Our Tenth Anniversary

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From Maggie's POV: 

I got a mysterious text from Dean that had nothing but map coordinates on it. I looked them up and realized they were for the bunker. I let myself in and wandered towards our room. I was going to grab a bag for an overnight trip to Ruthie's house.

On the bed, I see a big white box with a large red bow on it. Next to it is a box the right size for a pair of shoes. I opened the big box and inside was a burgundy dress with spaghetti straps and a slit in the side halfway up my thigh. The smaller box held a pair of what looked like dancing shoes.

I decided I would follow this little game to see where it would lead. I put on the dress, my stockings but opted to carry the shoes. I styled my hair by pulling it back into a French twist and hair-spraying it so it would stay put. I dabbed a bit of my perfume, Magic, on my wrist and neck for good measure.

As I'm finishing my makeup, I received another text and another set of coordinates. I looked them up online, and it was registered as Mistress Magda's School of Dance. My hand flew to my mouth. Oh, I really screwed up this time. Dean wasn't seeing another woman. He's been taking dancing lessons. For me. For us. I called Sam and told him I needed a ride to town. I could hear the smile in his voice when he said he was already waiting at the bunker and to come on out. I grabbed my black sweater shawl from my closet and an envelope from my dresser, then headed out to the car.

Sam and Andrea were grinning when I came out to the car, all dressed up. "Dean is going to flip out when he sees you, Maggie! You look gorgeous!" Andrea gushed.

"I'm not too certain of that. All I've done lately is complain about how he spends his time, suspected him of cheating on me, been upset that he's too tired to do much of anything romantic-wise. That's really someone you want to be with," I said sarcastically. "You know what, now I don't even want to be with me. I should've just stayed home. Sam, turn around," I said.

"Nuh-uh. No way, Maggie," I refused. "You are going to keep your date with your husband for your tenth anniversary. Whatever is coming between you, I have faith that it will work itself out." We had arrived at the dance studio. Sam had a serious look on his face when he turned around from the front seat. "Now get in there and find your husband,"he commanded. Then he tapped the end of my nose and winked.

Andrea held the car door for me, and once I got out, she gave me a hug. "Don't worry, Maggie. Everything will work out just fine. We all make mistakes, and you know Dean loves you."

I straightened the skirt of my dress, adjusted my straps and ane the shawl, and opened the door. I wiped my feet on the doormat and changed into my dancing shoes. I walked into the dance hall where the lights were kept low. At one end, was a table for two set up with flowers, candles and a champagne bucket off to the side. Near the middle but to the side of the dance floor was a chair next to a small table. On the table was a tented piece of paper with the words "Maggie, My Love" written on it.

"Ah, there you are my dear, we've been expecting you," a woman with a heavy Russian accent said. "Please sit at the table. I leave you in the capable hands of my star pupil. Please lock up as you leave," she requested. I did as she asked, and as I heard the door close and lock behind her, I realized I was on my own.

Out from the shadows stepped the most intoxicating and sexy man that I had ever seen. Dean Winchester in a tuxedo. Well, mostly wearing one. His tie was hanging loosely around his neck, and his shirt was open with a couple of buttons undone. His jacket was slung over one shoulder. He looked even more handsome than on our wedding day, if that was even possible.

He slowly strolled over to my table, a sexy smile on his gorgeous face. He set his jacket down on the table. I looked into his mossy green eyes and I knew I was lost forever. "Dean, I--"was all I had a chance to say before he put his finger to my lips and smiled. "May I have this dance?" he asked, holding his hand out to me. I took it without hesitation and rose to my feet.

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