A Day With the Girls

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From Maggie's POV:

Andrea and I went shopping the next day to replace some of her missing belongings from the fire. Hannah wanted to come with us, so we ended up making it a true Girls' Day Out. We went clothes and shoe shopping, then got some toiletry items like shampoo, body wash, hair product and toothpaste.

"Ooh, I've been meaning to get more of this," I said as I grabbed a bottle of body wash from the shelf. I turned it to show Andrea and Hannah. "Peaches and vanilla. This is Dean's favorite scent and has been since the day we met. I swear, I should own stock in the company, as much as I buy of it." We had a good laugh about that.

"So what kind do you think Sam would like?" Andrea asked.

"Good question. Hannah, has your Uncle Sam ever mentioned any particular preference?" I inquired.

Hannah thought for a minute. "Hmm. I know he doesn't like coconut. Too much like suntan lotion. I think he said either raspberry vanilla or honey and orange."

"Which one do you think, Maggie?" Andrea asked.

"Tell you what, you get both. Then you try one flavor on one day, then the other flavor the next and see which one he raves about the most," I suggested.

As we ventured towards the cash register, Andrea saw a dress that she fell absolutely in love with. It was navy blue with 3/4 sleeves, sweetheart neckline and sparkly crystals embedded throughout the fabric. "I have just the shoes to go with that dress, so let's put that in our cart, shall we?" I suggested.

"Maggie, we have a lot in there already, I can't let you pay for all of this," Andrea said.

"Please, Andrea, It's my pleasure. My parents left me a sizeable inheritance when they passed away, so the money part doesn't bother me. Besides, you're my friend who just lost everything, and it's the least I can do for you. Hannah-Bear, put one of those dresses in the cart, please," I ordered.

By the time we got checked out at the registers, we were all starving. We went to a small outdoor cafe and got a quick bite to eat before returning home with our treasures.

From Dean's POV:

"How long does it take to go shopping, anyway? I would think they'd be back by now," I frowned, looking at my watch.

"Relax, Dean, they'll be back soon. Hey man, I was wondering....I'd like to ask Andrea out on a date tonight. Can I borrow the Impala? I mean, she's already ridden in Maggie's car, so what do you say?" Sam asked.

I thought about it for a minute, then chucked the keys to him. "Be careful with her. She's been through a lot," I advised.

"I know, I will. We'll park way away from other cars so she won't get a scratch on her," Sam said.

"Um, I was talking about Andrea. But watch out for Baby also," I warned.

Just then we heard the door to the bunker open and Hannah came bounding down the stairs, followed by Maggie and Andrea. "Hi Daddy!" she exclaimed as she flung herself into my arms.

"Whoa, Hannah-Bear, you're getting almost too big to do this! One of these days you're going to knock me over," I said.

"Sorry, Daddy. See you later!" and she was headed off towards her room.

Maggie came down the stairs next, with her bags of goodies. "What did you bring me?" I asked. "Well, I may have bought some more peach vanilla body wash," she teased. "Good enough for me, excuse us, won't you?" I said hurriedly as I grabbed Maggie's hand and we left the room, laughing all the way down the hall.

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