Another Winchester Wedding

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From Andrea's POV:

Looking at myself in the mirror in my wedding gown, a thought crossed my mind. In the movies, they always show the bride being nervous and freaking out at the buildup towards getting married. Not me. Sam and I were friends first, which is probably why I'm not nervous. We're so comfortable with each other. Sam is one of the most compassionate souls I have ever met. He is such a gentleman, holding doors open for me, lending me his hand to get out of the car. This man with whom I have fallen in love has seen some terrifying things in his life. He has been put through unimaginable heartache and loss, but he has managed to keep his humanity and his gentle spirit intact. Plus, he's kinda cute too.

When it was time, the girls and I got into the car and headed over to the church in town. I gathered up my dress bag to make sure it didn't drag on the ground. We made our way into the back rooms so that I could step into my dress. Maggie helped me to get everything all into place and fastened up the back.

As she was helping me with my headpiece, I put my hand on hers. "You know, Maggie, I always pictured my mom being here to help me with all of this. She's gone, but I'm glad to have you for me. Without you, I never would've met Sam, and I wanted you to know that I'm also grateful for your friendship. It means the world to me," I finished as a tear rolled down Maggie's cheek.

"I am honored to be able to do this for you, Andrea. And, I'd like to think I would've brought Sam into The Coffee House eventually for you to meet him," Maggie said as she winked at me. "Come on, let's all get into position," Maggie commanded.

From Sam's POV:

The organ music started with the processional piece we had chosen. First, our flower girls, Hannah and Emma, walked down, spreading flowers along the aisle. Once they got to the altar, Dean motioned for them to find their seat in the second row. Next came John, a mini-Dean in a youth's tux, carrying a pillow that held our wedding bands tied to it with a ribbon.

Then came the girls. First, Ruthie as bridesmaid, then Maggie as matron of honor. As Maggie took her place, I saw Dean give her a wink before she turned her attention to the back of the church. The "Bridal March" began to play and when I saw my Andrea in her wedding gown, my mouth ran dry. She was ravishing. Dazzling. Stunning. She took Cas' arm and he led Andrea up the aisle, stopping at the first row of chairs.

From Andrea's POV:

I came around the corner and paused at the end of the aisle runner and waited for Cas to come out and offer his arm. I looked up the aisle, and there stood the man I would soon call my husband. Sam waited for me at the altar, a look of love and wonder on his face. He was handsome. Gorgeous. Magnificent. As I started walking up the aisle, our eyes met and locked on each other.

The minister began the ceremony, talking about love and the origin of marriage in the Bible. As Cas gave me away, I kissed his cheek, bringing a smile to his face as he took his seat. When it came time for the wedding vows, the minister announced that Sam and I had written our own.

"I, Samuel Winchester, take you, Andrea Lawson, to be my partner. Loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know. I can't wait for the chance to grow together, and get to know more about the woman you are and the woman you will become. I know that I will fall in love with you a little more every day. I promise to love and cherish you through whatever life may bring us."

"Today I, Andrea Lawson, stand before you, Samuel Winchester, ready to start the biggest adventure of our lives. I know it will be really hard, and some days will take a lot of work. But I also know that there will be days filled with love, laughter, and pure happiness. I can't imagine sharing this adventure with anyone else but you. You're my best friend, the love of my life, and my soul mate. Today I promise to stand by your side and to love you always."

Dean knelt down to John and untied the ribbon holding the wedding bands to the pillow. He handed the rings to the minister, who explained how the circle of gold represented a love without beginning or end. After Sam and I exchanged rings the minister declared, "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride."

Sam needed no further invitation as he kissed me, slightly dipping me in the process. When he set me back to a standing position, my face was slightly flushed. The minister announced, "Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Winchester!" Cheers and applause accompanied us as we walked back up the aisle.

The reception was fantastic, from the dinner to the champagne toasts from our friends and loved ones. Our first dance as husband and wife was to "At Last" by Etta James. As we danced, I could see the love shining in Sam's eyes for me, and I hoped he could see it in mine for his as well. After the song concluded, all couples were invited to join us on the dance floor.

A little later in the evening, Dean and Maggie surprised us with a demonstration of a perfect tango. For their tenth wedding anniversary, Dean secretly took dancing lessons to surprise Maggie, something I thought was very romantic. This from a man who, before this, did not dance in public. He wanted to share in this part of her life, since she herself had taken lessons off and on since she was six years old. I only hope that Sam and I will be as happy as Dean and Maggie are after ten years of marriage.

Around midnight, the reception broke up, with everyone going their separate ways, whether to their home or a hotel room in town. Sam and I returned to our room at the bunker, pausing at various points along the way for stolen kisses. He closed the door behind him and locked it, so he could devote his entire attention on me.

From Sam's POV:

After locking the door, I removed my tuxedo coat and draped it over the chair in our room. I loosened my bow tie but left it hanging around my neck. I watched as Andrea removed her shoes and breathed a sigh of relief. "Glad to be rid of the high heels, sweetheart?" I asked.

Andrea nodded. "I don't mind wearing them from time to time, but it's such a relief taking them off," she answered. She wandered over to where I was standing and reached up to brush a lock of hair from my eyes, a sexy smile gracing her lips. "Hello, Mr. Winchester," she whispered.

"Hello, Mrs. Winchester," I whispered back. "I am the happiest man on earth tonight. I am locked in my room, alone with my beautiful wife. What more could I ask for?"

"I can think of a few things," she started. Andrea took hold of the ends of my tie and pulled me in for a kiss that started slowly but grew more passionate with each passing second. She reached down and started untucking my shirt, eager to reveal my bare chest. Once all untucked, she started working her way down to unfastening each button.

"Your turn, my love," I gently nudged her around until her back was facing me. I followed her example and started working my way down her back, unbuttoning her dress. As I reached the last button, she held the dress in place and turned to face me.

"I'll show you mine, if you'll show me yours," she said shyly. "You forget, baby, that I've already seen yours and you've already seen mine," I chuckled.

"Yes, but that was before. Now we're married, so it's time for show-and-tell," she grinned.

"On the count of three, you drop your dress and I'll get out of my shirt. Deal?" I asked then I saw her nod in agreement. "Okay, here we go. One. Two. Three." Neither of us moved.

"You didn't drop your dress!" I exclaimed. "And you didn't drop your shirt!" she said back.

"Hmmm." Andrea said, tapping her finger on her lip. "I know. I'll remove your shirt and you can drop my dress. How's that?" she asked. "We can try that," I said, as I gently stroked her cheek with the back of my hand.

"Okay, take two. One. Two. Three." It worked perfectly. I stared in amazement at the stunning creature before me that was now my wife. I swept her into my arms and hungrily crashed my mouth onto hers. Andrea kissed me back with equal passion, a moan of pleasure escaping her lips. This caused me to deepen the kiss even further, as I effortlessly picked her up and set her on the bed.

For the rest of the night, I felt as if we were the only two people left on the planet. We began our celebration of being together as husband and wife. "I love you, Mrs. Winchester," I breathed. "I love you, Mr. Winchester," she whispered.

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