Chapter 17

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Kylie's POV

I was flooded by Julias questions.We haven't talked alone in a while.
She's got a lot of things to ask me.
She was asking dozens of questions.
I chuckled and said "Can you slow down?"
"Okay.What were you doing when Payton and I were away?" she asked starting of easy.
"I was hanging out with Chase and the guys most of the time" I said.
"How did you exactly meet Cayla and Cassidy?" "Well,first we met Cassidy at the skating park.She came to us because she knew who we were and she introduced us to Cayla"
"Do you love her more than me?" she asked acting sad "Of course not,Juls" I said laughing.She asked a couple of more boring questions.
"Are you and Anthony a thing now?"
I was shocked by the question.
"Uuh,n-no we're not" I stuttered.
"But you like him,don't you?" "Nope,I do not" I said "Kylie" "No,I don't" "Kylie" she said once more "Maybe" I said looking down,blushing a little.
"Kylie" she said putting her hand on my shoulder "You obviously do.You can't hide your feelings,esspecially not from me" "Is it that obvious?" I asked "Yes,to me it is" "Oh no" I added.
We continued walking and talking but she asked again.
"What happened in the bathroom?"
"Nothing" I said "Oh,common,Kylie you can't lie to me".
Jesus,why does she know me so well.
"We uhm,we kissed" I said.
"Way to go" I hit her arm "Does Chase know?" she asked with a wide grin on her face "No and I'd like for it to stay like that.He would probably get really mad at both me and Anthony" I said
"True" "Enough of this" I said "What?" I just looked at her "Okay" she said.
I really do like Anthony.
Julia was right.
I get butterflies every time I hear his name.
He makes me feel special when I'm around him.
I really fell for this boy.
We got drinks for everyone and went to the pool.
Everyone was waiting for us and they were already in the pool.
Julia and I handed the drinks to everyone.
When she gave the drink to Noen he pulled her hand and she fell in the pool.We all laughed while she was a little pissed.
"What's so funny?" Anthony asked me "Nothing" I said still smiling.
He got out of the pool and stood next to me.
The next thing I know,I was thrown into the pool and I could hear everyone laugh.
"Punk" I said splashing him.
We spent a few hours at the pool and it was fun.
We went inside the hotel and played some board games in one of our rooms.

*tomorrow night*

We found a club nearby and decided to go there tonight.
We all got ready and ordered an uber.
When we arrived to the club you could hear the loud music outside.
Cayla,Julia and Cassidy were stoked,but me,not so much.
I hate parties,I was forced to this one,too.They said it'll be fun and so I agreed.
We got inside and everyone immediately went to either the dance floor or the bar.I was kind of scared to be here.
I got to the bar and just ordered a soda.I sat there for about half an hour.
There were people making out,drinking,dancing and jumping around,singing their lungs out and I wasn't having it.Way too loud and crowded for me.
I quickly turned around and got out.
I just sat on the sidewalk.
I felt an arm wrap around me.
"Hey" I looked up and saw Anthony smiling at me.I just smiled back.
"I saw you run out,what happened?"
he asked worried.
"Oh,nothing.I just don't enjoy clubs nor parties" I said "I get it.I don't either.Too loud and too crowded" he said "Exactly" I said.
We sat there and talked for good two hours.I was having more fun here with him than I could've ever had inside of that club.

God,throw a brick and be precise.
I can't do this anymore.
This is torture.

I want to be able to call Anthony mine.

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