Dance with the Demon

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From Dean's POV:

I saw Maggie and Andrea get loaded into her "Uncle Jake's" car and drive off. Inside the wireless earpiece I gave Maggie was a GPS tracker we could use through an app on our phones. I let them get down the road a few miles before setting off after them.

I was worried about Maggie because I saw "Jake" grab her by the hair and slam her head against the brick wall. I almost went after her, but Sam stopped me, because it would've blown her cover and put us in danger as well. I was also worried about Andrea, due to her limited hunting experience, and how her capture was affecting Sam.

Glancing over at Sam, I saw he was keeping an eye on his phone for the GPS. "I'm fine, Dean. Just focus on the road and don't let them get too far out of sight," he said.

"Look man, I know you're worried about Andrea. I'm worried about Maggie, too. We'll catch up to them, though," I tried to assure him.

"Yeah, I know. But don't lose them. Precious cargo, you know," Sam said softly.

"Got that right," I answered, as I sped up in the Impala.

A whooshing of wings and Castiel appeared in the back seat. "Hey, Cas, glad to see you, man," Sam said.

"Thank you, Sam. I take it the girls are in a bit of trouble, and we're on the way to save them," said Cas. While I drove, Sam filled Cas in on what's been happening in the past day or so.

From Andrea's POV:

I slowly open my eyes to see that Maggie and I are tied to chairs in a dark industrial building. Suddenly, I hear static in my ear and a voice saying, "Maggie? Are you there, sweetheart?"

 "It's me, Andrea," I whispered. "Just before Maggie blacked out, she passed me the earpiece, so I put it in. Thank goodness, because if you can hear me, you must be close."

" Maggie okay?" I asked, not sure I wanted to hear the answer.

"I don't know, Dean. Demon Uncle Jake smacked her head up against the wall, and....there was some blood, but I don't know how much she's lost. I'm so sorry. All of this happened because of me. Maggie getting hurt, us getting kidnapped, I should've listened to you guys," I answered. "Shh, someone's coming!"

"And just who were you talking to?" Demon Jake asked.

"No one. Well, I was talking to Maggie, trying to get her to wake up. You didn't have to hurt her," I said accusingly.

Demon Jake got right in my face and says, "Do you know how many of our kind she and her other hunting buddies have killed?!? One dead Winchester in exchange for hundreds of our dead seems a small price to pay," he finished.

"Not to me, and not to the Uncle Jake I used to know. Is he even in there anymore, or is it all this....this....demon crap?" I asked boldly.

"It's all demon, sweetheart. And I've never felt better. No more emotional entanglements, I'm free as a bird," he answered loftily.

"Then my Uncle Jake is truly dead," Andrea bit out, tears filling her eyes but not yet falling.

"That's what I've been trying to tell you, but you wouldn't listen. Now it's time to have some fun with your hunter friend here. Wake up, Winchester!" he shouted as he slapped Maggie. "Oh, come on, wake up! This is no fun if I can't hear you scream in pain," he grinned, slapping her again.

Maggie made a groaning noise and struggled to open her eyes. Not sure if it was due to the pain in her head or one too many punches by Jake or Trish. Either way, I felt horrible for putting my my best friend through all of this. I only hope she'll forgive me when this is all over.

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