First Day of School

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From Maggie's POV:

After another two weeks, I was finally considered healthy enough to be able to leave the bunker. Good thing, too, because it was the first day of school for John and Hannah. Dean and I took them to school in the Impala. Just before they exited the car, I wanted to have a word with them.

I turned to look at them in the back seat. "Okay, you two. I want you to look out for each other. If someone starts hassling you, go get an adult. But, if someone throws the first punch, you have every right to defend yourself or your sibling. Also, probably not a good idea to mention what Dad and I do for a day job. Some people might not understand."

We all got out of the car, and I mentioned, "John, Hannah, we'll be here after school to pick you up." Dean and I leaned against the passenger door and watched them walk in. Not wanting to embarrass them, I gave them the hand sign for "I love you", which they both returned.

I leaned my head on Dean's shoulder and said, "They're getting so big. I don't think I'll ever get used to this," I sniffled.

He laughed softly, put his hand on my cheek and kissed my forehead. "Come on, Momma, let's go get some coffee and a muffin. I think that's just the thing to put a smile back on that adorable face of yours," Dean suggested.

"M'Okay. Let's go to The Coffee House. I haven't seen Andrea in a while, so maybe we can catch up a little," I agreed.

We drove a little further into town from the school and stopped at The Coffee House. Fortunately, there were no customers waiting in line waiting to order, so we went right to the counter. Andrea was finishing up an order when she turned around and saw me. "Hey, Maggie! Great to see you!" she said as she gave me a quick hug. "Haven't seen you in a while, how've you been?" she asked.

"Been kinda busy lately. Just dropped the kids off for their first day of school. Here's their "First Day of School" picture from this year," I said as I showed her my phone.

"Oh my goodness, they are getting so big! Thanks for sharing that," Andrea said. "What can I get for you?" she asked.

"Well, I'll have an iced caramel latte, with the whipped cream of course, and a chocolate croissant. He'll have....?" I inquired, cocking my head to look at Dean.

"I will have an iced mocha cappucino, also with the whipped cream. And a cinnamon roll," he finished.

As we stood waiting for our order, Dean noticed a couple sitting in the corner, each with a coffee and a pastry. Problem is, neither one of them were eating or drinking.

Dean leaned in close and whispered in my ear, "Couple by the window. Not enjoying their coffee, I'd say." I nodded and smiled as if he'd told me something funny.

Andrea handed us our order and smiled. "Thanks for stopping in, Maggie! Good to see you, hon," she called. As Dean and I turned to leave, we noticed that the couple by the window had left. We walked over to the table and caught a whiff of sulfur. "Demons. What or who could they be after?" I wondered.

"Don't know, Babe. Probably a good idea to keep an eye on the place, though. Whoever or whatever they are, they might come back," Dean replied.

"It's such a beautiful day, let's go sit in the park," I suggested. I got a kiss from Dean in reply, which indicated his agreement. I slid my hand into his, intertwining our fingers as we walked across the street to a park bench.

"You think they'll be back?" I asked.

"Don't know, but we have a good view without being too obvious," Dean replied as he snaked his arm around my waist.

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