In the Vision

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From Dean's POV:

I floored the gas pedal in the Impala, trying to make it home in time to save Maggie. I could hear what was going on in the bunker, because Maggie called me but put the speaker on mute. It frustrated me that I couldn't talk to her, but I was glad that Sam and I could at least tell what was happening. I only hoped that the kids were safe. Knowing Maggie, that of course would have been her primary concern. She texted me a password to say to the kids so they knew it was safe to come out of hiding.

"Sounds like a couple of demons were sent to retrieve that Rune Stone we took from that demon case in Montana," Sam said.

"Yeah. Now Maggie's going to pay the price for it," I said as I slammed my hand on the steering wheel. "Dammit! At least she was able to get the kids to a safe place before it all hit the fan," I conceded. "I don't know what to do, Sammy. I just don't know what to do," I said softly.

"We'll figure something out, Dean. We always do," Sam said, trying to reassure me.

As soon as we pulled the Impala into the garage and turned off the engine, I raced inside to find John and Hannah. I rushed down the stairs, calling out for the kids: "John?!? Hannah?!? It's okay, you can come out now! It's me, Dad, and Uncle Sam is with me!" I shouted. Nothing.

Where could they be? I wondered. Then I remembered Maggie's text about a password, so I took out my phone to see what it was. She must've told the kids not to come out unless they heard the password. I walked into John's room and said, "Sydney". His closet door opened slowly and as soon as he saw it was me, he ran out and threw himself into my arms, crying. "It's okay, Bud. I'm here, you're safe now."

"I wanted to stay and help Mom, but she made me come in here and hide," he said. " Mom....okay?" he asked in a small voice.

I couldn't tell him that Maggie had been taken, not just yet. "Let's go get your sister, hmmm?" I took his hand and we walked into Hannah's room. As soon as I said, "Sydney", her closet door opened. Once she saw it was me, she launched herself at me. I wrapped my arms around her to comfort her, as she was also crying. "Shhh, shhh, it's okay, Hannah-Bear. Daddy's here, you're safe now." I took each child by the hand and we went out to the main living area where Sam was waiting.

From Maggie's POV:

This room is so dark, except for a bare light bulb gently swinging above my head. I try to move but notice that I'm on a table, held down by leather straps. A figure with orange glowing eyes lurks in the doorway but does not venture any further. "Ah, you're awake, Maggie. I've been waiting." the figure says.

Oh, man, I'm in it now. "Kieran? Is that who you are?" I croaked.

"Very good, Maggie. I'm a Knight of Hell, and you killed my twin brother. I've been keeping tabs on you and your family for about the past five years now," Kieran said.

"Must not have much of a social life," I muttered.

"Now, now, there's no need to be impolite. As you know, that only leads down a painful path for you, and I'd really rather keep things civilized. Would hate to make marks on such perfect ivory skin."

"Kieran....your twin brother was....Keenan?" I asked. "He's not dead though! Crowley banished him, once he learned what Keenan was up to."

"Really doesn't matter, because I'm going to finish what he started. Your husband and his brother took something very valuable from me on one of their adventures. I simply want it back."

"I don't know what you're talking about," I retorted, which earned me a backhanded slap to my face.

"LYING BITCH!" he thundered. "You have something I want, and if I don't get it back, I will be forced to hurt you," he explained.

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