The Visions Are Back

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From Maggie's POV:

I shifted position on the couch, then discovered that Hannah wasn't in my arms anymore. I scrambled to a sitting position, frantically looked around, then saw her in Dean's arms. I quickly crossed over to where he was dancing with Hannah and was trying to sing her to sleep.

"Hey," I whispered. "Hey baby," Dean whispered back and leaned over to give me a welcome home kiss. I peered around Dean's arm and saw that Hannah had fallen back to sleep. I tried to take Hannah from Dean to put her in her bassinet, but Dean insisted on doing it himself.

I laid one hand on Dean's shoulder as he put Hannah in her bassinet. Once Hannah had left his arms, I pulled Dean towards me and kissed him hard at first, then more gently. Slow, luxurious kisses, taking time to explore each others' mouths. "Shall we adjourn to the bedroom, my love?" I asked. Dean nodded as we each pushed a bassinet into John and Hannah's room.

Once inside our room, I closed and secured the door. Then Dean took my face in both of his hands and swiftly locked his lips onto mine. "I missed you so much, baby," he said breathlessly between kisses. I brought my arms up and locked my fingers behind his head. Dean brushed his thumb over my lips and recaptured them in a kiss that started slow, then deepened with each passing second.

"Dean, you have no idea how much I've wanted this with you for days, but....and please don't take this the wrong way....but I don't know how much longer I can stay awake," I confessed, dropping my gaze.

He chuckled, and kissed my forehead. "That's all right sweetheart, I understand. We can do this another night." He tilted my chin up so that our eyes met, and covered my lips with his.

We broke apart long enough to get into our pj's. Dean was in sweatpants and no shirt, I had on my sleep shorts and one of his rock band T-shirts. We snuggled together under the blankets, and Dean was spooned up behind me. "Good night, my love," I whispered. In response, he tightened his arm around me and nuzzled my neck before resting his head on my shoulder and falling asleep.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From Maggie's POV:

Before we knew it, September 13th had rolled around again, and it was time for the twins' first birthday party. We invited everyone: Ruthie, Jim and Emma, Jody, Alex and Claire, Donna, Charlie, Garth and even Castiel made an appearance.

I had made two cakes, one for each child. John dug into his cake, ending up with most of it on him than in him. Hannah wasn't sure what to do at first, so she would just pick at it, until she saw what her brother was doing. She balled up her tiny fists and smashed them into her cake, sending bits of it flying, making everyone laugh, herself included.

I excused myself to the kitchen to serve the cake I had made for the grown-ups. When I stood up, I felt a little head rush so I grabbed onto the edge of the table for stability. Dean noticed it right away and asked, "You okay, sweetheart?" I gave him a quick smile, told him I was fine, and went off to cut and serve the cake. Dean caught Ruthie's attention and gestured with his head towards my direction.

Once in the kitchen, I took out the party plates and plastic forks. Another wave of dizziness crashed over me. I gripped the edge of the counter to keep from falling. Not again. I haven't had any visions for almost a year, why are they starting again now? I took a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself down and not panic.

"Hey, chickie, need some help?" Ruthie asked. She must have noticed me fighting for control, because she said, "Whoa, Maggie, I think you should sit down for a minute. I'm gonna go get Dean. Sit!" she commanded. She soon returned, with Dean in tow. He came rushing over to where I was sitting, and took one of my hands in his, the other he placed on my cheek.

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