye and Mikey come walking towards us when we walk out of the car.

"Did you have some kind of party in there?" Mikey asks and laughs.

"Party all day and sleep all night" Brook jokes.

"Hey babe" Rye walks up to me and says. I get butterflies in my stomach when he uses that nickname. And just by seeing him, for that matter. I kiss him before answering. I've fallen so quickly for him and now it's like I can't remember my life before Rye.

"I'm starving" Jack says and began walking towards Nandos. We follow him and sit down at a table.

"We had just baked a choclate cake when Rye texted Andy" Jack says before continuing "but we hadn't the time to eat it, so you owe me one now"

I sigh about how obsessed with food both Jack and Brook are. I sit next to Rye. It's hard to believe I thought he was such an asshole. That he was one of the people who laughed at me last year, when Harvey said something mean.

"What are you thinking about?" Rye suddenly asks.

"Nothing" I answer beacuse I don't want to bring it up again. "Come on fovvs, tell me" Rye says and leans forward to stare right into my eyes. He's close to my face now. I can feel how my body craves his touch.

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