A Good Morning

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From Dean's POV:

I reached over to Maggie's side of the bed, groaning in disappointment to find it empty. I caught a whiff of bacon in the air, which of course led me to the kitchen. Remembering we had a guest, I put on my robe and slippers and wandered in the direction of the cooking bacon.

Once I got there, I lingered in the doorway watching Maggie cook breakfast. I marveled at how easily she moved throughout the kitchen, taking care with each part of the meal. I saw Maggie flip some banana chocolate chip pancakes onto plates, two cakes each for John and Hannah. "Not too much syrup, now, you two," she warned. "Don't need you running around like maniacs all day."

Hannah noticed me standing in the doorway, but I put my finger to my lips so she wouldn't alert her mother. She smiled and nodded her head that she would keep my secret. I wanted to keep watching Maggie work, because I was mesmerized by the sight of her fluid movements.

Sam came up behind me and whispered, "Dude, what are you doing? Why aren't you going in?" Then he saw Andrea, laughing at something Maggie had said. The sun streaking through the windows cast a light on Andrea's red curls, making them seem as if they were on fire.

"I'm taking a moment to admire the view, Sam." Then I noticed the look on Sam's face as he watched Andrea. "I see you are too," I said. "Yoo-hoo? Sam?" I sang as I tried to get Sam's attention. Finally, he tore his eyes away from Andrea to look at me. "What, Dean?" he retorted.

We must have caused enough of a commotion that the girls had stopped talking and were looking straight at us. "Good morning, gentlemen," Maggie called, her mouth twisting into a grin. I dramatically swooped in behind Maggie, took her free hand and twirled her around to face me. I then proceeded to give her a breathtaking good morning kiss. "Good morning, sweetheart," I winked. "Good morning, my love," she smirked.

"Good morning, Sam," Andrea said. "Good morning, Andrea," Sam smiled. He saw that she was carrying breakfast items over to the kitchen table, so he jumped in to help her. "Here, I can get that," he offered. "Thank you, Sam," Andrea replied.

"Did you just see that?" Maggie whispered. "Yeah, I did. Looks like Sammy has a little crush on Andrea," I whispered back.

"Honey, don't say anything. I wouldn't want him to feel self-conscious. Please?"  Maggie pleaded.

"Don't worry, my love. I'll behave myself. But only because you asked me to," I growled. I nibbled on her neck a bit, which sent Maggie into a fit of giggles. "Hey, that tickles! Dean, you promised me you would shave," Maggie pouted.

"And I shall. But only after I do this," I replied. I nuzzled my chin against Maggie's neck again, and I immediately saw goosebumps form. She whirled around and faced me, interlocking her fingers behind my head and pulling me closer for a soul-searing kiss. "So. Since I can't grow whiskers and tickle the back of your neck, what can I do to drive you wild? Hmmm?" she asked.

"Baby, you don't have to do anything but be yourself. Your beautiful, smart, sweet and sexy self. That's enough to drive any man wild," I explained huskily.

"You say the sweetest things, Dean," she said as she brought one hand up to rest on my cheek. I turned and kissed her palm, knowing how that affects her. She let a groan of pleasure as I captured her mouth with my own.

At that moment, Sam came in to get some more orange juice. He saw us kissing and just rolled his eyes as he went back to the table.

"So, what's on the agenda for today?" Sam asked. Maggie and I had rejoined the group at the table. "Dean and I didn't have anything planned, that I know of anyway," Maggie started. "What did you have in mind, Sam?" she asked.

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