Chapter 8

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~'Come with us'~

Kylie's POV

I fell asleep and felt someone wrap an arm around me.I didn't really bother it so I continued to sleep.
"Guys,wake up!" I slowly opened my eyes to see all the guys standing in front of me waking me up.
"What?Why?" I asked while still half asleep. "Do you not see the position you guys are in?" Jaden asked.
"Who?" I said as I turned around to see Anthony sleeping besides me.His arms were wrapped around my waist.
I slowly got up causing him to wake up.
"Hi" Anthony said in a soft,raspy voice from sleeping "Hi" I said with an awkward smile on my face.
The rest of the guys started laughing.
"Stop it" I said kind of embarassed and annoyed.
"Where's Chase?" I asked looking around the room.
"He said he needs to go get something and he went to the store" Noen said.
"What time is it?" "It's 9pm.You guys have been asleep for about half an hour" Chase H. said "We woke you up because Chase is about to get back" Jaden added."Oh,okay"I said getting up."Don't you dare tell Chase anything about this" I said looking at everyone as I walked to the kitchen.

*the next morning*

I got up and went to the bathroom.I finished getting ready for the day and just put on my lazy outfit.I put on shorts and an oversized t-shirt and went downstairs.
I was suprised to see Anthony and Jaden sitting on the couch.I quickly ran back upstairs,but oh just my luck,too late.
"Good morning" Anthony yelled from downstairs "Good morning" I said turning around with an awkward smile.Chase then walked out of the kitchen and said "Good morning,Kylie" "Morning,Chase" I said walking up the stairs "Where are you going?" he asked "To my room to get dressed" I said closing my door.
What are they doing here this early?
I quickly changed into a simple outfit and puy my hair into a messy bun.
I got downstairs and went to the kitchen to eat breakfast.
I grabbed a bowl of cereal and sat by our kitchen island.
I scrolled through my phone as I ate.
I heard someone come in the kitchen.
"Hey" Anthony said "Hi" I said shocked by his presence."What are you doing here?" I asked "I came to take a glass of water" "Oh" I said "Cups are on the top shelf right there" I said pointing to the place where the cups were "Thank you" Anthony said and smiled.I smiled back.
I turned back to my phone.
"So" Anthony said "what are your plans for today?" he asked "Oh,I plan on staying inside,because I don't have anyone to go with anywhere." I said.
"Why don't you come with me,Chase,Jaden and Noen to the arcade?" "Well Chase probably wouldn't want me there" I said "We can still ask him" Anthony said with a smile on his face.
"I don't know" I said hesitating "Come on,it'll be fun" he said and grabbed my hand making me stand up.
"Okay,fine,I'll ask him." I said and went up to Chase's room.
I knocked and heard Chase yell "Just a second!" "It's me,Kylie" I said and he opened the door.
"What do you need?" Chase asked "Are you guys going anywhere today?" I asked "Yes,to the arcade.Why?" "Can I come with you guys?".He opened his mouth to talk but I cut him off "Pretty please.I have nothing else to do." I said puckering out my bottom lip.
"Yes,you can come." "Thank you!" I said excited and gave him a short hug.
"We're leaving at 1,be ready by then." Chase said walking downstairs.
"Okay" I said and went to my bedroom to get ready.
'At least I won't be alone the whole summer' I thought to myself and srarted to pick out an outfit.

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