The Plan

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From Dean's POV:

I motioned for Sam and Castiel to join me in the hallway. "So, Maggie tells me there are three other kids in this hospital with the same symptoms as Hannah. Do you think that's a coincidence? I sure as hell don't."

Sam thought for a minute. "Could be a shtriga. According to the lore, it's a vampire-like witch that feeds on the spiritus vitae, or life essence, of others -- mainly children. The kids become comatose with a weakened immune system. Then, the kids are vulnerable to illnesses like pneumonia that can kill them. It tends to work their way through the siblings in a family."

"Yeah, didn't we hunt one of those up in Wisconsin with Dad a long time ago?" I asked.

"That's right. You have to catch the shtriga while they're vulnerable, which is when they're feeding, and shoot them with consecrated iron. The unfortunate part is having to put the kid through that. Good news is that once the shtriga is dead, the kids make a full recovery."

"First we have to find the thing, then watch for it to make its move," I said.

"Did you see a handprint in Hannah's room at all?" Sam asked.

"I wasn't paying attention, but we can look when we get back. Let's take a look around some of the other kids' rooms," I suggested, and Sam agreed. Cas said he was going to check out things on his end and get back to us if he found anything. I popped my head back in to let Maggie know that Sam and I would be back shortly. "Hey, John, you wanna tag along?" I asked. He looked at Maggie, who nodded. I took his hand in mine and said, "Come on, Bud. Let's take a look around."

From Maggie's POV:

Andrea and I sat on either side of Hannah's bed, each holding a hand. I didn't know what to do at this point, other than what I was doing. I wanted to be here when she woke up from whatever was keeping her in this state. Andrea cleared her throat. "So, earlier, when Dean knocked on Sam's door to tell him what was going on...." she trailed off.

I laughed softly. "Relax, Andrea. I'm not going to pass judgment on your sleeping arrangements. I'm just so happy you two found each other. Goodness knows, you both deserve some happiness in your lives, and I'm glad he has you." I smiled. "And, you've become a good friend to me, someone I can count on. I hope you feel the same way," I said.

"I didn't have a lot of girl-friends in school. I pretty much kept to myself, focusing on my studies," Andrea shared.

"Yeah, I remember it being that way for me, also. Then I met Ruthie in my sophomore year of high school, and we've been best friends ever since. She was there for me when I lost my family. She supported me when I started my hunting career and has ever since. All she asks is that I'm careful and that I call her once in a while."

"I'm glad you still have such a good friend in your life, Maggie. It's important," Andrea said. "And for the record, Maggie, I do consider you a good friend. You took me in when my apartment and the coffee shop burned to the ground, and you made me a part of your family. Thank you," she finished with tears shimmering in her eyes.

I reached across Hannah's bed and took her hand. "You are most welcome. Don't worry, girl. I got your back," I said to her, winking.

At that moment, Sam and Dean walked back in to the room and started looking around. "Dean, what are you looking for?" I asked.

"I'll know it when I see it, sweetheart. Ah-ha! Over here, Sam," Dean called. I walked over to where he was standing. "A hand print? Why is that significant?" I asked.

"Let's go talk out in the hall. John, stay with your sister, okay, Bud?" Dean asked. John nodded and we went to talk.

"We think what we're dealing with is a shtriga. It feeds on the life force of a person, mainly children. Puts them in a coma and weakens their immune system."

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