Sam and Andrea

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From Maggie's POV:

At the door, John turned and ran back to Andrea. "Good night, Aunt Andi," he whispered as he gave her a good night hug and kiss as well. Sam smiled at the small gesture by his nephew that he knew would mean so much to Andrea. John took Sam and Dean's hand as they walked him back to his room.

After Sam and Dean left, I noticed that Andrea had tears brimming in her eyes. I knew John's sweet gesture had touched her deeply.

I reached for her hand and asked, "Hey, are you okay?"

Andrea turned to look at me and smiled. "That is a very sweet boy you have there, Maggie. He's going to break hearts, I'm sure," she said. "He called me....Aunt Andi. I've never been anyone's 'Aunt Andi' before. "

"Kinda gets you right here, doesn't it?" I observed, pointing to my heart and smiling.

She chuckled softly. "You all have accepted me into your home, your lives, your hearts. I can never repay you for that sort of kindness," she gave me a watery smile.

"Yes you can. Just love Sam. I know you already do. He's hasn't had a lot of luck in the relationship department, though, so be patient with him," I told her with a smile.

"I will, Maggie. I know Sam and I haven't known each other long, but you're right--I do love him. However long it takes me to convince him of that, I'm in," Andrea said, eyes shining.

"I know you won't give up, Andrea. I can't think of anyone more perfect for him than you," I smiled.

Sam and Dean got back from tucking John into his bed and saw their women laughing and enjoying each other's company. Dean sat down in the other empty chair by my bedside, took my hand and kissed me. Andrea stood up from her chair so Sam could sit down. Then he pulled her down onto his lap, wrapping his arms around her protectively.

"John all tucked in?" I asked.

"Yep, all done. I checked on Hannah too, and she has started to come around. I told her what happened, how we took care of the monster that did this to her," Dean explained. "When she asked for you, I explained that in taking out the monster, you got hurt just a little. I assured her it was nothing serious and that you would visit her tomorrow."

"You bet I will. Thank you for explaining it to her," I said, squeezing Dean's hand.

Sam looked at his watch. "Well, I'm sure that visiting hours are probably over, so I think we'll head back home, if that's okay. Dean, are you coming home too?" Sam asked.

"I think I'll stay the night here. You two kids go on and we'll see you back up here in the morning. 'Kay?" said Dean.

"Sounds good. Ready, honey?" Sam asked Andrea.

"Whenever you are, Sam," Andrea replied.

Sam leaned over and gave me a peck on the cheek, and gave his brother a warm embrace. "Thanks for all your help, Sam. Couldn't have done it without you, brother," Dean said hoarsely.

"Anytime, Dean, you know that. I'm just glad Maggie and the kids are okay," said Sam.

Andrea gave me a quick hug and squeezed my hand. "See you in the morning, Maggie." Sam took Andrea's hand, intertwining their fingers as they headed out to the car to go home.

Dean made sure the door was closed, then he pulled out a bag from underneath my bed. He started to undress to change into his pj's. I looked at the bag with a puzzled look on my face. "Oh, that. Sam brought it with him when we first came up to visit Hannah," he explained. "He figured we would be up here for a while, at least until she was out of the woods." Once he had changed into more comfy clothes, he climbed into bed, spooned up behind me. He draped his arm protectively around my waist and drew me closer to him. Soon after, my eyes drifted closed, with Dean close behind.

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