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From Maggie's POV:

 A few months after my niece Emma was born, I found out I was pregnant! Dean was overjoyed at the idea of becoming a father, and Sam was ecstatic about becoming an uncle again. Dean came with me to every doctor's appointment, and at the first sonogram, I wasn't the only one wiping away the tears. A little later in my pregnancy, we found out we were having twins, one boy and one girl. You could've knocked us over with a feather. Surprisingly, everything went according to schedule regarding their development.

The closer I got to my due date, the more nervous I got. My constant fear was, "What if I screw everything up?" That, and word would eventually get out in the monster world that two new Winchesters were born that could possibly be used as leverage against the rest of the family. Dean vowed to me that he and Sam would do everything in their power to keep us all safe. I realized that I, too, would do anything for my children and family to ensure their safety, even at my own expense.

September 13th, From Maggie's POV:

I was sitting at the kitchen table having breakfast when I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen. I nearly doubled over, the sensation was so intense. Sam walked in to get his morning coffee, saw me and shouted for Dean, that we need to get to the hospital. Dean came running in from our room, took one look at me and guessed that I was in the early stages of labor. He quickly got dressed and got me out to the car, then we went speeding down the highway.

I sat in the passenger seat, trying to breathe through the pain, while Sam was timing my contractions. Finally we arrived at the ER, burst through the doors and told them I was in labor, with contractions about ten minutes apart.

They got me into a room in the maternity wing, while they got Dean dressed in scrubs for the delivery. Three hours later, our son, John Robert Winchester, was born. Seven minutes later, our daughter, Hannah Grace Winchester, was born.

Auntie Ruthie and Uncle Jim came up to see us while we were still in the hospital. Ruthie wouldn't leave until she had held both John and Hannah in her arms. Then she came over to me and gave me a hug. "Way to go, Momma," she said. "You too, Dean. You guys made beautiful children."

Before the twins were born, Sam, Dean and I had a lot of long talks about closing up the bunker and trying our hand at a "regular" life. In the end, we agreed that hunting monsters was the family business, as was saving people. None of us ever wanted to turn our backs on those who need our help, so we continued to call the bunker "home".

I stayed behind, looking after John and Hannah, while Sam and Dean continued hunting. I researched cases, monsters, symbols, all aspects of the lore, and patched up any injuries when Sam and Dean came home. Each time they went out, though, it got harder and harder to say goodbye.

"It's a simple demon attack with treasure recovery, Maggie, a 'milk-run', we'll be home in a few days," Dean explained.

"Since when has anything in our lives ever been 'simple' or a 'milk-run', Dean? There's always a complication, something unexpected always comes up, and that's usually when one of you gets hurt. The kids need you. I need you, Dean. In one piece," I finished softly.

"Is that all, sweetheart?" he softly chuckled.

"Yeah, that's it. Rant over. Now, go, before I change my mind," I said wearily.

Dean hooked his finger under my chin and tilted my face up so I could look in his mossy green eyes. "I know how much more there is at stake now. Sam and I will be careful. I have Garth on speed dial, in case we think we need any more help. I love you, Maggie," he said as he leaned down to kiss me. Then he took me in his arms and we held on to each other for a few minutes.

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