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From Maggie's POV:

We heard from Sam and Dean two days later, saying they had found Claire and the missing hikers. It was a wendigo, and it was taken care of, courtesy of the flare gun. Of the hikers that went missing, only two were killed by the wendigo. Claire was a little banged up, some scrapes and bruises and a sprained ankle, but for the most part, she was fine. Jody really let her have it about how she shouldn't go out hunting alone, saying this was a perfect example of why not to do it. Jody also let Claire know how scared she was when Claire didn't answer her phone. Mother and daughter hugged, and that was when Sam and Dean made their graceful exit and headed for home.

Sam and Dean drove straight through from Sioux Falls, arriving home late in the evening. I made sure we were all ready for them when they walked into the bunker. As soon as the door opened, John and Hannah were running up the stairs to greet their father and their uncle.

Hannah got to Dean first, flinging herself into his arms. He hugged her until John decided it was his turn to welcome his dad home. Dean brought John in for a hug, rubbing his back as they embraced. Hannah then ran straight for her Uncle Sam after Dean released her. Sam took his niece into his arms, closed his eyes and kissed her cheek.

"Okay, kids. Time for bed," I called. I heard groans all around from my children, but they knew I meant business, so off they went. Now it was time for Andrea and me to welcome our men home. They had both reached the bottom of the stairs by the time I settled the bedtime issue. Andrea and I looked at each other, nodded and when she jumped into Sam's arms, I jumped into Dean's arms. We stood there holding each other for a couple of minutes before breaking apart.

Sam put one arm around Andrea and picked up his bag with the other then walked to the living room, while Dean and I adjourned to our room. As soon as I closed and locked the door behind me, Dean's lips collided with mine, hungrily taking charge. "Oh, Maggie, I missed you so much," he whispered between kisses. "Me too, Dean, I couldn't wait for you to get home," I whispered back.

From Dean's POV:

I picked Maggie up and put her down so she was sitting on the bed, our lips never breaking contact. She reached up and slipped off my outer shirt, then slid her hands under my T-shirt, pushing it up. In between kisses, I lifted the T-shirt over my head.

I sat down in front of her on the bed. Maggie ran her hands across my bare chest, tracing the anti-possession tattoo with her finger. Everywhere her hands touched me felt like it was on fire. "Oh, baby, that feels so good," I breathed.

I kissed her cheek, then dropped a series of kisses along her jawline and down her neck. I nibbled a little at the meeting of her neck and collarbone, causing her sharp intake of breath and a shuddering exhale. "Ooohhhh, that feels so wonderful, baby, please don't stop," I heard her say. I continued my assault on her collarbone, but on the other side this time, drawing the same reaction as before. "Wait, let me make this a little easier for you," she whispered as she slowly slipped her arms out of her tank top and bra straps. "Now that's more like it," I growled as I doused the light and got a proper welcome home from my lovely wife.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From Maggie's POV, a few weeks later:

Dean had to run into town for a few things, but said he'd be back soon. That was a couple of hours ago, and I started to get concerned. I was about to go out looking for him, but at that moment, he came strolling through the door.

"Hey there!" I called. "You said it was a quick errand, I thought you'd be back before now," I said as I went over to give him a hug.

"Yeah, ran into an old friend of mine that just moved into town. Took some time to catch up, you know, grab a beer," Dean answered.

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