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From Maggie's POV:

Sam and Dean went back on the hunting trail, mostly trying to keep it to cases close to home. John and Hannah were doing well at knowing where to look for information on monster characteristics or other aspects of the lore.

Hannah was particularly interested in the symbology, like sigils and other markings. John, on the other hand, was our master of logic and deductive reasoning. Sam or Dean would test him by giving him clues about what they found to see if John could figure out what they were hunting. He was correct an astonishing eight out of every ten times. My little hunters-in-training, I thought, with a certain amount of pride. I had started to warm to the idea of them being involved, but I was still adamant about no field ops just yet.

One day, with Sam and Dean returning from a particularly long hunting trip, I decided to make lasagna for dinner. Dean had called to say that he and Sam were around 150 miles from home, which gave me plenty of time to prepare it. I put it in the oven about an hour or so after Dean's phone call. Soon after, I heard the bunker door swing open, and I called to the kids. John, Hannah and I rushed to the bottom of the sprial staircase to welcome them home.

As soon as they saw their father, they each yelled, "Daddy!" and ran up the stairs to meet him. He put down his bag and knelt down for his hugs and kisses from the kids. Then they ran up the rest of the way, both yelling, "Uncle Sam!!", and then he was properly welcomed home with hugs and kisses from John and Hannah.

I waited at the bottom of the stairs, hanging back from the chaos. Dean stopped on the last step and lowered his head as his mouth swiftly connected with mine. "Mmmmm, welcome home, my love," I said softly. "Good to be home, sweetheart," Dean murmured.

Holding hands, we walked over to the map table and Dean set his bag on it. I turned to sit on the edge of the table and looked up at my husband. He saw the towel on my shoulder and slowly removed it. Taking it by opposite corners, he brought it down so it was around my waist and used it to pull me close and kiss me again.

"So, the hunt went well, the day was saved again by the intrepid Winchester brothers?" I teased.

Dean assumed a superhero pose, hands on his hips, shoulders back and a cheesy grin on his face, all of which cracked both of us up. He returned his hands to my waist, holding me close. I teased his lips by gently brushing mine against them, then I came back for more. Slow, sensuous kisses at first, then growing more insistent. Tongues darting in and out, each fighting for control. We broke apart, breathing heavily.

It took a moment to catch my breath. "Why don't you get cleaned up, then you can join me in the kitchen?" I suggested. "Dinner will be ready in about a half an hour, so don't take too long in the shower."

Dean looked around to see if anyone was listening and asked, "There's room for two, you know. Care to join me, my love?" as he waggled his eyebrows.

I reached up and kissed his nose. "Normally, I would, but you wouldn't want burnt lasagna. You and I both know we'd be longer than half an hour," I teased. "Now go on, get cleaned up," I ordered. As he walked towards our room and the shower, I playfully swatted his behind.

I went back into the kitchen to check on the lasagna. "Hmm. Still needs more time," I said as I closed the oven door again. I made sure the garlic bread was ready to go into the oven when it was time. I grabbed a knife from the block and cut the strawberry rhubarb pie I had made earlier that day.

From Dean's POV:

Fifteen minutes later, I came back to the kitchen, all cleaned up after my shower. My hair was still wet, but combed in my usual style. I was wearing my favorite navy blue sweatpants and a Lynyrd Skynyrd T-Shirt.

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