Chapter 21

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Anthony's POV

Payton is about to leave to get food,which leaves me and Kylie alone for a few minutes.
Now is the time to ask her.

As Payton left the room I sat next to her and got to the point immediately.

"I have a question for you." I said and I instantly felt more nervous.
Is she going to reject me?

"Yeah,sure.What is- Wait." She said as her phone rang and she picked it up.

Damn it.

She answered the phone and it was Ethan.

That's just great.

I threw myself on a bed letting out a loud sigh while she talked to him.

The feeling that took over me was horrible.

I feel crushed.

A couple of minutes later she hung up. She's all happy for some reason.

"What are you so happy for?" I asked sitting up.

"Ethan asked me out."


My expression went blank with those words.

"What is it?" she asked.

"What is what?" I asked confused,because I was still trying to figure out what to do.

"Your question." she said in a 'duh' voice.

"Doesn't matter." I said with a slight of hurt heard in my voice.
"Did you say yes to Ethan?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"Yeah.But we're going out as friends."
she said emphasizing the last word.

It was silent for a hot second.

Payton roughly came in through the door which made me jump off from the bed.

"I'm back lovebirds." Payton said with food bags in both of his hands.

Kylie's POV

Payton came in the room and immediately spoke up,which broke our silence.

It wasn't the awkward type,though.
I felt comfortable with Anthony.

"Here's your food." Payton said handing me and Anthony our bags.

"Thank you." I said and I took the bag.

We ate and talked while we did so.

After we finished our food I stood up and took Payton's and Anthony's trash and went to the bathroom to throw it away.

I cleaned up a little bit and went back to the guys.

They were talking about something but immediately stopped as I came in.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Oh,nothing." Payton said shrugging.

I sat on the bed from across Anthony and next to Payton.
I rested my head on my hands and looked at Anthony.

When he looked at me I looked away for a little,then looked back to him.
He was still looking at him.

I smiled and he returned a real,geniune smile.

What was he thinking?

"If you two are just going to stare at each other like this all nigh long,I might as well leave." Payton said laughing.

Anthony and I turned to Payton and laughed awkwardly.

"No need.You can stay" I said.

"So what do you want to do now?" Payton asked.

"Let's just play some music and wait for others to come."

"Okay." they nodded.

We played some music quite loudly,not gonna lie.
We danced and jumped around the room.

It was really,really fun.

*time skip to before the date*

It's currently 6pm.
Ethan's going to be here at 7,so I might aswell start getting ready.

Girls and guys were all in one room so I was left alone in my hotel room.

I went to the bathrom and straightened my hair.

I put on a little make up and went back to the room to get dressed.

I put on some ripped jeans,a basic white t-shirt and slip-on white vans.

As for the jewelry I put on my cherry earrings,some red bead bracelets and a necklace that went with the earrings.

I was ready 15 minutes earlier so I went to the room where everyone was.

"How do I look?" I asked turning to Julia.

"You look amazing." Julia said emphasizing every word.

I turned to everyone and they all smiled.

"Have fun and don't do anything you'll regret later." Chase said smiling at me.

I chuckled and said "Don't worry,I'll be fine."

I stayed with them for a bit and got a text from Ethan saying he was here.

"I gotta go now,see you guys later." I said as I stood up and left.

Bye's and Have fun's were thrown around as I left.

When I walked downstairs,there he was standing.
He was smiling at me and I couldn't help the wide grin that was forming on my face.

"Hi,there." he said as I approached him.

"Hi." I said smiling.

"Are you ready?" he said reaching out his hand for me to take.

"Born ready." I said as I grabbed his hand and we left.

Friends or more than that? ~Anthony Reeves~Where stories live. Discover now