chapter 17

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Andy's POV
I wake up with Rye's arms around me. I open my eyes and look up, on the most goergous face in this world. He's still asleep and has his mouth slightly open. After a couple minutes he moves his arm and then he opens his eyes. When he realizes I'm in his arms, he smiles.

"Morning babe" he says.

"Goodmorning" I answer and smile back.

"Yesterday" Rye says and smirks. I roll my eyes at him. He pulls me closer to his chest and I breath in his scent. He smells so good.

"I love you Andy" Rye suddenly whispers. I look up at his face and he seems a bit nervous. I smile and whisper back.

"I love you too Rye" As soon as the words leave my mouth, he kisses me. It's a soft kiss and we both smile against each others lips. It turns into a heated kiss instead. Suddenly I have my hands on his chest and he has his in my hair. I climb on top off him.

"Whoa whoa" Rye speaks up and I stop kissing him and just stare into his eyes.

"What?" I ask and try to kiss him again. He puts his hand over his mouth so I can't kiss him.

"Not now" he says through his hand and pushes me off him with his other hand. "We can't have sex all the time" he continues and I sigh.

"I never said we're going to have sex" I say and smirk. Then I try to remove his hand but he turns his head away.

"I'm not able to resist you" he says and then he takes his hand off his mouth. As soon as his hand is gone, I kiss him before he's able to stop me. Our lips meet and I try to stick my tounge in.

"No" he says against my lips but I don't want to listen. I crawl back up on him and place my hands on his stomach. I lick his lips and bite his lower lip. He gives up and opens his mouth to let my tounge slide in. We make out for a while and my hands trace his abs. Both of us are still shirtless. He has his hands on my back to pull me closer.

"That's enough baby" he suddenly says and I whimper when he pulls away from me. Rye pushes me off him.

"But baaaaaby" I beg, pouting. He shakes his head and smiles. He put on a shirt and some sweatpants and walks out. I turn my head to right to see what time it is. 9am? It's early. I stand up as well and take on some clothes. But when I try to walk to the door I feel a pain in my ass. It hurts but I keep walking and try not to limp. I walk downstairs and I almost fall in the stairs. I see Rye looking at me when I enter the kitchen. He grins.

"What has happened to you?" he says with a proud smile. Creep. I walk to the table and sit down.

"Andy you didn't answer me" Rye says while he starts to make breakfast. I just sigh and roll my eyes. And I still don't answer. Like I did in the beginning when we weren't friends. I never answered him back then. Rye walks up to me and lifts up my head up to make me look at him.

"What happened to you?" he asks again, still with a grin on his face.

"You happened" I say and his eyes sparkle. We just stare at each other and he smirks. Then he turns around to continue making breakfast. I pick up my phone to go through instagram.
After a couple of minutes Rye is done with our breakfast and he sits down at the table as well.

"Do you want to know something?" he asks. I swallow the sandwich bit I have in my mouth while nodding.

"You know that day when Harvey and Zach got into a fight with Jack and Brook?" he asks and I nod again. He takes a breath and smiles.

"When I woke up that morning I had a boner" he says, still smiling. What is he talking about now?

"So?" I ask confused.

"I had a dream about us having sex" he says and I snort.

"You did not" I say but he nods. He smiles again and looks sneaky.

"Speaking of that, do you remember that time in the car with the twins?" I ask him when I realize I haven't told him about it yet.

"Yeah" he answers before sipping his juice.

"They told me that they had never seen you like that before" I say and can't help but smile when I think about it.

"Like what?" he asks.

"They said that you almost never take anyone to your house except Mikey" I say before continuing. "And Sammie said you're in love with me" I say and giggle.

"How did he even know that?" Rye says and giggle as well. I takes a while before I realise what he said.

" knew you were in love with me back then?" I ask and stare at him.

"I knew it from the first time I touched you. I've never felt this way before, I just didn't want to admit it" he says looking almost shy.

"Baby you're cute" I say and smile.

Rye's POV
That little idiot. The way he smiles at Andy. He's mine. My Andy. Only mine. I won't share him with anyone.

"Mate calm down, it's not like they're making out or something" Mikey says and I shake my head. "Beacuse you're staring at them like they're having sex" he adds and I turn my head in his direction fast. Eww, I don't even want to think about them having sex.

"Don't say that" I snap and he puts his hands in the air in defense.

"God, chill Rye" Mikey says and tries to hold back a laugh. My gaze moves back to Andy and Sonny, who are sitting next to each other. They're lab partners and they always work with each other in science class but I hate it. Suddenly Andy looks up at me and winks. Then he moves a bit closer to Sonny and Sonny smiles at him. Now he's dead. That's it. I'm gonna fight him. He's gonna regret he even went near my boy. I try to stand up but Mikey pulls me back.

"But-" I start but Mikey interrupts.

"Stop it Ryan" he says and I roll my eyes but I stay in my seat. As soon as the lesson is over, I practically run over to Andy.

"Hey babe" I say before kissing him in front of Sonny. Andy gives me a quick kiss before he pulls away. Before he can say anything I say

"Bye Bonny" and then I drag Andy with me. When we're outside the classroom Andy just looks at me.

"Bonny?" he asks and smirks. "Is that one of your tricks?" he asks.

"If I say the wrong name, he knows I don't care about him" I say and Andy shakes his head.

"Are you jealous Ryeee?" he asks and smiles.

"No I'm not jealous of him, you just don't have to sit so close to him that's all" I mutter.

"You're jealous" Andy says and laughs.

"Only because you're mine" I admit and pull Andy into a kiss. This time, it lasts longer.

"Eww" I hear someone say but I don't care enough to open my eyes to see who it is. I just show the person my middle finger and continue kissing Andy.


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