Meeting at the Diner

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From Maggie's POV:

We stopped at a motel midway through our route to get some rest. Andrea and I were able to get separate rooms, so no need for awkwardness or signals on the doorknob.

Back in our room at the bunker later that night, Dean and I lay wrapped in each other's arms. Dean nuzzled my neck, dropping kisses on my shoulder. His slightly stubbly beard tickled my skin and caused me to giggle. "You have tickly whiskers, Dean. No fair, my love," I laughed as I rolled over onto my side facing him.

Dean propped himself up on one elbow to look at me. He stroked my cheek with the back of his right hand. "I love you so much, Maggie," Dean said softly.

I reached up and took hold of his hand and kissed its palm. "I love you very much, Dean. Every day I spend with you is special, because you're here with me. I gave you my heart a long time ago, and have never regretted it. You are the best brother, the most amazing father and most incredible husband anyone could ask for. I love you," I finished.

Dean leaned over and kissed my forehead. Then he moved a little further down and captured my mouth with his. Slow, passionate kisses at first, deepening as a moan of appreciation escaped my lips. His hand traveled up and down the length of my body, caressing my cheek, skimming my arm and finally coming to rest on my hip. "So beautiful," he whispered.

Just then, we heard the sound of a slamming door, down the hall from us. And a LOT of yelling. Dean and I looked at each other, shrugged, then put on our bathrobes to see what was happening.

"I don't care, Sam! I have to go to him! He's family!!" Andrea exclaimed.

"Andrea, honey! Just listen to yourself! It could be a trap! Some demon or shifter pretending to be your Uncle Jake," Sam explained, trying to convince Andrea.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, back the truck up, here. What in HELL is going on that has the two of you yelling at each other and ruining MY time in bed with MY husband?!?" I shouted.

"I'm sorry, Maggie, Dean. I just got a call from someone who says he's my Uncle Jake from Madison, Wisconsin. I don't remember much about him, but he says he's been trying to find me ever since my parents died," explained Andrea. "He says he's here in town and wants to meet with me."

"Sam may have a point, Andrea. It may not be your uncle and it could be a trap. I mean, word gets around in the hunting world. We three already have established reputations. If it has leaked out that you're hunting with us, that could be where they think they can get in,"Dean said.

Andrea looked like she was having an argument with herself. I walked over, put my arm around her shoulders. "Hey, I can see you're on a train of thought here. What are you thinking, Andrea?" I asked.

"Well, Uncle Jake was my mom's brother. When I was 12, I thought I remembered her saying he was in a car accident, but that he didn't survive. My parents died when I was 14," she explained to Dean and me.

"Tell you what, Andrea. If you want, I can go with you to meet up with your uncle. Sam and Dean can monitor us from a distance, that way if the situation goes sideways, we can hightail it out of there," I suggested.

"Uh, Maggie, can I have a word with you over here, please?" Dean asked, taking my hand. "So, once again, my love, you are proposing to use yourself as bait for whatever this is?" he whispered.

"Not bait, support for Andrea. If you go in or Sam goes in there, you'll be seen as a boyfriend. Her uncle will immediately be on his guard. If I go in there with her, it'll seem as if I'm more of a best friend/roommate than a significant other, thus not as much of a threat," I reasoned.

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