Chapter 1

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~ The last day of school~

Kylie's POV

I wake up to my alarm going off.I get up,knowing it was the last day of school.I was about to be a junior next year.Wow.
I crawl out of my bed,taking my clothes and I went to take a shower.When I got out of the shower it was already 7:15am.I got 30 more minutes to get ready.
Since it was the last day of school I wanted to wear something cute,but casual.I put on a pair of ripped jeans,a black shirt and I took my vans.

I put on a pair of ripped jeans,a black shirt and I took my vans

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I put on light make up.I curled my eyelashes,put on mascara,a little highlighter and of course my favorite strawberry lip gloss.I let my hair down and just brushed it softly.
Since it was already 7:45am,I grabbed an apple as I headed out the door.
My brother,Chase,was already out of the house.I said my goodbye's to my dad and headed out.

*quick backstory*

Kylie and Chase live in a two-story house in a nice and calm neighbourhood in California.They live with their dad,because their mom left when they were younger.Kylie was 10 and Chase was 11 at the time.Since their mom left,their dad has become their best friend.But he's often away for buisness so he spends only 1-2 weeks a month with them.When he's away he leaves the house to Chase and Kylie since he trusts them.

*backstory over*

As I walked down the street I saw Payton and Julia standing there waiting for me.I quickly greeted them "Hi" and they both said "Hello" at the same time.
On the path to our school,which was about 15 minutes away,we talked about what we were going to do during summer."I'm supossed to go to a summer camp this year" Julia said with a small frown on her face."How long are you staying?" I asked."Around a month" she said,still with a frown on her face.I gave her a big hug and said "I'm gonna miss you".Payton joined the hug and said "Thank God face time exists"."Yeah" I said."Well,about that..." Julia said scratching her neck "..I'm not allowed to bring any electronics".Both Payton and I looked very sad and we gave Julia another big hug.
When we got to school we all went our separate ways to our first periods.
*time skip to lunch*
Ugh finally,lunch time.I searched for Payton and Julia and saw them waving at me.I grabbed my food and sat next to them.We chatted for a while until Payton blurted something out. "So there's this girl..." Julia and I
immediately started questioning Payton."Who is she?" "How does she look like?" "Do you guys talk?" "Do you like her?For how long?".Payton just blushed and said "Whoa,whoa,whoa guys.First of,I knew this was a mistake." he said laughing."Here are my answers" Payton said "She is beautiful,I do like her and the girl I'm talking about is Angie". "Angie?" Julia and I asked with confused looks on our faces "Angie Crystal?". "Yes" Payton said.
Welp.Let me tell you a little something about Angie.Angie is one of the popular girls.She is finishing sophmore year,just like us.She was gorgeous and she got the attention from all the guys,including Payton apparently.

She was gorgeous and she got the attention from all the guys,including Payton apparently

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Avani Gregg as Angie Crystal

We talked a bit more and then headed to our classes.

*time skip to after school*

As we walked home we mostly talked about summer break.
They went home and I contiued walking to my house.
I got back home and yelled "I'm home!" I was greeted by Chase and my dad came up to me and hugged me. I went upstairs to my room and I threw myself on the bed.

"Ugh" I sighed "It's finally summer" "I'm gonna have fun this year" I promised myself.

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